HRMwk7 - Lecture - Learning&Training

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Human Resource

Management (HRM)
Week 7

HRM AY1819 MvD Date: August 2018 Written by: M van Dyk
• The module so far …
• HRM defined
• HR Objectives and delivery modes
• Resourcing and recruitment process
• Selection methods and best practice
• Ethics in Recruitment and selection

HRM AY1819 MvD
In today’s session…
• Learning, Training and Development defined

• L&D’s contribution to organisational strategy

• L&D Objectives

• Designing Learning and Training provisions

(The strategic perspective)

HRM AY1819 MvD
L&D and Strategic alignment
• What we know already • Where to next?
Organisational Inductions, orientations,
Resource and Talent planning and probation

Formalising Job roles

through JD’s and PS’s Initial skills
development processes

Recruitment and Advertising vacancies Ongoing learning and

skills growth

Assessing and selecting the most

CPD and career
appropriate candidates
development processes

HRM AY1819 MvD

Terms of reference
• Exposure to and processing of information and experiences
to gain broader understanding and to enable application in a
specific context
Training –
• The process and act of sharing knowledge and experiences
using various approaches, tools and techniques
• The ongoing change in knowledge, skills, competences and
behaviours to better one self in a given context or role
HRM AY1819 MvD
Organisational Lifecycle
and the role of L&D

HRM AY1819 MvD

L&D and Strategic alignment

Illustrative example

HRM AY1819 MvD
Varying Organisational Types

“Organisations vary in many different ways:

in size;
geographical scope;
in the sector that they operate within (private, public or not-for-profit);
in the way that they are structured.
All of these factors will create different challenges and opportunities for
L&D to make an effective contribution to the organisation and the
achievement of its objectives. What works in one organisation is not
necessarily going to be effective in another.

It is therefore useful for L&D professionals and trainers to develop their

skills in understanding and evaluating organisations, so that they can
develop appropriate L&D policies and practices.”

Burnham (2015)

HRM AY1819 MvD


In groups, discuss and explain;

• What are the main consideration that an

organisation need to consider when planning
learning and Training strategies?

• Be prepared to explain your reasoning for the your


HRM AY1819 MvD

Organisational Factors
affecting L&D approach
Common factors across organisations:
1. Size of workforce / Number of employees
2. Budget & Resources for L&D
3. Skills required
4. Skills availability
5. Labour resources
6. Organisational and Training Culture
7. Workforce Demographics
8. Organisational Structure
9. Occupations and roles

HRM AY1819 MvD

How can L&D help the organisation
achieve its long term goals?

“L&D sits at the heart of organisational success and plays

an increasingly important role in supporting business
change, helping organisations prepare for future growth
and closing long-term skills gaps.”
Caul (2013)

An organisations strategy and macro environment will

dictate the learning and training support required.

• It should focus on long-term learning needs

• Include and prioritise leadership development
• Align L&D strategy with organisational strategy
• Evaluate training ongoing to assess what makes a
HRM AY1819 MvD
Learning and Training Strategy

Effective Learning and training strategy should

• Communicate the approach the organisation has to L&D

• Enable diverse groups of stakeholders to work together
• Support and guide decision-making at all levels
• be used to review processes and activities for all
Burham, R. (2015)

HRM AY1819 MvD

Key objectives for Learning,
Training and Development

•Organisational design and development

•Learning needs analysis
•Learning & Development strategies
•L&D Recruitment and selection
•Training of essential skills linked to JD’s
•Training and delivery on Legal Compliance
•Career progression planning (alongside HR)
•Linking L&D provision to Performance
management processes

HRM AY1819 MvD

Developing learning and
training strategy
1. Identifying learning and training needs
2. Identifying learning solutions
3. Implementation and training plans
4. Planning ongoing development and upskilling
of the workforce
5. Implementing supporting coaching and
mentoring, to maintain skills and

6. How does today's L&D function need to

7. What other important factors need to be
HRM AY1819 MvD when developing an effective
Training to Learning
– A Shift of Emphasis
• Traditionally, Human Resource Development was based
on “pedagogy” – training centred on the trainer/teacher

• Employers today are increasingly focusing on the

learner’s own management of learning outcomes

• More emphasis on “andragogic” learning – centred on

the learner, where learners become the best judge and
owner of their own learning

• Modern emphasis on trainer as a learning “facilitator” –

not necessarily an expert on every subject, but an expert
on processes of learning and helping learners to learn
Reid, Barrington and Brown, 2004

HRM AY1819 MvD

y Interventions


Individually Group
based based
e.g. e-learning, e.g.
self-directive networking/social
learning learning

HRM AY1819 MvD

HRM AY1819 MvD

Learner Expectations
CIPD Learning and Talent
Development Survey
• Formal programmes and courses will continue to play a
key role in L&D, however …

• A growing shift towards creating a learning culture,

using more …
internal knowledge-sharing events,
job rotation,
secondment and shadowing,
action learning sets and
collaborative and social learning.

