Prestressed Concrete: BY:-Dr. Mohd Ashraf Iqbal Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Roorkee

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Dr. Mohd Ashraf Iqbal
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT, Roorkee



A concrete in which
internal stresses of So that the stresses Are counteracted
suitable magnitude resulting from to a desired
and distribution are external loads degree.

In post-tensioning, the hardware used for transferring the post-
tensioning force from the tendon to the concrete in anchorage zone.


A pre-stressed concrete in which tendons are bonded to the concrete

either directly or through grouting.

Post-tensioned construction in which the annular spaces around the
tendons are grouted after stressing, thereby bonding the tendon to

the concrete section.


A group of wires or bars or strands or rods


Load which has 95 percent probability of not being exceeded during

the life of the structure

Strength of material below which not more than 5 percent of the test
results are expected to fall 6
The distance required at the end of a pre-tensioned tendon for
developing the maximum tendon stress by bond.


Time dependent deformation due to sustained load.


The ratio of creep strain to elastic strain in concrete.


The stress which exists after substantially all losses have occurred.

The tension in the pre-stressing tendon corresponding to the state of
the final pre-stress


The pre-stress in the concrete at transfer 8

The maximum stress induced in the pre-stressing tendon at the time
of the stressing operation

A method of pre-stressing concrete in which pre-stressing steel is
tensioned against the hardened concrete

A method of pre-stressing concrete in which the tendons are
tensioned before concreting 9

Time dependent increase in steel strain at constant stress.

A material encasing a pre-stressing tendon to prevent bonding the
tendon with the surrounding concrete during concrete placement to
provide corrosion protection
The loss of stress in the pre-stressing steel resulting from the
shrinkage of the concrete 10
The stress in both the pre-stressing tendon and the concrete at the
stage when the pre-stressing tendon is released from the pre-stressing
A steel element, such as a wire, cable, bar, rod or strand, or a bundle
of such elements used to impart pre-stress to concrete when the
element is tensioned
The act of transferring the stress in pre-stressing tendons from the
jacks or pre-tensioning bed to the concrete member. 12
through bond between tendons and concrete
ducts or outside concrete section

• FULL PRE-STRESSING – Tensile stresses in

concrete are entirely obviated at working loads
• PARTIAL PRE-STRESSING – Tensile tresses to a
BASED ON limited degree are permitted in concrete
upon the magnitude of tensile stresses
• AXIAL PRE-STRESSING – Centroid of tendons
coincide with that of concrete section
tendons are eccentric to concrete section
concordant profile

• UNI AXIAL – Concrete is pre-stressed only in one

• BI AXIAL – Two mutually perpendicular
• TRI AXIAL – Three mutually perpendicular
1. Under working load, the cross section is more
efficiently utilized, when compared with reinforced
cement concrete.
2. Within certain limits, a permanent dead load may
be counter acted by increasing the eccentricity of the
pre-stressing force.
3. A pre-stressed concrete flexure member is stiffer
under working loads

4. Lighter and slender members with high strength

concrete and steel further contributing to durability
5. More resistance to shearing force due to the effect
of compressive pre-stress, which reduces the principal
tensile stress
6. Pre-stressing improves the ability of material for
energy absorption under impact loads.

7. Pre-stressed concrete is more economical for longer

span structures.

8. Considerable resilience due to the capacity to

recover from substantial effects of overloading
9. Fatigue resistance of prestressed concrete is better compared
to RCC. Because in RCC the stress in steel is external load
dependent whereas in prestressed concrete it is load independent

10. Due to utilization of concrete in tension zone, the savings in

concrete is 15 to 30 per cent, savings in steel is 60 to 80 per cent.

11. Decrease in dead weight reduces the design loads and cost of

12. Ability to resist repeated working loads

Pre-stressed concrete requires
As per IS -1343 : 2012
concrete with
Minimum 28 days
High compressive strength
compressive strength
Low shrinkage
of concrete
Minimum creep characteristics
For pre-tensioned
High value of Young’s modulus
members – 40
Now, it is possible to produce
 High strength concrete = 30 – 70
For post tensioned
members – 30
 Ultra high strength concrete = 70 –
100 N/mm²
 Pre-stressed concrete requires steel with high tensile
strength  The hard drawn wires of 2 to 5
mm diameter are used in the
 High tensile steel usually contain

