Bangladesh Labor Act 2006
Bangladesh Labor Act 2006
Bangladesh Labor Act 2006
How BLA 2006 Came?
National Labor Law Commission consists of 38 members and lead
by Justice Abdul Kuddus Chowdhury.
The Commission framed a questionnaire and sent to the different
stakeholders i.e. the employers, workers, CBA leaders, NGOs to get
their views and recommendations for amending the than labor laws.
The commission submitted a report after 2 years of its constitution.
The Commission held consultations with the workers’
representatives, CBA leaders and employers’ representatives to
effectively involve them in the process of renovation of labor laws
in Bangladesh.
Subsequently Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 came into force on
October 11, 2006.
Chapters of BLA 2006
• Chapter 1: Preliminary
• Chapter 2: Conditions of Service and Employment
• Chapter 3: Employment of Adolescent
• Chapter 4: Maternity Benefit
• Chapter 5: Health and Hygiene
• Chapter 6: Safety
• Chapter 7: Special Provisions Relating to Health, Hygiene and Safety
• Chapter 8: Welfare
• Chapter 9: Working Hours and Leave
• Chapter 10: Wages and Payment
• Chapter 11: Wages Boards
• Chapter 12: Workmen’s Compensation for Injury by Accident
• Chapter 13: Trade Unions and Industrial Relations
• Chapter 14: Settlements of Disputes, Labour Court, Labour Appellate Tribunal, Legal
Proceedings, Etc.
• Chapter 15: Workers’ Participation in Companies Profits
• Chapter 16: Regulations of Employment and Safety of Dock Workers
• Chapter 17: Provident Funds
• Chapter 18: Apprenticeship
• Chapter 19: Penalty and Procedure
• Chapter 20: Administration, Inspection Etc.
Conditions of Service
& Employment
(Chapter 2)
According to
Bangladesh Labor Act
In a Nutshell
Put Simply,
To Protect the Rights of the Employees
at all levels in every kind of business
establishments regarding the
employment contract.
Topics Included:-
Conditions of Employment
Who are the ‘Employees’
Leave, Lay-off & Payment
Punishment & Fines
Termination of employment by Worker
Eviction from Residential Accommodation
Grievance Procedure
Conditions of Employment
According to BLA 2006, every establishment must follow the
conditions given in section 3 (with 5 sub-sections).
But, if any establishment with to make their own, no rules shall be
less favorable to any worker than the provisions of this chapter.
Classification of workers
(according to the nature and condition of work)
Section 4 of the new labor code of 2006 classifies the workers
into following classes:
Apprentice: A worker who is appointed in an establishment as a trainee
and during the period of training he is paid an allowance is called an
BADLI: A worker who is employed for the period of absence of a
permanent or probationer worker.
Casual: A worker who is employed on casual basis with no fixed working
hours & no benefits of a permanent employee.
Temporary: A worker who is employed purely for a temporary nature of
Probationer: A worker who is employed on probation for a fix time with
a view to fill up a permanent vacancy.
Permanent: A worker who is employed to fill up a permanent post or
when a probationer completes his probation period in an establishment.
Probationary/TEST period:
Period of probation:
• 6 months for the worker employed in office activities
• 3 months for other workers.
• permanent worker might be given waiver if rejoins as
a probationer for the same post.
• If an employee leaves during the probation period &
joins again under the same employer within next 3
years of such employment, He will be treated as a
probationer but the previous period of probation will
be calculated with new period.
Calculation of continuous service:
Section 145 of the new labor law provides for the
method of the calculation of the continuous service
period of a labor for the purpose of this law in the
following manner:
• If the actual number of the working days of a worker
is 240 days during the previous 12 months, He will be
considered to have worked for a continuous period of
one year.
• If the actual number of the working days in the
previous 12 months is 120 days, He will be considered
to be employed there for a continuous period of 6
Payment of wages for leave:
In case of the expiry of the employment of any worker by
dismissal, termination, retrenchment or retirement, he will
be entitled to get wages for any leave ‘due to be availed’.
Death benefit