Introduction T o Information Technology: By: Rajiv Raman Parajuli

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Introduction t

o Information
By: Rajiv Raman Parajuli

04/03/2020 1

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Have you heard the term data of a data ?
Data that can be taken from an individual piece of content.
Extraction of understandable and manageable information
Lets see email as an example:

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 How marketers use metadata? 

Take the Example of Blog site

Take the example Tweets.

A marketer can look at
tweets sent by their target
audience and see that the
majority of the tweets have
times stamped after 5:00
pm. The marketer can then
conclude that the best time
to reach their target
audience on Twitter may be
after 5:00 pm.

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Descriptive Structural

used to add additional define the structure of

detail to a unique piece how many pieces of
of data related data are stored.
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NY; Pokhara;
2 pm 4 pm Xi’an;
Expo: 2 sec Expo: 4 sec 11 pm
F 2.5 F 1.0 Expo: 1 sec
F 3.5

Structural Metadata of these three pictures is

Location Time Exposure Focal Length
New York 2 pm 2 sec F 2.5
Pokhara 4 pm 4 sec F 1.0
Xi’an 11 am 1 sec F 3.5

04/03/2020 6
Under Data Models

• High level or conceptual Data Model,

 Data Requirements formats (Entity, Attributes & Rela
 E-R Model (Entity-Relationship Model)

• Representation or implementation Data Model, &

• Low level or physical Data Model

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Representation or Implem
entation Data Model

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Low-Level or
Physical Data Model
internal storage structures,
access mechanism
the organization of database files.
Physical data model describes how a record (e.g., customer) is stored. S
equential files, direct files, and indexed sequential files are the different
types of file organizations at the physical level.

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