form of strands comprising of
Carbon - 0.6 to 0.85 %
 Manganese - 0.7 to 1.0% two, three or seven wires. The
 Sulphur and Phosphorus with traces of silicon – 0.05% helical form of the twisted
wire in the strand substantially
 High carbon steel ingots are hot rolled into rods and cold improves the bond strength [IS-
drawn through a series of dies to reduce the diameter 6006 :1983]
and increase strength
 The high tensile steel bars
 Cold drawn relieved wires usually available in sizes – 2.5, commonly employed in
3,4, 5, 7 & 8mm dia [IS-1785(Part-I):1983] prestressing are manufactured
in nominal sizes 10, 12, 16, 22,
 The hard drawn steel wires which are indented or
crimped are preferred for pretensioned elements 25, 28 and 32 mm diameter
because of their superior bond characteristics [IS-6003 : [IS-2090:1983]
Different methods for pre compression of concrete
i. Generation of compressive force between the structural element
and its abutments using flat jacks
ii. Development of hoop compression in cylindrically shaped
structures by circumferential wire winding
iii. Use of longitudinally tensioned steel embedded in concrete or
housed in ducts
iv. Use of the principle of distortion of a statically indeterminate
structure either by displacement or by rotation of one part
relative to the remainder
v. Use of deflected structural steel sections embedded in concrete
until the hardening of the latter
vi. Development of limited tension in steel and compression in
concrete by using expanding cements
 The most widely used method for pre stressing of
structural concrete elements is longitudinal tensioning
of steel

 For arches and pavements, pre stressing is done by

application of direct forces between abutments

 For circular tanks and pipes, pre compression is

imparted by circular pre stressing

 With the development of expansive cements, pre stress

in concrete can be developed by chemical pre stressing
Various types of devices used for tensioning steel

i. Mechanical-weights with or without lever transmission,

geared transmission in conjunction with pulley blocks, screw
jacks with or without gear drives and wire winding machines
ii. Hydraulic- Freyssinet, Magnel, Giffard Udall for the range of
5-100 ton, Baur-Leonhardt for the range of 200-600 ton
iii. Electrical (thermal)- Steel wires are electrically heated and
anchored before placing concrete in the moulds, also known
as thermo- electric pre stressing
iv. Chemical-Expanding cements are used and degree of
expansion controlled by varying the curing conditions
 The tendons are first tensioned
between rigid anchorage blocks
cast on the ground or in a column
or unit mould type pre tensioning
 Tendons comprising individual wires
or strands are stretched with
constant eccentricity as shown in
(a) or variable eccentricity as
shown in (b) with tendon anchorage
at one end and jacks at other
 With the forms in place, concrete is
cast around stressed tendon
 Long line process is used for mass production
 Tendons are stretched between two bulk heads several hundred
metres apart
 A number of similar units are cast in between
 Tension is applied by hydraulic jacks/moveable stressing machine
 The wire or strands when tensioned are anchored to the
abutments by steel wedges
Concrete units are first cast by incorporating ducts or grooves to
house the tendons

When the concrete attains sufficient strength, the high tensile wires
are tensioned by means of jack bearing on the end face of the
member and anchored by wedges or nuts

