Lec05 DP Intro & Structural

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Design Patterns:

Introduction & Structural

Object-oriented Analysis and Design

Portions of this file have content that were adapted from [1] Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java, [2] OOSE Pratcial software
development using UML and Java, [3] http://kremer.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/patterns/index.html, [4] http://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm, [5]
http://www.avajava.com/, [6] https://dzone.com, [7] https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/structural_patterns and
[8] http://uosis.mif.vu.lt/~plukas/resources/DPBook/excerpts/patterns.htm
Lecture outcomes
 At the end of this lecture you should

 learn about structural design patterns and its

 identify and distinguish various common
structural design patterns
 identify how to use DPs depending on scenarios
 Developing software from scratch is hard – developing
reusable software is even harder

 To help, patterns and frameworks are used because

they are proven solutions
Reusability and Reuse
 Reuse and design for reusability should be part of the
culture of software development organizations

 But there are problems to overcome:

 Why take the extra time needed to develop
something that will benefit other
 Management may only reward the efforts of people
who create the visible ‘final products’.
 Reusable software is often created in a hurry and
without enough attention to quality.

“Developers tend not develop high quality

reusable components, so there is often little to reuse”
Encouraging reuse
 To solve the problem, recognize that:
 This vicious cycle costs money
 Investment in reusable code is important
 Attention to quality of reusable components is
 So that potential re-users have confidence in them
 The quality of a software product is only as good as
its lowest-quality reusable component
 Developing reusable components can often
simplify design

 Reuse is emphasized in OOP with the use of

frameworks and design patterns
Reuse-based Software Engineering
 There is a need for reusable and flexible designs to achieve
better software, more quickly and at lower cost
 Application system reuse
The whole of an application system may be reused either by
incorporating it without change into other systems (COTS reuse) or
by configuring the application for different clients.
 Component and class reuse
Components of an application from sub-systems to single classes
may be reused.
 Object and function reuse
Software components that implement a single well-defined object
or function may be reused
Reusing OO class objects
 Look for existing classes in class libraries
 Select data structures appropriate to the algorithms
Container classes
Arrays, lists, queues, stacks, sets, trees, ...
 Adjust the class (libraries)
Change the API if you have the source code.
Use adapter objects if you don’t have access
 Object-oriented reuse on a class-level is often too fine-
grained and too specialized
 Object-oriented reuse is best supported through
larger-grain abstractions (frameworks/patterns)
The problem ….
 Design is subjective and there is no sure-fire way of
determining the best design short of actually
implementing and comparing multiple designs

 Example.
 You have code to create a ‘List’ object made with
node objects
 Later you realize you need a ‘Stack’ type object
 Various methods exist to realize the ‘Stack’ but
which is the best?
 Do you create the Stack as a implementation
inheritance? (generalization method where you inherit
from an existing class)
 But what would happen if the ‘Stack’ object calls
Remove() instead of Pop()?
 What about creating the Stack as a delegation instead?
(composition method)
 A Stack would then make use of List node objects but
rewrite the Pop and Push methods to incorporate
Remove and Add
Delegation Inheritance
Pros: Pros:
Flexibility → Any delegate object can be Straightforward to use
replaced at run time by another
one (as long as it has the same type)
Static hierarchy at compile time ensures
consistent architecture
Details of the delegate can be hidden Easy to implement (override) new
Low coupling from client to delegate class functionality
Good for creating and maintaining different
Cons: implementations according
Inefficiency: Many objects available, flat to a common interface
Highly parameterized → difficult to Cons:
understand, risk of having inconsistencies in Inheritance exposes (undesired) details of
the architecture the parent class
High coupling between classes
Inheritance hierarchy cannot change at
Substitution of the subclasses for a super
class in any of the client code possible →
may lead to unwanted conditions
Resolving the debate
 Although there still is no guaranteed way to promise a
successful design, there are several tried-and-tested
design patterns (solutions) intended for common problem
 A design pattern is a template solution that developers
have refined over time to solve a range of recurring
 Design patterns are sufficiently abstract to be reused in
different settings.
 Makes software modifiable and extensible to minimize
the cost of future changes
 Patterns merely rely on object characteristics such as:
 inheritance
 delegation
 dynamic binding
• Basic pattern
for GUIs

By RegisFrey - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10298177

Gang of Four
• The Gang of Four are the four authors of the book, "Design
Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software“ →
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides

• They describe 23 typical design patterns with sample UML

diagrams, source code and real-world examples for each

• These 23 DPs were roughly categorised into the following:

