Week 06: Lesson 05-How To Launch A Project?: CODL - BIT (External) University of Moratuwa

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Week 06: Lesson 05- How to

Launch a Project?

Reference: Wysocky, 2014, R.K. Effective Project Management :

Traditional, Agile, Extreme. 7th Edition, Wiley.

Lesson 5
CODL- BIT( External)
University of Moratuwa 1
Learning Outcomes
After learning this chapter, you will be able to:

• Describe the characteristics of an effective project team member

• Understand the different roles and responsibilities of core versus contract team members
• Help contract team members become part of the team
• Establish team operating rules for problem solving, decision making, and conflict
• Know the types of team meetings and when to use each type
• Establish and use a team war room
• Define scope change processes and change management processes
• Know project communications requirements and use
• Assign resources
• Finalize the project schedule
• Describe the format and explain the contents of a work package
• Know when to require a work package description
Lesson Outline
• Recruiting the project team
• Write the Project Definition Statement
• Establishing team operating rules
• Scope Change Management Process
• Managing team communications
• Resource assignment
• Finalize the project schedule
• Work Packages

Tools, Templates & Processes Used to Launch a Project
 Recruiting the Project Team
 Project Definition Statement
 Team Operating Rules
 Problem Solving
 Decision Making
 Conflict Resolution
 Consensus Building
 Brainstorming
 Team Meetings
 Scope Change Management Process
 Communications Management Planning
 Work Packages
 Resource assignment
 Finalize the project schedule
What is a Project Team?

A project team is a group of professionals committed to achieving

common objectives, who work well together and who relate
directly and openly with one another to get things done. 
Project team membership
 Co-Project manager – developer (chosen before Scoping)
 Co-Project manager – client (chosen before Scoping)
 Core team (chosen before Planning)
 Developer team (chosen before Launching)
 Client team (chosen before Launching)
 Contracted team (chosen after Launching)
Characteristics of the core team

Shared responsibility
Ability to work within schedules and constraints
Willingness for trust and mutual support
Ability to work across structure and authorities
Ability to use project management tools
Client Team Members

Must understand their business unit processes

Must be able to make decisions and commitments for their
business unit
Contract Team Members - Implications

Little variance in times they are available

Know how their tasks relate to the project
Commitment can be a problem
Quality of work may be poor
May require more supervision than core team
Balancing a Team

What makes a Project Team effective?

Coordination & Cooperation
Member satisfaction
Member development
Possesses needed skills and competencies
Where Project Teams Can Improve

Work methods and procedures

Knows appropriate technology
Associate attraction and retention
Staffing flexibility
Service and product quality use
Rate of output
Decision making
Reduced staff support level
Reduced supervision
Team Member Responsibilities

 Open communication
 Good listening skills
 Shared goals
 Positive outlook
 Creativity
 Respect for others
 Growth and learning
Kick-Off Meeting Agenda
Sponsor Comments
Write the Project Definition Statement*
Establish team operating rules*
 Delegation
 Problem solving
 Brainstorming
 Decision making process
 Conflict resolution process
 Team meetings
Integrate team member availabilities into schedule*
Identify and write work packages*

* This working part of the meeting is for the members of project team
Kick-Off Meeting Agenda – Working Part

Introduce team members

Write the Project Definition Statement
Establish team operating rules
 Delegation
 Problem solving
 Brainstorming
 Decision making process
 Conflict resolution process
 Team meetings
Integrate team member availabilities into schedule
Identify and write work packages
Project Definition Statement – Purpose

As a basis for continued project planning

To clarify the project for the project team
As a reference that keeps the team focused in the right
As an orientation for new team members
As a method for discovery by the team
Project Definition Statement – Contents

Expands the POS

 Project objectives
 Assumptions, risks and obstacles
Delegation: RASCI Matrix

Confirm customer
approval of scope R S
Choose project team
Plan project S R
Define Budget C R I
Plan Kick-Off Meeting I R
R= Responsible, accountable for successful completion
A= Needs to Approve decisions
S= Will provide Support for the “R”
C= Available to Coach and Consult
I= Needs to be kept informed of status
Expanded Variation of the RASCI Matrix

