Equal Employment Opportunity (Eeo) - CS&LR: Hamza Khan
Equal Employment Opportunity (Eeo) - CS&LR: Hamza Khan
Equal Employment Opportunity (Eeo) - CS&LR: Hamza Khan
• Hamza Khan
Scheme of Presentation
• Equal employment opportunity (EEO) Explained
• Historical Background
• Characteristics of EEO
• Reasons behind Establishment
• Significance
• Reasons for committing to EEO
• How to Implement EEO to benefit from diversity
• Some Terms associated with EEO
• Main Enforcement Bodies
• EEO in Pakistan
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
• Equal employment opportunity (EEO) is the term used to describe laws,
ensure the practice of being fair and impartial in the employment process.
and promotion to all individuals regardless age, sex, race, disability, religion,
color or ethnic background.
Historical Background
• The term Equal Employment Opportunity was coined by President
national origin. In more recent times, most employers have also added
• EEO is about removing barriers so all employees have the chance to perform to
their best
• EEO is about maximizing the potential of diverse population
• EEO is about valuing people and respecting their abilities, backgrounds and talent
Reasons behind Establishment
• To increase the participation of minorities and women in the workplace
• Specific action-oriented programs to address problem areas
• To create a fair organization, industry and society.
•Reduced absenteeism
• Discrimination means treating people differently. We choose to treat people differently every
• Discrimination becomes problematic when people are not treated fairly because of
characteristics they possess that have nothing to do with their ability to perform a particular job
Employment discrimination
• Employment discrimination is a form of discrimination based on protected characteristics by
Unlawful discrimination
• Unlawful discrimination occurs when those decisions are made based on protected
characteristics, which are individual attributes such as race, age, sex, disability, or religion that
are protected under EEO laws and regulations.
Some Terms associated with EEO (2/2)
• Regulations in the form of equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and
other regulations related to fair treatment of employees. Equal Employment
Opportunity laws prohibit specific types of job discrimination in the workplace.
Protected Class
• A protected class is a group of people with a common characteristic who are
legally protected from employment discrimination on the basis of that
characteristic. These traits are called “protected characteristics” and referred to
as “protected classes
• Attributes such as race, age, sex, disability, or religion that are protected under
EEO laws and regulations.
Broad-reaching concept
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) is employment that is not affected by
illegal discrimination. It is a broad-reaching concept that essentially requires
employers to make status-blind employment decisions. Status-blind decisions are
made without regard to individuals’ personal characteristics (e.g., age, sex, race
Main Enforcement Bodies
• Government agencies responsible for enforcing laws issue guidelines and rules
to provide details on how the law will be implemented. Employers then use
these guidelines to meet their obligations in complying with the laws.
Laws related to EEO
• Racial Discrimination act 1975
service in Pakistan", provided that the performance and functions of the job can be carried
out by, and is deemed suitable for, both sexes (Art. 27).
• It also provides that "steps shall be taken to ensure full participation of women in all spheres