Traditional Wood Joints

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The text describes various types of wood joints, including loose tongued joints, biscuit joints, butt joints, corner rebate joints, housing joints, mitre joints, and bridle joints. It explains what each joint is and common applications.

Loose tongued joints are used to join planks edge to edge. Biscuit joints and loose tongued joints are similar and used for the same purpose. Butt joints are the simplest. Corner rebate joints involve planing a shoulder. Housing joints incorporate shelves. Mitre joints form 90 degree corners. Bridle joints are used for light frames like picture frames.

Biscuit joints and loose tongued joints are both used to join planks edge to edge to form a larger board, like a table top. They are similar in that they are always only glued.

Traditional Wood Joints

A description of the joints you should

know and the processes with the
tools/equipment required to create them.

Loose tongued joints are used to join planks edge to edge to form a larger board
like a table top in which case they are always glued only.

Bare faced tongue and groove or

Loose tongue and groove joints can
be used to join chair rails to chair legs.
Note the glue blocks for extra strength.

Design for Manufacture


Biscuit joints are similar to loose tongued joints and are used to join planks edge
to edge to form a larger board like a table top in which case they are always glued

The biscuit joint is not visible after glue has been added to all surfaces and the
boards are sash cramped together until glue is set.

Design for Manufacture

Butt joints are the easiest of all to make.

Wood is butted face to edge or end to

edge and nailed, screwed or dowelled

Strength can be added by gluing the

joining faces.

These joints are not recommended for

hardwood unless pilot holes and screws
or dowels are used to hold them together.

Design for Manufacture

These joints are the most straightforward of all of the wood joints simply because they
require no cutting out. All you need to do is ensure both ends are square and bring them up
to each other at right angles as shown below and nail (and glue) the faces together.

Notice that the nails have been driven in at an angle in
a process called Dovetail Nailing.
This is to give both parts more of a grip and help
prevent the pieces from being pulled apart too easily.

Design for Manufacture

The shoulder or lapped joint is very common and is used for furniture and box constructions
such as jewellery boxes. The joint below is a simple lapped joint. The shoulder can be seen
clearly, this is usually planed using a rebate/shoulder plane or combination plane. This type of
joint is often seen as a corner joint.


Here is a shoulder plane

taking the rebate out
with the help of a piece
of scrap wood clamped
in place. There are a few
other ways of creating a

Design for Manufacture

Housing Joints are most commonly used when a shelf is being
fitted within a model. A groove is cut out of the side pieces at
a certain height, wide enough for the shelf material to fit into.
The shelf can then be glued and/or nailed in place.

A neater finish can be achieved by using a Stopped Housing

Joint, as shown. You could imagine that this joint would be
slightly trickier to cut out neatly although the joint will look
better from the front of the model.

STOPPED HOUSING JOINT Notice how the photo on the left of the Housing Joint shows
the cut out in the end piece but the photo on the right shows
a neater finish because a Stopped Housing was used.

Design for Manufacture

A neater and quicker joint can be achieved by using a machine
Router and an appropriate cutter (see left).
Due to the un-guarded rotating blade and the power of the motor
you will not be able to use this piece of equipment.
Ask your teacher if they can cut this joint with this machine.

Design for Manufacture

An animation of a Mortise and Tenon joint
is shown opposite. This type of joint has a
wide range of uses and is particularly
useful when manufacturing furniture. The
marking out and cutting of Mortise and
Tenon joints are described in this


The mortise gauge is a special type of marking
gauge. It is used to mark wood so that a mortise
can be cut into it. It is crucial that it is set to the
correct size of mortise chisel. The mortise chisel
is then used to remove the waste wood.
The mortise gauge is normally made from a
hardwood such as Rosewood with Brass being
used for the parts that slide along the stem.

Design for Manufacture


1. The distance between the fixed spur and the adjustable

spur is set so that it matches the width of the mortise chisel
. The width of the mortise chisel should match the width
of the mortise to be cut in the wood.

Design for Manufacture


2. A TRI SQUARE and a

marking knife are used to mark
the lines at the ends of the
mortise. Try square


Design for Manufacture

3. The stock of the mortise gauge is pressed
against the side of the wood. It is then
pushed along the wood until the mortise is
marked out correctly.

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4. The Mortise Chisel is then used to break the surface of the waste wood by gently tapping
the handle with a Mallet.
5. The waste wood is then slowly removed, this time, by applying more force to the handle
of the Chisel with the Mallet. The waste is removed until the entire Mortise hole has been
cut to the correct depth.

Design for Manufacture

The width of the Tenon is marked all the way round the wood.
Normally a marking knife is used to produce a precise line, with
the aid of a TRI SQUARE. A pencil can then be used make the
line stand out.


Design for Manufacture

- again
The MORTISE GAUGE is now used to mark out the width
of the tenon. It should be the same width as the mortise
which has just been cut into the wood. The fixed spur and
the adjustable spur of the gauge are set to the width of the
mortise chisel.

