Managing The Quality of Consulting Engagement

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Reporter: Beltran, Michaela Paula C.

Project Evaluation and Controls


◍ To provide assurance that the project is on

schedule and within budget.

◍ To communicate the exact project status of all

concerned personnel.

◍ To ensure that a quality product will be

Project Controls

◍ Administrative Controls

◍ Time Reporting Procedures

◍ Independent Quality
Assurance Reviews

Administrative Controls

Administrative framework would consist of:

• One or more client management committees
 Project Steering Committee
 Management Advisory Committee

• The top (executive) management

• The information processing services department
Project Steering Committee

• Comprised of senior management from each area affected by

the system project, project’s leader and manager of the
information processing service department
• Specific functions:
 Exercise control over all costs and benefits
 Monitors project activities
 Holds regularly scheduled status meetings and special
Time Reporting and Analysis Procedures


◍ To provide management with information necessary for planning,

administering, and controlling the project.

◍ To prepare and control the project work program updates.

◍ To assist the project leader in preparing management status reports.

◍ To account for all time used on project by the team members

Time Reporting And Analysis Procedures
Variance between actual and budgeted time possible causes:
• Improper application of guidelines in making the estimate
• Improper communication of task scopes and objectives
• Inappropriate assignment of tasks to personnel
• Unexpected changes to task scopes and objectives
• Unexpected difficulties related to availability or functioning of
project resources

Independent Quality Assurance Reviews

Another means of control over projects are the quality assurance programs.
Among the more important objectives of quality assurance are to ensure that:

1.The system satisfies all user requirements and is operable on a day-to-day basis
without assistance.

2. The system is being developed within the time frame and cost estimates
originally agreed upon.

3. The system employs satisfactory methods and techniques that are within the
sphere of competence of the majority of client personnel.

4. The presentation and format of all procedures, documentations and coding are
neat, well organized and in conformance with established client standards.
Independent Quality Assurance Reviews

◍ Independent reviews

◍ Quality assurance checklists

Independent Reviews

These reviews should be performed by someone who

a) Is not associated with the project, and

b) Has a skill level at least as high as that of

the project leader

Quality Assurance Checklists

These checklists contain a series of questions concerning the

quality of work performed and should be

a) Prepared by the project supervisor responsible for the

work, and
b) Reviewed by both the project leader and the independent

Maintaining Controls Over Competence
and Service Quality

The following must be established by a consulting firm:

1. An operational definition of its practice scope, including a list of services that it
desires to provide .
2. A clear understanding of its clients, their requirements, and the services that the firm
might propose providing to each.
3. The standards by which proposed services are to be evaluated with respect to their
suitability for delivery.
4. The criteria by which needed personnel are to be recruited.
5. The programs for the achievement of needed staff development.

Maintaining Controls Over Competence and Service Quality

Types of Controls
• Preventive Controls (before-the-fact controls)
These controls establish benchmarks of expected performance.
• Feedback Controls (after-the-fact controls)
These are generated by measuring actual performance and
comparing it with the expected performance.

Maintaining Controls Over Competence and Service Quality
Through the use of these two types of controls, the following situation may be observed.

a. When the actual performances are in reasonable agreement with the expected
performances, the activities can be viewed as proceeding according to plan;

b. When the actual performance differ from the expected performances but steps or measures
are promptly taken to correct detected deficiencies, the activities can be viewed as “in

c. When the actual performances differ significantly from the expected performance and the
differences remain or increase over time, the activities can be generally viewed as “out of

In some cases, however, these significant differences can indicate that the assumption made in
establishing the “before-the-fact controls” or plans are not valid or realistic and thus should be

Maintaining Controls Over Competence and Service Quality

To ensure maintenance of sound controls over competence

and quality of services of the consulting firm, the following
steps may be taken:
• Service review
• Appointment of practice director and service coordinator
• Engagement analysis
• Staff evaluation
Maintaining Controls Over Competence and Service Quality
Perform Service Review

Annual service reviews should be conducted for the purpose of assessing the
consulting firm’s objectives, offered services and record of competence in the provision
of service since the last review.

Appoint Practice Director

A person designated as a practice director should be appointed in order to establish

responsibility for practice competence and quality control. This person should also

a. Propose practice goals and supervise the overall service planning process.
b. Be responsible for practice conduct

Maintaining Controls Over Competence and Service Quality

Appoint Service Coordinator

The responsibilities of a service coordinator in relation to the competent delivery
of services are

a. Assign appropriate staff consultants to engagement after consultation with

b. Obtain positive evidence that the delivery of services on each engagement is
in accordance with firm policies.
c. Pinpoint and report knowledge or skill deficiencies and recommend staff
development steps to correct them.
d. Coordinate all practice development activities, including the screening of
prospective engagement.
e. Devise and administer a plan of staff training, consisting of both on-the-job
and formal training courses.

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