• Creational patterns provide ways to instantiate single
objects or groups of related objects → Concerned with the
process of object creation
• Structural patterns provide a manner to define
relationships between classes or objects → Deal with the
composition of classes of objects towards higher level
• Behavioural patterns define manners of communication
between classes and objects → Characterizes the ways in
which classes or objects interact and distribute
Design pattern categories
Creational Structural Behavioral
Factory Method Adapter Interpreter
Abstract Factory Bridge Template Method
Builder Composite Chain of
Prototype Decorator Responsibility
Singleton Flyweight Command
Façade Iterator
Proxy Mediator
Design Pattern content
 A typical design pattern has

 Name - A meaningful pattern identifier

 Intent - What does the pattern do? What is its rationale?
 Motivation (Problem Description) - A scenario that illustrates a
design problem and how the class structures in the pattern solve
the problem
 Applicability - What are situations in which the pattern can be
 Structure (Solution) - Description of the pattern by means of
standardized representation techniques (class diagrams, UML…)
 Consequences - The results and trade-offs of applying the
 Sample Code/Examples
(Composite - Structural)
Composite DP scenario
• You write your own program code library to
draw objects on the screen.
• The library will contain items like
• basic lines i.e. two coordinate points in
2D space
• shapes e.g. circle, square made up of
• properties for lines and shapes e.g.
color, line thickness, line color etc.
• Since all these items will mostly work
together, they should have the same
methods of interaction even though they
are different objects (classes)
 The composite DP is most suitable for this because it
allows us to arrange these unrelated but cooperative
objects together into a part-whole hierarchy such that all
objects are handled the same way
Composite DP objects
 Base Component
 The interface for all objects in the composition. A client program uses
base component to work with the objects in the composition.
 It can be an interface or an abstract class with some methods common
to all the objects.

 Leaf
 Defines the behavior for basic elements in the composition.
 Represents building blocks for the composition and implements base
 It does not reference other components.

 Composite
 It consists of leaf elements and implements the operations in base
 The composite pattern models tree structures that
represent part-whole hierarchies with arbitrary depth
and width
 With the DP, each individual object and their
compositions are treated uniformly
How would it be implemented?

 Base component

public interface Shape {

public void draw(String fillColor);

 This is the base from which composites and leaves will inherit
 Usually base components are abstract classes or interface objects
 One (1) method prototype is shown in the example above which
MUST be overridden by subclasses (because it’s an interface)

Example based from source at http://www.journaldev.com/1535/composite-design-pattern-in-java-example-tutorial

 Leaves

public class Triangle implements Shape {

    public void draw(String fillColor) {
         System.out.println("Drawing triangle in "+fillColor);

 A leaf implements the base component and these are the building block for
the composites later.
 Note how it overrides the method prototypes from the superclass → in this
case the method just prints to screen
 Another example

public class Circle implements Shape {

public void draw(String fillColor) {
System.out.println("Drawing circle in "+fillColor);
 Composites
public class Drawing implements Shape{
private List<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>();
public void draw(String fillColor) {
for(Shape sh : shapes){
public void add(Shape s){ shapes.add(s); }
public void remove(Shape s){ shapes.remove(s); }
public void clear(){ this.shapes.clear(); }

 Leaves may be too basic, so a composite object contains multiple leaf

objects along with methods to manipulate the entire group
 Notice that composite also implements same base component and
behaves similar to a leaf except that it can contain group of leaf
How is it used?

public class TestComposite {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Shape tri = new Triangle();
Drawing drawing = new Drawing(); Leaf and composite objects
can be declared like normal
drawing.add(new Triangle()); classes
drawing.add(new Circle());

drawing.draw("Red"); Both instances can be controlled

tri.draw("Green"); with the same methods

• The Graphic class is an example that implements
the composite design pattern with its hierarchy of
drawable objects as both primitives (Line, Oval etc)
and containers (Picture, Image etc)
Composite DP summary
Name Composite
Intent To treat individual objects and multiple, recursively-composed objects
uniformly through a common interface
Applicability Used when
• you want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects.
• you want clients to be able to ignore the difference between
compositions of objects and individual objects
Solution Component interface specifics services that are shared amongst leaf
and composite objects. A composite has an aggregation type
association with components and implements each service by iterating
each contained component. The leaf objects contain services that do
actual work
Consequences Defines class hierarchies consisting of primitive objects
and composite objects
Makes the client simple
Makes it easy to add new types of components
Can make design overly general
(Adapter - Structural)
Adapter DP scenario
• You are developing a program and require
certain functionality but do not possess the
skills/time to code it.
• Luckily, you locate an existing software library
that does the exact thing you require but it
was written in a different language and only
compiled binaries are provided.
• Instead of rewriting or trying to understand
the code, you decide to use the software
library as is

 The adapter DP is suitable for this scenario because it

basically allows two unrelated objects to work
 The adapter DP (also called mediator or wrapper DP) is used to

 Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients

expect (e.g. in terms of data type, parameters, language
 Wrap an existing working class with a new interface (e.g.
conversion from 32-bit to 64-bit)
 Match/translate an old component into a new system -
applied to integrate existing applications (legacy
applications, COTS, objects…) into newly develop ones
How would it be implemented?
 Consider that you have a third party library that has a
built in sort function but only works with List type
public class NumberSorter {
public List<Integer> sort(List<Integer> numbers) {
//sort and return code here
return new List<Integer>();

 It has to work with a client program that generates integer arrays

and expects sorted integer arrays in return too

int[] numbers = new int[] { 34, 2, 4, 12, 1 };

// numbers is passed and must be return as sorted array

 Due to the complexity of the client program and the closed-

source nature of the third party library you cannot change them

Example based on source from http://java.dzone.com/articles/design-patterns-uncovered-0

 Implement an adapter between the library and the client
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List; translate integer
primitive array to
public class SortListAdapter{ List
public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
//convert the array to a List
List<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=0;i<numbers.length;i++){

//call the function

NumberSorter sorter = new NumberSorter();
numberList = sorter.sort(numberList);

//convert the list back to an array and return

int[] sortedNumbers = new int[numbers.length];
for (int i=0;i<numberList.size();i++){
return sortedNumbers;
} translate back
} integer array
Adapter DP summary
Name Adapter
Intent Convert interface of legacy class into an interface expected by a client so
that the (new) client and legacy class can work together without changes
Applicability Use the Adapter pattern when you want to
• use an existing class but its interface doesn’t match what you need.
• create a reusable class that cooperates with unrelated /unforeseen
• use several existing subclasses, but it's impractical to adapt their
interface by subclassing every one.
Solution Adapter class implements the ClientInterface interface expected by the
client. The adapter delegates request from the client to the legacy class
and performs necessary conversion to allow communication
Consequences Client and legacy classes work together without modification to neither
the client nor legacy class
The adapter works with the legacy class and all of its subclasses
A new adapter may be written for each subclass of the client
(Bridge - Structural)
Bridge DP scenario
• You are designing a program for a client that
draws shapes on the screen.
• Later on the client demands that there can be
different types of shapes and shapes with
different colors
• Unsatisfied with that, the client further adds
that the shapes can be drawn solid, dashed or
dotted lines.
• Every time you meet the client, new demands
are added
 The bridge DP is suitable for this scenario because it
allows you to factor out common properties and
make them become class implementations on their
The OO way of implementation
 You have learnt that OO model encourages inheritance
and hierarchy of classes – the scenario shown before fits
into this model nicely
 So, when the client wants the program to draw shapes,
you could possibly start with an object hierarchy like this

Example based on material from [1] http://www.journaldev.com/1491/bridge-pattern-in-java-example-tutorial

[2] http://www.tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/bridge_pattern.htm
 For client’s request for shapes with color, you can
further specialize each shape with a particular colour

 Things begin to get messy once additional requirements

start coming in from the client
 Each object must be specifically created during runtime
 What happens if there are 20 shapes, 12 colors and 5
different line styles?
How to implement with DP?
 This scenario is a simple example of using the bridge DP
to create a better OO model which is easier to maintain
 Bridge DPs decouples an abstraction from its
implementations so that the two can vary independently
 Allows different implementations of an interface which is
decided upon dynamically
 Using bridge DP. the example before could have used
refactoring to identify the color of a shape as its own
 Once refactored, a ‘bridge’ is created between the original
Shape class and the new Color class
 If a new ‘colour’ is needed, then a subclass from
IShapeColor interface object is created without affecting
the original Shape

 The same process can be applied to ‘bridge’ the line style

in Shape
 Now that each characteristic is no longer hard-coded, the
objects can be configured during run-time
Bridge DP example in code
A new ‘blue’ IShapeColor is
instantiated first.
This object then is used to
instantiate a new ‘Circle’ object –
the constructor calls the
getShapeColor method to obtain
attribute value

This would ‘draw’ a blue circle, red

rectangle and green triangle
Bridge DP summary
Name Bridge
Motivation To decouple an interface from an implementation so that
implementations can be substituted – possibly during runtime
Applicability Used when
• Need to avoid a permanent binding between an
abstraction and its implementation
• Both abstractions and implementation should be
extensible through sub classing
• Need to isolate changes in implementations from
• Need to split objects because of proliferation of classes
Solution The Abstraction Class defines the interface visible to the client. The
Implementor is an abstract class that defines the lower-level methods
available to the Abstraction. An Abstraction instance maintains a
reference to its corresponding Implementor instance. Both Abstraction
and Implementor can be refined independently.
Consequences Client is shielded from abstract and concrete implementations
Interfaces and implementations can be handled and refined separately
(Façade - Structural)
Façade DP scenario
• You have an application with set of individual
interfaces to use a MySql and Oracle
• It generates different types of reports, such as
HTML report, PDF report etc. also using ready
• A client program can make use of these
interfaces to connect to the proper DB and
generate required report
• Maintenance of the interfaces becomes
unwieldy when complexity and change
 The façade DP is suitable for this scenario because it
demands increases
wraps each individual interface in the system with one
unified standard wrapper interface to help client

