Introduction of Hydrostatic Bearing: by Shashi Bhushan Guided By: Prof. Mr. S.A.Uthale

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Shashi Bhushan
Guided by:
Prof. Mr. S.A.Uthale
A bearing is a mechanical element which locates
two machine parts relative to each other and
permits a relative motion between them.

1) Sliding contact 2) rolling contact
a) Hydrostatic bearings a) rolling element
b) Hydrodynamic bearings bearings
In a hydrostatic bearing an external source of pressurized fluid
forces lubricant between two surfaces; thus enabling non-
contacting operation and the ability to support a load.

• Hydrostatic bearings can support large loads without journal

rotation and provide large (accurate and controllable) direct
stiffness as well as damping (energy dissipation) coefficients.
• Hydrostatic bearings rely on external fluid pressurization to
generate load support and a large centering stiffness, even in
the absence of journal rotation. The load capacity and direct
stiffness of hydrostatic bearings do not depend on fluid viscosity,
thus making them ideal rotor support elements in process fluid
Fig. Hydrostatic journal bearing
Hydrostatic bearings derive their load capacity not from
shear flow driven effects(hydrodynamic wedge and surface
sliding) but rather from the combination of pressure versus
flow resistance effects through a feed restrictor and in the
film lands.
(A) (B)

Fig . Hydrostatic radial and thrust bearings for process

fluid rotating machinery
Hydrostatic Lubrication
• Hydrostatic lubrication is essentially a form of
hydrodynamic lubrication in which the metal surfaces are
separated by a complete film of oil, but instead of being
self-generated, the separating pressure is supplied by an
external oil pump.
Working of hydrostatic bearing
Hydrostatic journal bearing
Advantages Disadvantages

• Support very large loads. The load • Require ancillary equipment. Larger
support is a function of the pressure installation and maintenance costs.
drop across the bearing and the • Need of fluid filtration equipment.
area of fluid pressure action. Loss of performance with fluid
• Load does not depend on film contamination.
thickness or lubricant viscosity. • High power consumption because of
• Long life (infinite in theory) without pumping losses.
wear of surfaces. • Potential to induce hydrodynamic
• Provide stiffness and damping instability in hybrid mode operation.
coefficients of very large magnitude. • Potential to show pneumatic hammer
• Excellent for exact positioning and instability for highly compressible
control. fluids, i.e. loss of damping at low and
high frequencies of operation due to
compliance and time lag of trapped
fluid volumes.
Modern applications of hydrostatic bearings

• The importance of hybrid (combination hydrostatic and

hydrodynamic) journal and thrust bearings and damping
seal bearings as radial support elements cryogenic turbo
machinery has steadily grown.
• Compact - low count part turbo pumps operate sub
critically at exceedingly high shaft speeds (> 100 krpm)
and delivering pressures as large as 550 bar.
• Advanced primary power require of externally pressurized
fluid film bearings to support the expected large thrust and
lateral radial loads.
Modern high performance turbomachinery operating at high
speeds and large pressures incorporate process fluid hybrid
(hydrostatic/hydrodynamic) journal and thrust bearings
to reduce the numbers of parts and size, and to eliminate
expensive mineral lubricant storage and pumping, thus further
satisfying stringent environmental constraints.Despite the
many advantages offered by hydrostatic bearings,
rotordynamic instabilities due to hydrodynamic (shear flow)
and fluid compressibility effects are issues of primary
concern for high speed operation with large pressure
differentials. Pneumatic hammer effects are avoided by
appropriate selection of the flow restrictor, by designing
bearing recesses with small volumes, and by restricting
bearing operation to flow conditions
where the pressure differential is a small fraction of the liquid
bulk modulus.

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