Decision Support System
Decision Support System
Decision Support System
Decision Support System refers to a class of
systems which support in the process of decision
making and does not always give a decision
itself. Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a
specific class of computerized information
system that supports business and organizational
decision-making activities. A properly designed
DSS is an interactive software-based system
intended to help decision makers compile useful
information from raw data, documents, personal
knowledge, and/or business models to identify
and solve problems and make decisions.
DSS (Cont….)
A decision support system or DSS is a computer
based system intended for use by a particular
manager or usually a group of managers at any
organizational level in making a decision in the
process of solving a semi-structured decision.
The DSS produces output in the form of periodic
or special report or the results of mathematical
simulations. It is difficult to pinpoint that are
completely structured or unstructured. The vast
majorities are semi structured. This means that
the DSS is aimed at the area where most semi
structured decision is needed to be made.
“A decision support system is a specialized kind of
information system which is an interactive system
that supports in the decision making process of a
manager in an organization especially in semi-
structured and unstructured situations. The
system utilizes information, models and data
manipulation tools to help make decisions in
semi-structured to unstructured situations.
As a conclusion we can say that-
“Decision Support System is an interactive,
computer based system which supports managers
in making unstructured decisions.”
The DSS focuses on Semi-structured Problems
A DSS model includes four parts as follows:
Data base produces both internal and
environmental data, which are stored in the
Report writing software produces both periodic
and special reports. Periodical reports are prepared
according to a schedule and typically they are
produced by software, which is coded in a
procedural language such as COBOL or PL/I. The
special report is prepared in response to
unanticipated information need and takes form of
database by users who use the query language of
a DBMS or fourth generation language.
Mathematical model produces information as a
result of either simulation that involves one or more
components of the physical system of the firm or facts
of its operations. Mathematical models can be written
in any procedural programming language. However,
special model languages make this task easier and
have the potential of doing a better job.
Groupware enables multiple decision makers,
working together as a group, to reach solutions. In this
particular situation, the term GDSS, or a group decision
support system is used. Perhaps the decision makers
represent a committee or a project team. The group
members communicate with one another both, directly
and by means of the group ware.
DSS should be adaptable and flexible.
DSS should be interactive and provide ease of
Effectiveness balanced with efficiency (benefit
must exceed cost).
Complete control by decision-makers.
Ease of development by (modification to suit
needs and changing environment) end users.
Support modeling and analysis.
Data access.
Standalone, integration and Web-based
Support for decision makers in semi
structured and unstructured problems.
Support managers at all levels.
Support individuals and groups.
Support for interdependent or sequential
Support intelligence, design, choice, and
Support variety of decision processes and