Example based on source http://www.journaldev.com/1557/facade-pattern-in-java-example-tutorial

 Fairly similar to the adapter pattern, the Façade can be
used to hide the inner workings of a third party library, or
some legacy code
How is it implemented?
 Let's take a travel agent site for example, that allows
you to book hotels and flights
 For each customer that visits the site, we assume that
they will be looking for flight tickets and hotel
accommodation → we need a flight booker and hotel booker
object to handle these requests
public class HotelBooker {
public ArrayList<Hotel> getHotelNames(Date from, Date to){
//returns hotels available in the particular date range

public class FlightBooker{

public ArrayList<Flight> getFlights (Date from, Date to) {
//returns flights available in the particular date range

Example based on source http://java.dzone.com/articles/design-patterns-uncovered-1

 Without a design pattern, a client program (one that
will use the hotel and flight booker objects) would look
something like this
public class Client {
private HotelBooker hotelBooker;
private FlightBooker flightBooker;
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList<Flight> flights = flightBooker.getFlights(from,to);
ArrayList<Hotel> hotels = hotelBooker.getHotels(from,to);
// process arrays of flights and hotels to get best deal

 The client program has to create instances of each

object and query separately …. imagine if there were
100 airlines and thousands of hotel chains, each with
their own array and query
 Using the façade design pattern, the client program would
look something like this and only access the façade
interface thus hiding most of the implementation from the
client program
public class TravelBookerFacade {
private HotelBooker hotelBooker;
private FlightBooker flightBooker;

public void getFlightsAndHotels(Date from, Data to) {

ArrayList<Flight> flights =
ArrayList<Hotel> hotels = hotelBooker.getHotels(from,to);
//process and return
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args)
TravelFacade facade = new TravelFacade();
facade.getFlightsAndHotels(from, to);
Façade DP summary
Name Façade
Motivation To provide a unified interface to a set of related objects in a subsystem
Applicability Use façade when
• Need to provide a simple interface to a complex system
• Need to decouple a subsystem from its clients
• Need to provide an interface to a software layer
Solution A façade defines a high-level interface that makes subsystem objects
easier to use → it abstracts out all the details
The façade methods delegate client requests to the relevant subsystem
Subsystem classes do not know about the façade class
Consequences Clients limited to use only the façade class methods – hides
implementation of subsystem!
Promotes weak coupling between subsystem and clients (this is good)
Simplifies porting systems to other platforms
Façade does not prevent clients from accessing underlying classes!!!
Implementation differences in DPs
• Adapter makes things work after they're designed;
Bridge makes them work before they are.
• The bridge DP is designed up-front to let the
abstraction and the implementation vary
independently. Adapter is retrofitted to make unrelated
existing classes work together.
• Façade defines a new interface for objects, whereas
Adapter reuses an old interface
• Composite lets clients treat individual objects and
compositions of objects (usually of the same type)
uniformly. Façade handles objects of different types.

Example based on https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/structural_patterns

When do you use the structural
 The structural DPs are fairly similar between them and it
may be difficult to determine when/where to implement
the best DP (e.g. the bridge is basically variant of the

 When best to use composite?

You have many objects that can be handled
separately and/or can be handled together as a single
unit/group. The objects are usually similar in type and
the method of manipulating the objects (whether
singularly or as a group/composite) is the same

 When best to use adapter?

You have existing code/object/class/library that you
cannot change and must make them work in another
object. The adapter will help these different objects
cooperate and work together by acting as a
 When best to use bridge?
When you can refactor objects and extract out implementations from
the objects and leave behind only abstractions in the original object.
i.e. you want to simplify existing objects that are related to each other
in the object hierarchy

 When best to use façade?

You are manipulating various objects using different interfaces but all
results are intended for the same goal. Then these separate interfaces
can be unified and hidden behind a façade to hide is complexity in the
main client program
 Design patterns are partial solutions to common
problems such as separating an interface from a
number of alternate implementations, wrapping
around a set of legacy classes and protecting a caller
from changes associated with specific platforms.
 DPs assist in creating better software design with
methods that have been tried and tested

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