Co-4 Outcome: Analyze The Rigid Bodies Under Translation and Rotation With and Without Considering Forces
Co-4 Outcome: Analyze The Rigid Bodies Under Translation and Rotation With and Without Considering Forces
Co-4 Outcome: Analyze The Rigid Bodies Under Translation and Rotation With and Without Considering Forces
All the particles of a rigid body move in concentric
circular paths.
plane motion:
Kinematic Equations of Motion =
• Kinematics of rigid bodies: relations between
time and the positions, velocities, and
accelerations of the particles forming a rigid
• Classification of rigid body motions:
- translation:
• rectilinear translation
• curvilinear translation
- rotation about a fixed axis
- general plane motion
• Velocity vector v dr dt of the particle P is
tangent to the path with magnitude v ds dt
s BP r sin
v lim r sin r sin
dt t 0 t
• Uniform Rotation, = 0:
0 t
• Selecting point B as the reference point and solving for the velocity vA of end
A and the angular velocity leads to an equivalent velocity triangle.
• vA/B has the same magnitude but opposite sense of vB/A. The sense of the
relative velocity is dependent on the choice of reference point.
• Angular velocity of the rod in its rotation about B is the same as its rotation
about A. Angular velocity is not dependent on the choice of reference point.
Equation of linear motion
mẌ= Σ F or ma= Σ F
Ẍ or a = acceleration , m= mass and Σ F= algebraic sum of the forces
acting on the body
4.Figure 2 represents a system consisting of a block A of weight Wa=
3853.7N, connected to a block B of weight Wb= 2865.8N by a flexible
cord which runs over a pulley of radius r= 300mm and weight Wc =
1432.9N. The block A slides along a plane inclined to the horizontal
by the angle α = 30 0 and for which the coefficient of friction is µ=
0.1. Friction of the axle of the pulley is assumed to supply a constant
resisting torque of 13.35Nm.Assuming that no slipping occurs
between the cord and the pulley, determine (a) the acceleration of the
blocks and (b) the maximum tensile force in the cord.
(Ans. (a) a= 0.73m/s2; (b) Smax = 2647.75N)