History of Christianity
History of Christianity
History of Christianity
Right God
Wrong God
Purpose of this
Give you an idea on how
Christianity developed during the
first 3 centuries
Provide historically verified
evidence of the faith of the
founders of Christianity
Give you evidence that the Bible is
Is the Bible really true ?
Evidence 1:
Historical Accuracy
Evidence 2:
Personal testimonies of their founders
(discussed as part of the History of
Historical Accuracy of the
Memory fades
Written records do not fade
Obvious fact:
The earlier the historical record is
written, the more accurate it is !
So: How does the New Testament
compare with historical writings
(about famous people) around the
same time ?
Accuracy: Bible vs Julius
Jesus died Earliest
Tacitus Surviving
Caesar died Mark Copy Mark
30 AD 70 AD
44 BC 60 AD 350 AD
100 yrs
40 yrs Surviving
Copy Tacitus
950 AD
Accuracy of New
According to the scholars Norman Geisler
and William Nix:
The New Testament has survived in more manuscripts
than any other book from antiquity (there are over
5,000 copies of New Testament books in existence,
while the second most numerous ancient document
(Iliad) has about 600 copies)
New Testament has also survived in a purer form than
any other book - a form that is 99.5% pure
History of Christianity
Part 1:
When and How did Christianity
begin ?
Part 2:
Apostolic Era (first century)
Part 3:
Era of the Church Fathers
When did Christianity
begin ?
Jesus Christ did not start Christianity
Christianity started by
Jesus’ disciples (Peter, John, Matthew,..)
Jesus’ brother James (in Jerusalem)
Paul (apostle to the gentiles)
So anyone who would know whether
Jesus really came back alive, it would be
these people
Foundation of Christianity
What is the one thing that the
whole Christian faith is based on ?
Jesus’ resurrection from the death
Supporting material:
1Co 15:14: “And if Christ has not
been raised, then our proclamation is
worthless, and your faith is also
Examining Jesus’
Because this single fact is so important to
the Christian Faith, we will spend some
time looking at:
Did Jesus really resurrect from His death ?
James (brother of
Jesus) was stoned to
death for his faith in
Jesusappeared to James
Jesus’ brothers did not after He has resurrected
believe that He was from the death (1 Co 15)
the Son of God (in fact, … Seeing a death person
they believed that He coming back to life will
was crazy - John 7:3-5 surely make someone into
Apostolic Era: Early
33 37 42 47 49
James (brother of
Stephen (first
John) beheaded by
martyr) dies at the
hands of Saul (Paul) Herod – Acts 12:2
– Acts 9
Apostolic Era: Paul’s
33 47 4950 52 53 56
1st mission 2nd mission 3rd mission
Jesus’ resurrection
57 59 60 62 66
Prisoned In Rome
Acts 23-26 Acts 28-end
Apostolic Era: Verification
33 41 47 49 50 52
1st mission 2nd mission
Jesus’ resurrection
Claudius emperor
expelled Paul met Aquila
Jews from and Precilia, two
Rome Jews in Italy that
(Suetonius) were expelled by
Claudius (Acts
Apostolic Era: Persecutions
Council of Nicaea
emperor of Milan: e emperor y only
the Western Christianityof the legal
Roman given same WHOLE religion in
Empire – status as Roman Roman
fighting pagan Empire empire
under the religions
Council of Nicaea ala D.
Council of Nicaea
Jesus was not Jesus was
considered “made”
equal to God equal to God by
before the a close vote in
Council the Council