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Immune System and Disorders: Infectious Diseases

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Immune System and Disorders

Section 1
Infectious Diseases
Symptoms of Disease
When symptoms of
disease are receive?

The pathogenic has

invaded host cells

Virus (ex:Influenza) Bacteria

Symptoms of Disease Virus (ex:Influenza)

Multiplies in the host cells

Then leaves the host cells

Exocytotosis Causing the cell to burst

Damage tissues or
kills some cells
Symptoms of Disease Bacteria

Harmful chemicals Toxins

throughout the
body via the

Damage various
part of the
 Toxins produced by pathogens affect organ systems.

Effect Produce Way to ling Pathogens

in the body
Spasms in Potent Contaminates Tetanus
the toxin a deep wound bacteria
voluntary in the body

Paralyzes toxin Consumes Botulism

nerves (eat)food bacteria
Some type of:Bacteria and protozoans All viruses

Invade and live inside host cells


Cell damage Die

Show the symptoms on the host

Some Disease symptoms are

triggered by immune system

Coughing and sneezing

Disease Patterns
As outbreaks of diseases spread Certain patterns are observed.

Why it is impertinent to monitor disease patterns?

To help control the spread of diseases.
Type agencies observe the spread of disease patterns?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the
World Health Organization (WHO) monitor disease patterns.
What is the role of these agencies ?
Publish reports about the incidence of specific disease to help
control the spread of diseases patterns.
How WHO work ?
Doctors and medical clinics
Receives information to

Publish a weekly report about
incidence of certain diseases

-To recognize new & reemerging diseases.

-Tracking the number of cases of a disease.
-Helps determine if there in an outbreak or
-May help control spread of the disease.
Disease Patterns

Endemic diseases Epidemic Pandemic

Continually are A large outbreak Widespread
found in small in an area and throughout a large
amount within the afflict many region such as country
population. people ,continent and the
entire globe
Such as cold
Treating and Fighting Diseases
Drug to help the body fight a disease

An antibiotic Chemical agents Antiviral drugs

a substance that Used in the Used to treat
can kill or inhibit treatment of infections and
the growth of other protozoan and influenza in the
microorganisms fungal disease elderly
Such as:
Neomycin Most viral disease are handled
Gentamicin by the body’s built-in defense
system- the immune system
 Penicillin is chemical
substances and secreted by
the fungus Penicillium
 Penicillin kill competing
bacteria that grow on the
fungal food sources
Connection to Health
What is the effect of the wide spread use of antibiotics?
Many bacteria become resistant to particular antibiotics
Natural selection The process by which organisms better adapted to their
environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.

Bacteria in a population might have a trait that

enables them to survive when a particular
antibiotic is present.

Bacteria reproduce quickly and pass trait on the


The number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a

population can increase quicly too.
Antibiotic resistance of bacteria has presented the medical
community with some problems with treating certain diseases.

For example:

*Penicillin was used effectively for many

years to treat some diseases.

Staphylococcal disease :
-acquired in high-density living condition
-infection in skin,pneumonia, or meningitis

-Difficult to treat because

bacteria has resistant to
many antibiotics.

 If the pathogen that was examined by
Koch is virus instead of bacteria.
 Predict the result of the experiment?
How the viruses leaves the host cells?

Drag each disease patterns to the appropriate bin

Endemic Epidemic Pandemic

 Expect what will happen to blue bacteria?
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-ALM book pages

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