The MORTISE GAUGE is used to

mark the size of the Tenon.
The stock of the marking gauge
must be held firmly against the
side of the wood as it will have a
tendency to follow the grain of the
wood rather than a straight line.

Design for Manufacture

A TENON SAW is used to saw down the
gauged lines of the Tenon.

The wood is normally held firmly in a

woodworkers VICE.

When sawing, take time to check that the

saw is cutting straight down and that it is
on the waste wood side of the Tenon.

Design for Manufacture


The wood is then supported by a Bench

Hook and a TENON SAW is used to
finally remove the waste wood.
This leaves the shoulder of the joint.

Design for Manufacture

CHISEL can be used to remove rough edges and
to straighten the Tenon.

The wood must always be held in a

woodworking VICE as a chisel my slip if the
wood moves.

If the marking out and cutting have been carried

out accurately the Mortise and Tenon should fit
together forming a firm joint.

Design for Manufacture

Tenon and mortise joints are very strong joints
mostly used in furniture making and for heavy doors
and gates. They are not easy joints to make. The
secret in making a good tenon joint lies in careful
and accurate marking.

The tenon’s width should not be less than a third of

the thickness of the wood especially if wood of the
same thickness is joined.

The shoulders may be of any width and may also be

offset when the mortise is made in rebated wood.

Make the mortise before rebating the wood. If the

top of the mortised wood is to be in line with the
edge of the tenoned wood a haunched tenon can be
made with the haunch cut back to be in line with the
Haunched tenon joint shoulders.

Design for Manufacture

Cross halving joints are probably the most simple of joints to mark out and
cut. They are used whenever it is necessary to join two pieces of wood that
cross over each other. Sometimes these joints can be seen on the
strengthening rails of tables and chairs.

Using this would joint

would create a ‘+’ or a ‘X’
shape with two pieces of

Design for Manufacture

Tee half joint

Halved joints or lap joints are mostly used to assemble light frames
which are going to be covered with hardboard or plywood.

Half the thickness of each piece of wood to be joined is cut away with a
tenon saw and the joint is glued and screwed or nailed.

Halved lap joints are also used to join long lengths of timber as for fencing.

Design for Manufacture

The ‘DOVETAIL JOINT’ is very strong because of the way the ‘tails’ and ‘pins’
are shaped. This makes it difficult to pull the joint apart and virtually impossible
when glue is added. This type of joint is used in box constructions such as drawers,
jewellery boxes, cabinets and other pieces of furniture where strength is required.
It is a difficult joint which requires practice. There are different types of dovetail
joint and when cut accurately they can be very impressive.

The box shown here is

particularly strong due to the
dovetail joints at its’ sides.

Design for Manufacture


Here is another way to create a joint in wood. It is a permanent method but it is not the
strongest joint as the parts can eventually pull apart, especially as the joint becomes
old. Modern glues that are very strong have meant that this joint is often used to
quickly fix parts together.


Some other dowelled

joints in use.
These dowel pins can be used to
mark the wood to help ensure the
Obviously when using this jointing method, you distance between the holes is a
have to make sure the distance between the holes good match.
is exactly the same as the distance between the

Design for Manufacture

king a mortise by machine
With the 4 point chisel (see top
right) and an auger drill
positioned in the centre, the
Mortiser can cut square holes
in wood.

Using a Mortiser (see far left)

you set the depth of the mortise
(the hole in your joint) using the
depth stop to the left of cutter
on the machine.

By moving the black wheel you

adjust the position of the
cutting head. Starting at the
corners and working to the
centre along each line marked
will produce a clean mortise.

Design for Manufacture

Marking and making mortise and tenon joints.
1. Mark the depth of the tenon on both edges and faces
of one of the pieces of wood.

2. Set the pins of the mortise gauge to the width of the

tenon and set the block to the width of one shoulder.
Mark the tenon on the edges and end of the wood.

3. Using the same settings of the mortise gauge mark the mortise on one side of
the other piece of wood.
4. Set the marking gauge to the centre of the mortise and mark a centre line.

5. When making a blind tenon drill holes (with a diameter slightly smaller than
the width of the tenon) closely together along the centre line at a depth slightly
more than the length of the tenon to create an escape route for excess air and
glue. A 1 mm (or smaller) hole can be drilled from the side into the base of the
mortise for the same purpose. This hole can easily and unobtrusively be filled
with wood filler or beeswax if necessary. When making a through tenon it is
best to mark the tenon on both sides of the wood and to drill from both sides or
to watch and “back drill” to avoid splintering the wood.

Design for Manufacture

Marking and making mortise and tenon joints.

6. Remove excess wood with a sharp chisel, always

working from the centre to the edges of the mortise. Keep
edges of the tenon and mortise as sharp as possible.