• A quarter anticipate greater use of user-generated

content, reflecting the need for agility and flexibility in
meeting bespoke individual needs.
HRM AY1819 MvD
What are skills and competencies?

“ Skills are capabilities and expertise in a

particular occupation or activity…ability to perform
a task to a predefined level of competence…”
(Frogner, 2002,pg. 36)

HRM AY1819 MvD
In a job description we ask for
skills and competencies..
• Vocational Skills knowing the “business language” of your profession

• Technical Skills knowing certain technical systems

• Graduate Skills the ability to analyse, evaluate, criticise, prioritise,

emotional and intellectual maturity, communicating
(verbal and non-verbal) at a graduate level.

• Soft (or employability) Your attitude towards work, ability to work in a team,
follow a leader, lead, communicate, present, take
ownership etc.
HRM AY1819 MvD
Skills and competencies..
You can gain those skills and competencies through:
• Work experience
• Work experience and training on the job
• Work experience and training outside the job
• Professional Qualifications
• College and University Courses
Your qualifications, demonstration of abilities and
references are evidence of your skills and

HRM AY1819 MvD
The Systematic Training Cycle
1. Organisational level
Analyse 2. Occupational level
Learning 3. Individual level
To improve ongoing
training appraise its
Design and
Training and
Training plan learning

To close the gap in

performance and skills
Delivering -What you must learn
training and -How you learn it
- Ongoing
Off job - Courses
On Job – Coaching
HRM AY1819 MvD Other learning interventions

In groups,
• In what circumstances are we likely to do training with

• Briefly also consider what types of training would be

provided for some of the examples you identified above.
(more on this next week)

HRM AY1819 MvD

What and when
We train and develop employees when:
• They join the organisation to create consistency of
• Employees underperform, as a support tool
• Skills sets and requirements change
• New technologies transpire
• Promotion/ role change takes place
• Different process or facilities are introduced
• As part of career progression planning
HRM AY1819 MvD
Developing Learning
and Training provision
• The key processes to be adopted
­ Who will do the work
­ How will it be undertaken (in-house, external, secondments, consultants etc.)
­ Funding considerations
­ Timescales
­ Responsible person for disseminating info.
­ Reporting lines (if appropriate)

• The key stakeholders, especially those directly affected by the processes

­ Who takes ownership of what process,
­ Often broken down by levels of authority e.g. Head of departments, HR Department, L&D
team, Managers, supervisory roles, individuals

• The plans for review and monitoring of the L&D process

­ Internal checks and process, verification and assessment of learning, use of external
bodies, L&D champions,
­ Defining metrics and KPI’s for both individuals and L&D

HRM AY1819 MvD

Prioritising Stakeholders

Your boss Shareholders Government

Senior Trades
Alliance partners
executives associations

Your coworkers Suppliers The press

Your team Lenders Interest groups

Customers Analysts The public

HRM AY1819 MvD
Promoting the value of learning

To gain buy-in
for L&D use
the RAM

(CIPD, 2009)

HRM AY1819 MvD
Developing Learning and
Training Programmes
When developing Learning and Training provision
the following factors should be considered:

1 Training Principles

2 Implementation

3 Format and design

4 Support and evaluation


5 Infrastructure

HRM AY1819 MvD

Training Principles

• Aims of training provision that is created

• How training provision contributes and is aligned to

organisational objectives
• How training will enhance and develop organisational
values, attitudes and behaviours
• Identification key performance indicators (KPIs)/ expected

HRM AY1819 MvD

Implementation of Training
• Who is involved in devising, implementing and developing training
• Who will be selected for training and how will this be communicated?
• The selection criteria for choosing trainers
• What training/development will be provided for trainers
• Have all equality, diversity and accessibility issues been taken into
• How will the training provision and processes be monitored and

HRM AY1819 MvD

Format and Design

The following considerations should be taken into

1. The type of training provision e.g. individual, group,
online, facilitated or self directed
2. The amount of control the trainer or learner will have
in training
3. Types, Frequency and duration of the training
4. Location of different training sessions
5. Evaluation mechanisms

HRM AY1819 MvD

Support and Evaluation

• How are the different stakeholders supported throughout

the L&D process?
• How management and supervisors provide additional
• How is its learning measured and evaluated
• How is training measured
• Who is involved in evaluation and putting in place future
action plans?
• What is the return on investment (ROI)/ return on
expectations (ROE)?

HRM AY1819 MvD
To support the L&D process effectively, also
requires robust systems and procedures:

• The correct tools/resources for the trainers to guide

and support the trainee
• Operating procedures that link Training with other
organisational elements e.g. performance reviews and
• Appropriate facilities to train learners with e.g. PC’s,
software, equipment, learners venue/space
• Access to appropriate data, information and staff
• Internet access?
HRM AY1819 MvD

Next week
• Learning and Training Approaches
• Evaluating the training provision
HRM AY1819 MvD

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