Tasks Task Lead Start End Est. Pred. Succ. CP? Comments
Date Date End

A Jack 7/1/08 7/3/08 7/2/08 Start B Y

B Bob 7/5/08 XXXX 7/13/08 A D Y

C Cheryl 7/5/08 7/10/08 7/13/08 A D N

D Harry 7/14/04 7/16/08 7/14/08 BC End Y

Establishing Team Operating Rules

Problem solving
Decision making
Conflict resolution
Consensus building
Team meetings
Five Steps to Solving a Problem

1. Define the problem & the owner

2. Gather relevant data and analyze causes
3. Generate ideas
4. Evaluate and prioritize ideas
5. Develop an action plan

Source: Creative Problem Solving and Opportunity Finding

J. Daniel Couger, 1995
Decision Making is Pervasive

What has to be done and where? Scope

Why should it be done? Justification

How well must it be done? Quality

When is it required? In what sequence? Schedule

How much will it cost? Budget/Cost
What are the uncertainties? Risk
Who should do the job?
Human Resources
How should people be organized into teams? Communication/
Interpersonal Skills
How shall we know?
Information Dissemination/Communication
Decision Making Styles

The Six Phases of the Decision-Making Process


Phase I: Discovery phase. The team investigates, discusses, clarifies, and Assimilator
Situation defines the situation. It is important fordefinition the team to
understand the root causes and evidence that led to the need for a

Phase II: Continuation of Phase I. Characterized by brain- storming and Diverger

Situation searching for new ideas and alternatives decision for resolving the
situation, which should lead to generation better options for the
decision. Above all, the team needs to avoid a rush to judgment.

Phase III: Ideas Define the criteria for evaluating the alternative decisions. This Converger
to action involves identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each
alternative. Whatever approach is used, the result should be a
ranking of alternatives from most desirable to least desirable.

Phase IV: Begins once the alternative is chosen. This is the planning phase for Converger
Decision the project team. The team action plan determines tasks, resources,
and timelines that are required to implement the decision. This phase
requires a concerted effort to obtain buy-in from all affected parties.

Phase V: Learning opportunity for the project team. The team identifies what Accommodator
Decision did and did not work, as well as areas evaluation in which it can
improve and how to do so. The value planning of this discussion lies
in the team’s willingness to be honest and straightforward with one

Phase VI: Focuses on the quality of results. The team evaluates the situation: Assimilator
Evaluation Was the situation improved satisfactorily, of outcome or will another
round be required? Was the situation and process defined correctly,
or is revision required? Did the process work as expected, or will it
need adjustment for the next attempt?
Conflict Resolution

I have a I’ll win at

differenti any cost!

Conflict is good. Conflict is bad.

Conflict Resolution

Competing Collaborating
(Domination) (Integration)


Avoiding Accommodating
Nonassertive (Neglect) (Appeasement)
Uncooperative Cooperative
Consensus Building

Be careful--a consensus decision that equally

satisfies all parties may be a bad decision
after all.
Brainstorming Method

 Assemble individuals with knowledge of problem area

 Throw any/all ideas on the table
 Continue until no new ideas are uncovered
 Discuss items on the list
 Solutions begin to emerge
 Test each idea with an open mind

Look for solutions that no

individual could identify but the
group may identify.
Team Meetings

What is your purpose?

How often? How long?
Who should attend?
Do we need an agenda?
Are there minutes? Who takes them? Who gets them?
Guidelines for Managing Meetings

Before the Meeting

 Is the meeting necessary?
 Determine the purpose of the meeting
 Set the ground rules for the discussion
 Determine who really needs to be present and only invite those
 Make notes and rehearse your presentation
 Start and end the meeting on time
Guidelines for Managing Meetings

During the Meeting

 Specify a time limit and stick to it
 Identifying the specific objectives
 Gather input from the participants
 Keep things moving
 Use visual aids
 Periodically summarize the results of the discussion in terms of
consensus achieved or disagreements still in progress
 Assign action items to team members
Guidelines for Managing Meetings