The forces are transmitted to the concrete by means of the end

anchorages and when the cable is curved, through the radial
pressure between the cable and the duct
Principal of anchoring the tendons
 Wedge action producing a frictional grip on the wires
 Direct bearing from rivet or bolt heads formed at the
ends of the wires
 Looping the wires around the concrete
The space between the tendons and the duct is generally
grouted after the tensioning operation
Freyssinet system
 Consists of a cylinder with conical interior through which the high
tensile wires pass and against the walls of which the wires are
wedged by a conical plug lined longitudinally with grooves to house
the wires
Advantage of this system is
 A large number of wires or strands can be simultaneously tensioned
using the double acting hydraulic jack
Gifford-Udall (C.C.L.) system
 Consists of steel split-cone and
cylindrical female cone
anchorages to house the high
tensile wires bearing against
steel plates
 Each wire is tensioned separately
and anchored by forcing a sleeve
wedge into a cylindrical grip
resting against a bearing plate.
 The ducts are generally formed
by metal sheaths cast into the
concrete member.
Lee-MeCall system
 Tendons comprise high tensile
bars of dia 12-40 mm which are
threaded at the ends.
 After tensioning each bar is
anchored by screwing a nut
and washer tightly against the
end plates.
 Forces are transmitted by the
bearing at the end blocks
 Advantage: system eliminates
the loss due to anchorage slip
 Disadvantage: Curved tendons
cannot be used
Magnel-Blaton system
 Metallic sandwich plates, flat
wedges and a distribution
plate for anchoring the wires.
 Each sandwich plate can house
up to four pair of wires
 Distribution plate can be cast
into the member at the desired
 Number of wires in the Magnel
cable varies from 2 to 64
B.B.R.V. system
 Suited for transmitting large forces
 Tendon consists of several parallel
lengths of high tensile wires, with
each end terminating in a cold
formed button head with a
machined anchorage fixture (Fig.-
 Tendon formed by strands are
anchored to the machined fixture
by split cone sleeves (Fig.-3.8b)
 Can develop forces up to 12000 KN
B.B.R.V. system
 Provides for the simultaneous
stressing of all the wires in a tendon
 After desired extension, a threaded
nut is screwed to the anchor head,
which transmits the forces by
bearing against the end plate
 For heavy construction, such as long
span bridges and nuclear
containment vessel, tendons
comprising of 90 to 170 wires are
commonly used
Prescon system
 Tendons consist of 2 to 130 wires,
which are arranged parallel in a
 The wires are threaded through a
stressing washer at each end
before the button heads at the
ends are formed
 After stressing, steel shims are
inserted, which bear against the
end bearing plate
Baur-Leonhardt system
 Double tendons are wrapped
around the end block, which is D-
shaped at the end of the structure
and is detached from the main
 These end blocks are forced to
move away by large hydraulic
 Gap between the end block and
the main structure is filled with
 Used for long span bridges
Dywidag single bar anchorage system
 Used for cast in place segments pre stressed by post
 Threads formed by bar deformations make it easy to
couple bars of any required length
 Bond properties are also improved by the surface
 Dywidag bar used in conjunction with a nut bearing on an
end plate is available in sizes from 15.87 mm to 34.92 mm
in dia.
Dywidag single bar anchorage system
 Ideally suited for medium to long span in situ work
 Economical for long span bridge decks of the box girder type
by pre stressing together a number of smaller pre cast units
 It allows the use of curved and stopped off cables which
helps the designer to vary the pre stress distribution at will
from section to section so as to counter the external loads
more efficiently
 Used for strengthening concrete dams, circular pre stressing
of large concrete tanks and biological shields of nuclear
 Ideally suited in concrete construction work involving stage
pre stressing
 In the case of continuous pre stressed concrete members involving
long tendons, it is necessary to splice the tendons to achieve
Splicing arrangements
1. Screw connectors are normally employed to splice large diameter
high tensile bars which can be threaded at ends. A sheet metal sheath
of enlarged diameter and sufficient length is generally used to cover
the splice. Screw threaded connectors are not recommended for
splicing heat treated pre stressing steels, which are highly susceptible
to stress corrosion
2. Torpedo-splice consists of triple wedges for securing the wires and
the entire unit is covered and protected by a sleeve. Largely used for
splicing cold drawn wires, which are adopted for the circular pre
stressing of tanks. The advantage of this splice is that there is no
reduction in the strength of wire.
3. Clamp splice are equipped with bolts and nuts, with a series of
clamp plates to house the tendons between them. Since there will be a
considerable reduction in the tensile strength of up to 50 per cent, this
type of splice can be used only in locations where the pre stressing
force has been sufficiently reduced by the curvature of the tendon due
to friction.
3. Wrapped splice For splicing of small diameter wires of 3-6 mm, high
tensile wire is wrapped under high tension using a wire serving
machine. The wrapping wire of 1 mm dia is generally used to splice
wires up to 6 mm dia. The length of splice may vary from 20-30 cm.
The splice formed in this manner has a strength almost equal to that of
the normal wire. This type of splice is generally used for the wires of
circular concrete tanks ad anchorage loops.
1. Concrete is homogenous elastic material
2. A plane section before bending is assumed to remain plane
even after bending (linear strain distribution) across depth of
the member)
3. Small deflection theory ( principle of superposition is valid )
4. As long as tensile stress do not exceed the limit of modulus of
rupture ( flexural tensile capacity),change in the loading will
result change in stress in concrete only
There are three approaches to analyze a pre stressed
member at transfer and under service loads. These
approaches are based on the following concepts.
a) Based on stress concept.
b) Based on force concept.
c) Based on load balancing concept.
Uniform pre stress in concrete which is

