Definitions OF Diagnosis
Definitions OF Diagnosis
Definitions OF Diagnosis
Hyperthyroidism is an excess
production of thyroid hormone by the
thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism is a pathological
disorder in which excess thyroid
hormone is synthesized and secreted
by the thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism is a clinical
syndrome characterized by
hypermetabolic state due to the
increased free serum thyroxine (T4)
and free triiodothyronine (T3).
Euthyroid: The normal state of the
thyroid gland function. As opposed
to hyperthyroid (overactive thyroid)
or hypothyroid (underactive
Nursing Interventions
Assess mental status in elderly.
Question present abdominal pain, and GI distress.
Date Ordered - 1/22/2020
Generic name - Cefpodoxime
Classification - Third-generation cephalosporin/antibiotic.
Mode of action - Binds to bacterial cell membranes, inhibits cell wall
Dosage and Route - 200mg 1 tablet per orem every 12 hours
Side Effects - Oral candidiasis (thrush), mild diarrhea, mild abdominal
cramping, vaginal candidiasis, allergic reaction (pruritus, rash, urticaria).
Adverse effects - Antibiotic-associated colitis, other superinfections
(abdominal cramps, severe watery diarrhea and fever) may result from
altered bacterial balance in GI tract. Nephrotoxicity may occur, esp. in
patients with preexisting renal disease. Patients with history of penicillin
allergy are at increased risk for developing a severe hypersensitivity
reaction (severe pruritus, angioedema, bronchospasm and anaphylaxis).
Indications -Renal and hepatic impairment
Nursing Interventions
Assess oral cavity for white patches on mucous membranes, tongue
Monitor daily pattern of bowel activity, stool consistency. Mild GI effects
may be tolerable.
Monitor I&O, renal function tests for nephrotoxicity.
Be alert for superinfection: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, anal/genital pruritus,
oral mucosal changes (ulceration, pain, erythema).
Date Ordered - 1/22/2020
Generic name - Ferrous Sulfate (Iron)
Indications - The prevention or treatment of iron deficiency anemia due to
inadequate diet, malabsorption pregnancy, and blood loss.
Contraindications - Hypersensitivity and Severe hypotension
Nursing Interventions
Caution patient to make position changes slowly to minimize orthostatic
Instruct patient to avoid concurrent use of alcohol or OTC medicine
without consulting the physician.
Date Ordered - 1/22/2020
Date Ordered - 1/22/2020
Nursing Interventions
Assess B/P (if systolic B/P is less than 90 mm Hg, withhold medication,
contact physician).
Assess for peripheral edema behind medial malleolus (sacral area in
bedridden patients).
Assess skin for flushing. Question for headache, asthenia.
Date Ordered - 1/26/2020
Generic name - Magnesium sulfate
Classification - Antacid, anticonvulsant, electrolyte, laxative
Mode of action - Produces seizure control.
Dosage and Route - 5mg of magnesium sulfate + D5W run for 5 hours X 6
Side Effects - Reduced respiratory rate, decreased reflexes, flushing,
hypotension, decreased heart rate.
Adverse effects - Magnesium as antacid, laxative has no known adverse
reactions. Systemic use may produce prolonged PR interval, widening of
QRS interval. Magnesium toxicity may cause loss of deep tendon reflexes,
heart block, respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrest.
Antidote: calcium gluconate
Indications- Eclampsia/Preeclampsia
Contraindications - Appendicitis, symptoms of appendicitis, ileostomy,
intestinal obstruction, severe renal impairment. Laxative: Appendicitis, HF,
colostomy, hypersensitivity, ileostomy, intestinal obstruction and
undiagnosed rectal bleeding.
Nursing Interventions
Assess for relief of gastric distress.
Test patellar reflexes before giving repeated, rapid parenteral doses (used
as indication of CNS depression; suppressed reflexes may be sign of
impending respiratory arrest).
Initiate seizure precautions.