7. Place the wood from which the tenon has to be cut at a 45° angle in a vice
and with a tenon saw start cutting the tenon cheeks at the highest point on the
waste side of the marking. When the depth line of the tenon is reached, turn the
wood around and finish cutting from the other side. Then cut the shoulders and
lastly the haunch. Remove excess wood with a sharp chisel till the tenon fits
tightly in the mortise.

8. Glue the two parts together.

9. A dowel or screw inserted from the side may be used to strengthen the join.

10. A through mortise can be strengthened by inserting small wedges in the

opposite end of the wood to hold the tenon in place.

Design for Manufacture

e joints
pen mortise and tenon joints
Bridle joints or open mortise and
tenon joints are used in furniture
making especially to join the legs to
the cross pieces.

Marked in the same way as mortise

and tenon joints the only difference is
that the mortise is cut into the wood
from the end.

Design for Manufacture

Marking for dovetail joints.

1. Square the ends of the wood to be


2. Set the sliding bevel to a suitable pitch of

between 1 in 6 for heavy work and 1 in 8 for
smaller and more detailed work. Avoid
sharp angles as the points of tails break

3. Scribe the tails on the end and face of

Dovetail joints are very strong and the wood and mark the “waste” pieces.
neat joints used primarily to make
drawers and boxes. It needs a lot of 4. Clamp the wood in a vice and cut on the
practice to make a good dovetail joint. waste side with a tenon saw.

5. Lay the two pieces over each other and

transfer the markings through the cuts with
a tenon saw.

6. Remove the waste between tails and

pins with a chisel.
Design for Manufacture
Glue blocks.
Small pieces of quadrant or a length of
quadrant run the entire length of the joint
make excellent glue blocks and give a
neat finish especially on the inside of
drawers and boxes.

Angle braces are always glued

and screwed or nailed


Tip: When screwing into end wood drill a hole and

insert a dowel.
Then screw into the dowel through the end wood.

Design for Manufacture

Dowels are mostly used to strengthen butt, mitre and
rebated joints but are also used to join wood when
making or repairing small tables, chairs and doors.

When joining wood to be rebated or grooved, drill the

holes for dowels first. The diameter of a dowel should
not be more than a third of the width of the narrowest
wood to be joined.

Cut the necessary length from dowel sticks and lightly

chamfer the ends.

Good dowel sticks have a “V” groove along the length

to allow excess glue and air to escape. If your dowels
do not have this groove you can run one in by using a
marking or mortise gauge.

Alternatively you can allow a little space at the end of

the hole in which the dowel is inserted to allow for the
extra glue and air but this will weaken the joint.

Design for Manufacture

Knock down fittings
Knock down (KD) fittings are mainly
used within flat pack furniture or for
assembly by the user. They are
used within kitchen units or self-
assembly furniture.

Knock down (KD) fittings are often plastic fittings

which can be joined together with one screw or
bolt. A simple knock down fitting is a 'block joint'.
Block joints are simply plastic blocks that take
screws in different directions.
Design for Manufacture
the second piece of
7. The first side wood
is placed above the second side of the joint and the
joint is marked out. Again a pencil is used although the traditional
tool would be a marking knife.

8. Marking out the joint when both pieces are together

can be difficult but a steel rule or a tri square can be used
to straighten any lines. Again, the waste wood must be
clearly identified.

9. The tenon saw is used to cut down the lines marking the middle
section of the joint. The wood must be secured in the vice in the same
way as before. Remember, the saw is used to cut straight down the
joint, on the waste side of the pencil line.

10. A coping saw is used to remove the waste

wood. Again the wood is secured in the vice.

11. If the joint is slightly inaccurate a

firmer or bevel edged chisel can be used to correct it. A
G cramp is used to hold the wood firmly. Scrap wood
is placed underneath to protect the surface of the bench
from the chisel. The second side of the joint should
now be complete.

12. The joint should fit together accurately. If the

stages outlined above have been carried out carefully.

Design for Manufacture

A Mitre Joint is used where two pieces of wood need to be positioned next to each
other at exactly 90o. A 45o cut is made on either end and when they are placed against
each other, a 90o corner is achieved.


The most common use for Mitre Joints is in the

construction of wooden picture frames. They are
Using this would joint would create an often made up of four pieces of wood with Mitres
‘L’ shape with two pieces of wood. cut on both ends of each.

Design for Manufacture

MITRE joints are always cut to 45° in a mitre box so that they will form a 90°
corner when joined. As no end wood is ever seen these are very neat joints but
they are weak. Normally used for picture frames where they are nailed with panel
pins. When used for other purposes they must be strengthened with glue blocks,
angle braces or loose tongues. Mitre joints should always be glued.

Design for Manufacture

These joints are used when a light frame is needed and strength is not the main
requirement. For example, a picture frame. One part of the joint fits into the other part
and is glued permanently in position. The angled bridle joint can be used a a substitute
for a mortise and tenon joint, again if strength is not important.


Using this would joint would create Using this would joint would create
a ‘T’ shape with two pieces of wood. an ‘L’ shape with two pieces of wood.

Design for Manufacture

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