compressive across the depth
2. The applied load and dead load may induce
tensile stress towards soffit ( hence eccentric
tendon is efficient)
1. P = pre stressing force (+ve
2. e = eccentricity
3. M = P.e
4. A = C/S area of concrete member
5. I = second moment of area of section
about its centroid
6. Zt and Zb = section modulus of top and
bottom fibres
7. fsup and finf = prestress in concrete
developed at top and bottom fibres
+ve = compression
-ve = tension
8. yt and yb = distance of top and bottom
fibres from the centroid of the section
9. i= radius of gyration

The stress developed at top and

bottom layer is obtained from the
1. The concrete beam supports UDL
& Dead Load of intensity q and g
2. The beam is pre stressed by
straight tendon carrying a pre
stressing force P and eccentricity
3. Resultant stress in concrete at
any section are obtained by
superposing the effect
4. Mg= dead load moment
5. Mq= live load moment
Example Problem 1
Consider a concrete beam of rectangular section , 150 mm wide by 300 mm deep,
prestressed by 4 high –tensile wires of 5 mm diameter stresses to 1200 N/mm 2. The wires
are locates at an eccentricity of 50 mm . The stresses developed at the soffit of the beam
will be examined by considering the ‘nominal concrete’ and ‘equivalent concrete’ section.
Solution :
For  the
 equivalent concrete section, assuming the modular ratio
P= (1200 X 80) = 96000 N ae = 6
For nominal concrete section
Ae= 45000 + (6-1)80 = 45400 mm4
A = 45000 mm2
position of the centroid of the section from the soffit= 149 mm
I = 3375 mm4
Ie= (3375 x 105) + (150 x300 x12 )+(400 x492)
stress at the soffit of the section
= 3385 x 105 mm4
= 4.27 N/mm2
Stress at soffit = 4.20 N/mm2
Percentage difference
Example problem-2
A rectangular concrete beam of cross-section 30 cm deep and 20 cm wide is pre stressed
by means of 15 wires 5 mm diameter located 6.5 cm from the bottom of the beam and 3
wires of diameter of 5 mm . 2.5 cm from top . Assuming the prestress in steel as 840
N/mm2, calculate the stresses at extreme fibers of the mid-span section when the beam
is supporting its own weight over a span of 6 m , if a uniformly distributed live load of 6
KN/m is imposed, evaluate the maximum working stress in concrete. The density of
concrete is 24 KN/m3
  Solution:
Distance of centroid of prestressing force
Eccentricity e = (150 -100)= 50 mm
Prestressing force P= (840x 18x 19.7) =3 x 105 N
Area of cross-section A = (300 x 200) = 6 X 104 mm2
Second moment of area I = =45 x 107 mm4
   modulus (Zt and Zb.) = 3 x 106 mm3
Self-weight of beam = (0.3 x 0.2 x 24) = 1.44 kN/m
Self-weight moment Mg = 6.48 KNm
Live Ioad moment Mq = = 27 kNm
Direct stress due to prestress = 5 N/mm2
Bending stress due to prestress = 5 N/mm2
Self-weight stress =2.16 N/mm2
Live load stress = = 9 N/mm2
 The resultant stresses due to (self-weight + pre stress + live load) are shown in Fig.
 Maximum working stress in concrete = 11.16 N/mm2 (compression)
Example problem 3

A rectangular concrete beam 250 mm wide and 600 mm deep, is prestressed by means of four
14 mm diameter high- tensile bars located 200mm from the soffit of the beam. If the effective
stress in wires is 700 N/mm2 , what is the maximum bending moment that can be applied to the
section without causing tension at the soffit of the beam ?

