JAVA Lesson 21

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12/08/2021 RRaveen 1
 What is and Why Inheritance?
 How to derive a sub-class?
 Object class
 Constructor calling chain
 “super” keyword

12/08/2021 RRaveen 2
What is Inheritance?
 Inheritance is the concept of a child class (sub
class) automatically inheriting the variables and
methods defined in its parent class (super
 A primary feature of object-oriented
programming along with encapsulation and

12/08/2021 RRaveen 3
Why Inheritance?
 Benefits of Inheritance in OOP : Reusability
 Once a behavior (method) is defined in a super class,
that behavior is automatically inherited by all
○ Thus, you write a method only once and it can be used
by all subclasses.
Once a set of properties (fields) are defined in a super
class, the same set of properties are inherited by all
○ A class and its children share common set of properties.
A subclass only needs to implement the differences
between itself and the parent.
12/08/2021 RRaveen 4
How to derive a sub-class?
 extends keyword
To derive a child class, we use the extends keyword
Suppose we have a parent class called Person.

public class Person {

protected String name;
protected String address;
* Default constructor
public Person(){
System.out.println(“Inside Person:Constructor”);
name = ""; address = "";
. . . .
12/08/2021 RRaveen 5
extends keyword
 Now, we want to create another class named Student
 Since a student is also a person, we decide to just
extend the class Person, so that we can inherit all the
properties and methods of the existing class Person.
To do this, we write,
public class Student extends Person {
public Student(){
. . . .
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What You Can Do in a Sub-class
 A subclass inherits all of the “public” and
“protected” members (fields or methods) of its
parent, no matter what package the subclass
is in
 If the subclass is in the same package as its
parent, it also inherits the package-private
members (fields or methods) of the parent

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What You Can Do in a Sub-class
Regarding Fields
 The inherited fields can be used directly, just like any
other fields.
 You can declare new fields in the subclass that are
not in the super class
 You can declare a field in the subclass with the same
name as the one in the super class, thus hiding it
(not recommended).
 A subclass does not inherit the private members of
its parent class. However, if the super class has
public or protected methods for accessing its private
fields, these can also be used by the subclass.
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What You Can Do in a Sub-class
Regarding Methods
 The inherited methods can be used directly as
they are.
 You can write a new instance method in the
subclass that has the same signature as the
one in the super class, thus overriding it.
 You can write a new static method in the
subclass that has the same signature as the
one in the super class,thus hiding it.
 You can declare new methods in the subclass
that are not in the super class.
12/08/2021 RRaveen 9
Object Class
 Object class is mother of all classes
 In Java language, all classes are sub-classed
(extended) from the Object super class
Object class is the only class that does not have a
parent class
 Defines and implements behavior common to
all classes including the ones that you write
 getClass()
 equals()
 toString()
– ...
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Class Hierarchy
A sample class hierarchy

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Super class & Sub class
 Super class (Parent class)
 Any class above a specific class in the
class hierarchy.
 Sub class (Child class)
 Any class below a specific class in the class

12/08/2021 RRaveen 12
Constructor Calling
 To illustrate this, consider the following code,
public static void main( String[]
args ){
Student anna = new Student();

 In the code, we create an object of class

The output of the program is,
Inside Person:Constructor
Inside Student:Constructor

12/08/2021 RRaveen 13
Example: Constructor Calling Chain
The program flow is shown below.

12/08/2021 RRaveen 14
The “super” keyword
 A subclass can also explicitly call a
constructor of its immediate super class.
 This is done by using the super constructor
 A super constructor call in the constructor
of a subclass will result in the execution of
relevant constructor from the super class,
based on the arguments passed.

12/08/2021 RRaveen 15
The “super” keyword
 For example, given our previous example
classes Person and Student, we show an
example of a super constructor call.
 Given the following code for Student,

public Student(){
super( "SomeName", "SomeAddress" );

12/08/2021 RRaveen 16
The “super” keyword continue..
 Few things to remember when using the
super constructor call:
 The super() call must occur as the first
statement in a constructor
 The super() call can only be used in a
constructor (not in ordinary methods)

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 Another use of super is to refer to
members of the super class (just like the
this reference ).
 For example,

public Student() { = “somename”;
super.address = “some address”;

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 Demo

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