After the Meeting

 Time, place and instructions for the next meeting
 Time and place of the meeting and list of attendees with their project
 Agenda items discussed
 Decisions reached or held for further studies
 Action items and persons responsible for follow up and reporting back
to the team at the next meeting
Project Meetings

 Daily status meetings

 Problem resolution meetings
 Project review meetings

Team Room
Daily Status Meetings

• 15 minutes
• Everyone stands
• Only reporting on tasks open for work and not yet done
• Status
• I’m on plan
• I am x hours behind schedule but have a plan to be caught up by this
time tomorrow
• I am x hours behind plan and need help
• I am x hours ahead of plan and available to help
Problem Resolution Meeting Agenda

• Only attended by those involved in the problem

• Who owns the problem?
• What is the resolution?
• When will it be completed?
Project Review Meetings

• Held at project milestone events

• Project review panel
• Formal presentation of project performance to date
Team War Room
Physical layout
Operational uses
Typical Scope Change Management Process


Reject change
request Rework & Resubmit

impact study

Reject impact
study Rework & Resubmit

approved for
Scope Change Request Form

Project Name

Change Requested By

Date Change Requested

Description of Change

Business Justification


Approved By Date
Project Impact Statement - Contents

 What is the expected benefit of the change?

 How would the change affect the project’s cost?
 How would the change affect the project’s schedule?
 How would the change affect the software’s quality?
 How would the change affect the project’s resource allocation?
 Can the change be deferred to a later stage of the project or a later
version of the software?
 Is the project at a point when making the change would risk
destabilizing the software?
Project Impact Statement – Possible Outcomes

 Accommodated within project resources and timelines

 Accommodated but will require extension of deliverable schedule
 Accommodated within the current deliverable schedule but additional
resources will be needed
 Accommodated but additional resources and extension of deliverable
schedule will be needed
 Accommodated with multiple release strategy and prioritization of
deliverables across release dates
 Not accommodated without significant change to project
Tips to help the client understand scope change

Business needs change or are discovered during the project

Scope change requests are expected
Project team will analyze the request’s impact on the project plan
Project impact statement will define alternatives for
accommodating the request
Client will choose the alternative to be followed
Project manager will adjust project plan accordingly and inform
the client
Management Reserve

A percentage (5-10%) of the project duration is set aside as a time

contingency for processing and incorporating scope change
Utilizing a Scope Bank to store prioritized functions and features
not yet integrated into the solution will help manage
Management Reserve.
Managing Team Communications

Choosing Effective Channels
Leveling Resources
Resource-Leveling Strategies

Utilizing available slack

Shifting the project finish date
Alternative Methods of Scheduling Tasks

Further decomposition of tasks

Stretching tasks
Assigning substitute resources
Launch the Project – Finalize Resources & Schedule

C1 C2
3 2

A1 B1 B2 C3
3 2 2 1



Duffy a1 a1 a1 a2 a2

Ernie b1 b1 b2 b2

c2 c3 Figure
Fran c1 c1 c1 c2 c2 05-05
Launch the Project – Work Packages

A Work Package is a brief description at the subtask level that

describes how a task will be completed. It is a primitive project

Work Packages should be written for:

 Critical path tasks

 High-risk tasks
 Tasks requiring scarce resources
 Tasks with large duration variances
Launch the Project – Work Package Assignment Sheet
Launch the Project – Work Package Description Form
Challenges to Teams - Work Styles
Task responsibility
 personal or shared responsibility

Work method
 work alone or collaboratively

Design and development practices

 rigid compliance to process
 adaptive to situation

Testing preferences
 test as you go or at the end

Work atmosphere
 background music or silence

Work schedule 51
 early or late
Challenges to Teams - Domineering Members

 Forces the team to follow the domineering member’s direction

 Stifles creative ideas and solutions

 Wastes time

You are the project manager.

How would you handle the domineering team

Challenges to Teams - Quiet Members

Good ideas are lost to the team

Obstacle to good team formation
Viewed as disinterested and an outsider
Compromising your productivity

You are the project manager.

How would you handle the quiet team


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