Solution :
Example problem 4
A prestressed concrete beam of section 200 mm wide by 300 mm deep is used over an effective span
of 6 m to support an imposed load of 4 KN/m. the density of concrete is 24 Kn/m 3.
At the centre of span of the beam , find the magnitude of :
a) The concentric prestressing force necessary for zero fibre stress at the soffit when the beam is
fully loaded
b) The eccentric pretressing force located 100 mm from bottom of the beam which would nullify
the bottom fibre stresses due to loading.
Solution :
 At any given section the distribution of
stresses can be resolved into a single force
 The locus of points of application of this
resultant force in the structure is termed
as ‘pressure or thrust line’
 The concept is useful in understanding
load –carrying mechanism
 Consider an eccentrically placed straight
cable profile concrete beam with UDL
 Support section – no flexural stress , the
external loads, the pressure line coincides
with of centroid of steel
 Centre span- pressure line has shifted
towards top fibre by (h/3)
 Quarter span- the shift is correspondingly
smaller (h/4) ( moments are less)
 Larger uniformly distributed load on beam
would result in pressure line shifts even
 These observation lead to important
 Principle
 “ A change in external moments in elastic
range of PSC beam results in shift of
pressure line rather than increase in the
resultant force in beam”
 This is in contrast to RCC
 Basically the load carrying mechanism is
comprised of a constant force with a
changing lever-arm
 However if prestress concrete is cracked ,
it behaves in a manner similar to that of
 Internal resisting couple method
 The pressure line concept can be used to evaluate the stresses
 At any section of loaded prestressed beam Equillibriium is maintained ,
H=0 & M=0
 When gravity loads are zero C & T lines coincide
 Under transverse load , the C- line or centre of pressure or thrust line is
at a varying distance ‘a’ from T-line
 M= Ca =Ta = Pa
 The shift of pressure line e measured from the centroidal axis is
 e’ = (a-e) = (M/P) –e
 The resulting stress at top and bottom fibres
A prestressed concrete beam with rectangular section 120 mm wide by 300 mm deep
supports a uniformly distributed load of 4 KN/m , which includes the self – weight of the
beam. The effective span of the beam is 6 m. the beam is concentrically prestressed by a
cable carrying a force of 180 KN. Locate the position of pressure line in the beam

   force P= 180 kN Eccentricity e = 0 A=36x 103 mm2
Zt = Zb = 18 x 105 mm3
Bending moment at the centre of the span
=(0.125x4x62)= l8 kNm
Direct stress = =5 N/mm2
Bending stress = =10 N/mm2
Resultant stresses at the centre of the span section:
At top = (5+ 10) = 15 N/mm2 (Compression)
At bottom = (5- 10) = -5 N/mm2 (Tension)
1f N= resultant thrust in the section
e = corresponding eccentricity
(shift of pressure line) then,
N/A +Ne/Z= 15
But N=180 x 103N
A =36x 103 mm2
e =100 mm
z=18 x 105 mm3
The resultant stress distribution diagram and
pressure-line location is shown in fig.
A prestressed concrete beam of section 120 mm wide by 300 mm deep is used over an effective span
of 6 m to support a uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m, which includes the self-weight of the beam.
The beam is prestressed by a straight cable carrying a force of 180 kN and located at an eccentricity
of 50 mm. Determine the location of the thrust-line in the beam and plot its position at quarter and
central span sections.
P= l80kN
e = 50 mm
A = 36 x 103 mm2
Z= 18 x 105 mm3
Stresses due to prestressing force
Direct stress due to prestress = 5 N/mm2
Bending stress due to prestress = 5 N/mm2
Bending moment at the centre of the span = (0.125 x 4 x 62) = 18 kN m
Bending stresses at top and bottom = = ±10 N/mm2
   stresses at the central section:
At top = (5—5+ l0)= 10 N/mm2
At bottom = (5+5— l0)= 0 N/mm2
Shift of pressure-line from cable-line = M/P = = 100mm
Bending moment at quarter span section = (3/32) qL2 = (3132) X 4 x 62
= 13.5 kNm
Bending stress at top and bottom= = 7.5 N/mm
Resultant stresses at the quarter span section:
At top = (5 - 5 + 7.5) = 7.5 N/mm2
At bottom = (5+5—7.5) = 2.5 N/mm2
Shift of pressure-line from cable-line M/P = =75mm
The location of pressure line is shown in Fig
A rectangular concrete beam 250 mm wide by 300 mm deep is prestresscd by a force of 540 kN at a
constant eccentricIty of 60 mm. The beam supports a concentrated load of 68 kN at the centre of a
span of 3 m. Determine the location of the pressure line al the centre, quarter span and support
sections of the beam. Neglect the self-weight of the beam.
P=540kN, A= ( 250x300 ) =75x103 mm2
e=60 mm Z= =375x104 mm3
At the centre of span: Mq = (0.25x68x3) =51 kN m
At the quarter span: Mq = (0.125x68x3)=25.5 kN m
Stresses due to prestressing force:
= 8.6 N/mm2
Stresses due to external loads:
At the centre of span = = 13.6 N/mm2
At the quarter of span = = 6.8 N/mm2
Distribution of stresses at centre and quarter span

