Arts-Performing Arts: This Is Our Rockin' Power Point Presentation!!

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Arts-Performing Arts

This is our rockin’ power point

Define Visual and Performing
. The four disciplines:
� music (choral, instrument),
� dance (non-verbal communication, kinesthetic
�theater (plays, acting, directing, puppetry,
�visual arts (i.e.-paintings, drawings, murals,
graphic arts, print making, sculpture, textiles).
When the arts are integrated into a social
studies program they…
provide students in social sciences with
insights into a period of time and the values
of a culture.
Teacher “Appreciation”
A Teacher should “appreciate the arts by…
• Building background knowledge so that the
students have the necessary vocabulary and
concepts to comprehend and analyze the topic.
• Describe and teach the students about the style
they are learning about.
Specific Assignments
The students could work collaboratively to write, direct and
stage a play based on a historical time period (4-6).
For dance the students could perform a traditional folk dance
For the visual arts the students categorize the specific styles of
art after they have learned about each of them (4-6). The
students could mimic a certain style of art using tear art (K-3)
For music the students could learn to sing (K-6) or compose a
song (4-6) in a specific style from a specific time period.
Little vs. Big

In the primary grades the arts are used broader and
at a superficial level, while in the intermediate
grades they are explored at a greater depth and used
to delve deeper into the material. 
Technological Support
 Using web quests for the students to search out
information can use technology to support social
studies curriculum. They can also download pictures
of artwork and music files. Teachers can use the
Internet to inform themselves as well as students
about the specific topic that is being studied.
Teachers can make PowerPoint’s. The Internet can
be used in lieu of fieldtrips for schools who do not
have the sufficient funds.
Strengths and “What-Not”
. The strengths of this topic are that you can find a multicultural
component to use in any lesson. It touches on all learning
styles. Breaks up the monotony of bookwork and can facilitate
cooperative learning.
The disadvantages are that students may view it as a “for-fun-
activity” rather than an actual discipline if it is not used
meaningfully in the classroom. It is very time consuming and
must be thoroughly planned out so that there is a schedule to
be followed and help accountable for.
The End
Bye Bye

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