Developing Teamwork
Developing Teamwork
Developing Teamwork
Roll numbers:
Learning Objectives
Teams Groups
• Leader’s Personality
- Inspiring, Charm, Charisma, Personal Magnetism
• Informal Techniques
- Using the Leader’s Resources
• Formal Techniques
- Requires Organizational Structures and Policies
Teamwork Actions Leaders Can Take Using
Their Own Resources
• Defining team mission
• Establishing a climate of trust
• Develop a norm of teamwork, including emotional intelligence
• Emphasize pride in being outstanding
• Serve as a model of teamwork, including power sharing
• Use a consensus leadership style
• Establish urgency, demand performance standards, and provide direction
• Encourage cooperation with another group
• Encourage use of jargon
• Minimize micro managing
• Practice e-leadership for virtual teams
Teamwork Actions Generally Requiring
Organization Structure or Policy
• Pros:
- Perception that trust, cooperation, communication, self-
confidence, and teamwork improve with outdoor training.
• Cons:
- Perception that team members revert to old behaviors over time,
team members come and go, thereby diluting the experience for
their group, and team members are sometimes exposed to harm or
The Leader-Member Exchange Model &
Teamwork (LMX)