• A composite is combination of two materials in which one of the materials, called the
reinforcing phase, is in the form of fibers, sheets, or particles, and is embedded in the
other materials called the matrix phase.
• The reinforcing material and the matrix material can be metal, ceramic, or polymer.
Composites typically have a fiber or particle phase that is stiffer and stronger than the
continuous matrix phase and serve as the principal load carrying members .
Shubham, P., & Tiwari, S. K. (2013). Effect of fly ash Fly ash concentration affects the composites properties
1. concentration and its surface modification on fiber reinforced variably. For improved damping and thermal stability
epoxy composite’s mechanical properties. International Journal criteria, moderate concentration of fly ash is advisable .
of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(8), 1173-1180.
Kanitkar, Y. M., Kulkarni, A. P., & Wangikar, K. S. The composite showed best mechanical properties
2. Characterization of Glass-Kevlar Hybrid Composite.(2015) when the fiber volume is kept 60%.
SA, J., Shah, A., Baloch, M. M., & Memon, I. A. EFFECT OF The difference in orientation significantly improves the
3. LAYUP PLACEMENT ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF E- mechanical properties of laminates. The glass fibers
GLASS/KEVLAR 49 EPOXY BASED HYBRID Kevlar at 0°/90° orientation possess maximum value of
COMPOSITES.(2017) tensile strength than 45°/45° and 30°/60° oriented
fibers by lay-up method.
• High toughness
• Hardener (HY-22962)
• E-Glass fiber
• Kevlar
• Fly ash
EPOXY (LY-1564)
• Easily fabricated
• It is also called as catalyst, the substance that hardens the adhesive when mixed with resin.
• It is the specific selection and combination of the epoxy and hardener components that
determines the final characteristics and suitability of the epoxy coating for given environment.
• High strength
• High stiffness
• Resistant to heat
• Thickness – 0.3 mm
• Polymers are light in weight and have high corrosion resistivity but they are low in strength.
Therefore to overcome this drawback, hard phase materials are reinforced into soft polymer
matrix which results increase in strength. These hard phase materials can be either fiber
or/and fillers types. Fillers are relatively inert substance which replaces a portion of matrix.
This leads to lower in consumption of costly matrix material and also helps in altering the
overall composite’s properties.
• Fly ash-by product of coal based power plant can be used as the filler material.
• Fly ash depending upon the source of coal, contain different proportions of silica, alumina,
oxides of iron, calcium, magnesium etc along with elements like carbon, Ti, Mg, etc.
• Roller brush
• Scissors
• Weighing Machine
• Weights
• Kevlar and E-Glass fibres are cut by using scissors and keeping the dimensions of sheets as
• Mixture of epoxy resin and hardener prepared as specified by the supplier as the binder.
• Total 6 samples will be prepared by varying the amount of fly ash as 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%,
• These fibres get layup between two glass sheets and weights will kept on glass sheets for
about 24 hours to perform debulking process.
• Samples prepared will be cut by water jet machining to prepare test specimen for tensile,
flexural and hardness test as according to ASTM standards.
• Number of layers used will be decided according to the thickness of each sheet of kevlar and
E-glass fibre such that the total thickness is 3mm-4mm.
• Amount of epoxy hardener mixture will be calculated according to the weight of the total fibre
used in the specimen such that the fibre volume fraction is 30%.
• Kevlar and E-glass fibre will be cut into sheets of dimension 300mm X 100mm.
• Preparation of epoxy hardener mixture as specified by the supplier with and without fly ash.
• Using a hardening agent for hardening purpose and using e-glass in form of sheets.
• Preparing the mixture of epoxy and hardener and varying fly ash content accordingly.
• Preparing 6 samples and doing several test on the specimen and recording the results .
• Preparation of open mould.
• Debulking, a process of applying weights over the composite to consolidate the composite as
well as removing trapped air in the composite.
• After curing of the composites they are cut using water jet machining to make specimens for
• Hardness Test(shore D)
• Flexural Test
• In construction of boats
Most of the boats parts are prepared by using hybrid composite materials (E-glass, Kevlar
and fly ash)
• Military Helmets
Military helmets made with Kevlar meet demanding requirements for protection against a
wide range of threats, including bullets, shrapnel and fragmentation. State-of-the-art
military helmets made with Kevlar
• To develop the Glass-Kevlar and filler material fly ash adding composite which can be used
for automobile bumpers, sports, helmet, bullet proof vest ,etc
• Pritish Shubham And S K Tiwari“Effect of Fly Ash Concentration and its Surface
Modification on Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite” Mechanical Properties International
Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 page 1173,
ISSN 2229-5518.
• Sandesh k.j, umashankar k.s, manujesh b.j, thejesh c.k and mohan kumar “Mechanical
Characterization of Kevlar/Glass Hybrid Reinforced Polymer composite laminates”
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology ISO
3297:2007 Certified Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2016.
• G KRETSIS, ―A review of the tensile, compressive, flexural and shear properties of hybrid
fibre reinforced plastics‖ Composites. Volume18. No 1. January 1987 pp 13-23.
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