Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

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Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

by Dr. Dua Zaheer Memon
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive
Lung Disease (GOLD) definition
 a common, preventable and treatable disease
 characterized by persistent respiratory
symptoms and airflow limitation
 due to airway and alveolar abnormalities
 usually caused by significant exposure to
noxious particles or gases.

 5th to 6th decade of life

 Excessive cough
 Dyspnea or shortness of breath
 sputum production
Lab Findings : Spirometry

 Early – evidence of abnormal closing volume

and reduced mid-expiratory flow rates.
 Late – Reductions in FEV1 and in the ratio of
forced expiratory volume to vital capacity.
 Severe – the FVC is markedly reduced.
Lab Findings: ABGs

 Early – no abnormalities early in COPD other

than an increased A–a–DO2
 Advanced – Hypoxemia and Compensatory
Respiratory Acidosis
Lab Findings: Other

 Sputum cultures – if positive, are poorly correlated

with acute exacerbations, and research techniques
demonstrate evidence of preceding viral infection in a
majority of patients with exacerbations.
 ECG – may show sinus tachycardia. In advanced
disease, chronic pulmonary hypertension may
produce ECG abnormalities typical of cor pulmonale.
Supraventricular arrhythmias and ventricular
irritability also occur.

 Radiographs – hyperinflation & elongation of

lungs with flattening of the diaphragm or
peripheral arterial deficiency and a slender
heart. In advanced disease, pulmonary
hypertension may be suggested by
enlargement of central pulmonary arteries
Acute Exacerbation

 It is a sudden worsening of COPD symptoms

(including SOB, quantity and color of phlegm)
that typically lasts for several days.
 It may be triggered by an infection with
bacteria or viruses or by environmental
Sings and Symptoms

 Increased frequency and severity of coughing, often

accompanied by worsened chest congestion and
 Shortness of breath and wheezing are present in
many cases. Exacerbations may be accompanied by
increased amount of cough and sputum productions,
and a change in appearance of sputum.
 An abrupt worsening in COPD symptoms may cause
rupture of the airways in the lungs, which in turn may
cause a secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.

 Respiratory Infection: Viral and Bacterial. Common

bacterial pathogens of acute exacerbations include H.
influenzae, S. pneumonia and M. Catarrhalis. Also, C.
pneumoniae and MRSA. 
 Allergens: e.g., pollens, wood or cigarette smoke,
 Toxins, including a variety of different chemicals
 Failing to follow a drug therapy program, e.g.
improper use of an inhaler

 Increased Symptoms: More frequent, purulent &

thicker sputum, increased frequency & severity
of coughing and increased SOB
 CXR: if fever, hemoptysis, to rule out
pneumonia and to get info on severity
 History: of exposure to potential cause
 Early morning sputum sample culture to detect
bacterial cause

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