Boiler Water Treatment and Test
Boiler Water Treatment and Test
Boiler Water Treatment and Test
Stress Corrosion:
• They are very effective scale inhibitors for low and high pressure boilers.
• Phosphate treatment precipitate calcium and magnesium hardness
from boiler feed water in the form of hydroxyapatite and serpentine.
These compounds form sludge, which, when properly conditioned with
polymers, is removed from the boiler via blowdown.
• Phosphates normally used as, sodium hexametaphosphate , sodium
metaphosphate, disodium phosphate and trisodium phosphate. The
metaphosphate are normally put into the feed system as they are
slower to react and therefore should not produce scale or sludge in the
feed system. Disodium and trisodium phosphate are usually pumped
directly into the boiler since they are quicker to react and could possibly
form sludge or scale in the feed system.
• Alkalinity to Phenolphthalein(P-Alkalinity)
• Total Alkalinity(M-Alkalinity/T-Alkalinity)
• Caustic Alkalinity
P- Alkalinity
• Procedures: