Earth Day

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22 April 2016
What is Earth Day?

 One of the most widely

celebrated  environmental events
across the  globe
 To increase awareness and 
appreciation of the Earth’s
natural  environment
 Celebrated in more than 192
countries each year
 Originally celebrated at
Spring  Equinox around 21
Why Celebrate Earth Day?
 About appreciating the uniqueness of our
planet Earth with its incredibley
biodiversit .
 Various national and international
activities are conducted to understand the
biodiversity and how should we protect
our nature – plants, animals and
 Earth Day is a day dedicated to increasing
awareness about the Earth, its issues nd a
 Today, more than 1 billion people now
participate in Earth Day activities each
year, making it the largest civic
observance in the world.
 Various policy agreements and acts are
sanctioned such as Clear Air Act, Clean
Water Act, Endangered Species Act and
2 many others.
Trees For The Earth
 planting 7.8 billion trees over next
 Fight climate change and pollution
 Reduce CO2 emissions
 Help counteract loss of species
 Help communities and livelihood

 CAUSE – planet losing over 15 

billion trees every year to  d
deforestation, land development
an  bad forest management

 FOCUS – on areas affected

by  deforestation
Community and Social Value
 Important part of every community
 Streets, parks, playgrounds – create
peaceful,  aesthetic and pleasing environment
 Increase the quality of life by bringing
natural  elements and wildlife habitats

Ecological and Environmental Value

 Control climate change by 

moderating the effects of
sun,  rain and wind
 Leaves absorb and filter
sun’s  radiation – keep cool
in  summer
 Preserve warmth by
providing  screen from harsh
 Shield us from downfall
of  rain, sleet and hail
 Lower air temperature
and  reduce intensity of 
8 greenhouse effect
 Benefits of Trees

 Trees heal
 Trees reduce violence
 Trees mark the seasons
 Trees create
 Trees are teachers
and playmates
 Trees bring diverse groups
of  people together
 Trees add unity
1 5 Ideas And Ways To Celebrate Mother Nature 
And Become An Environmental Steward
 1. Start a pledge board at work or at school.
 2. Attend an Earth Day fair.
 3. Get plugged into a group.
 4. Make a recycling plan.
 5. Fix those leaky faucets.
 6. Plant a tree.
 7. Find a carpool service.
 8. Give up bottled water
 9. Start buying local.
 10. Go paperless.

 11. Make a birdhouse.
 12. Make a play garden.
 13. Write a letter to your local representative.
 14. Organize a community cleanup.
 15. Walk to school.


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