Location of pressure line in the prestressed beam

 Selecting a cable profile in a PSC member such that the
transverse component of the force balances the given
type of external loads
 So prestressing is done in such a way so that effective
prestress balances the sustained loading & beam remain
perfectly level without deflecting.
 The moment, upward thrust and upward deflection
(camber) due to the prestress in the tendons are
calculated. The upward thrust balances part of the
superimposed load.
A rectangular prestressed beam 150 mm wide and 300 mm deep is used over an effective
span of 10 m. The cable with zero eccentricity at the supports and linearly varying to 50
mm at the centre, carries an effective prestressing force of 500 kN. Find the magnitude of
the concentrated load Q located at the centre of the span for the following conditions at
the centre of span section:
(a) if the load counteracts the bending effect of the prestressing force (neglecting Self
weight of beam)
(b) if the pressure line passes through the upper kern of the section under the action of the
external load, self-weight and prestress.
A = (150 x 300 ) = 45 x 103 mm2
Z = = 225 x 104 mm3
Self-weight of beam, g =(0.l5 x 0.3 x 24)= 1.08 kN/m
P=500kN e=50mm
 If the inclination of the cable to the horizontal is . and
Q = concentrated load at the centre of the span
for load balancing,
(a) Q=2Psin  = 2Ptan  = =10kN
(b) Moment due to self-weight =(0.125 x 1.08 x 102)= 13.5 kN m
Stress due to self-weight = = +6 N/mm

Stresses due to prestressing = =+

Stress at the bottom fibre = 22.22 N/mm2
If Q = concentrated load at the centre of the span. moment at the centre of the span
=(Q x 10 )/ 4 = 2.5 Q

Bending stress.=
If the pressure line passes through the upper kern at the section, stress at the bottom fibre

 A rectangular concrete beam 300 mm wide and 800 mm deep supports two concentrated loads
of 20 kN each at the third point of a span of 9 m.
(a) Suggest a suitable cable profile. If the eccentricity of the cable profile is 100 mm for the
middle third portion of the beam, calculate the prestressing force required to balance the
bending effect of the concentrated loads (neglect the self-weight of the beam).
(b) For the same cable profile, find the effective force in the cable If the resultant stress due
to self-weight, imposed loads and prestressing force is zero at the bottom fibre of the mid-
span section.
(Assume Dc =24 kNIm3)

(a) A trapezoidal cable profile is selected since the bending moment diagram due to the two
concentrated loads is trapezoidal in shape.
Q=2OkN.e= 100 mm, L=9m Z=3 2 x 106 mm3,
P = Prestressing force


P = = (20 x 9000 )/(3x 100) = 600 KN

 (b) Self-weight of the beam. g = (0.3 x 9.8 x 24) = 5.76 kN/m
Self-weight moment. Mg = (0.125 x 5.76 x 92) = 58.32 kN /m

Bending stress = = 1.82 N/mm

Moment at the centre due to loads = = = 60kNm

Stresses due to loads = = 1.875 N/mm2

Total tensile stress at the bottom fibre (1.82 + 1.875) = 3.695 N/mm2
if P = required prestressing force in the cable.
e = 100mm
A =(300x800)=24x 10.mm2.

() = 3.695

=P[ ] = 3.695

P=507 kN
 A prestressed concrete beam supports an imposed load of 4 kN/m over an effective span of
10m. The beam has a rectangular section with a width of 200 mm and depth of 600 mm. Find
the effective prestressing force in the cable if it is parabolic with an eccentricity of 100 mm
at the centre and zero at the ends. for the
following conditions:
(a) if the bending effect of the prestressing force is nullified by the imposed load for the
mid-span section (neglecting self weight of beam).
(b) if the resultant stress due to self-weight, imposed load and prestressing force is zero at
the soffit of the beam for the mid-span section (assume D =24 kN/ m3).
A = 12 x 104 mm2 e= 100 mm Z = 12 x 106 mm3 q=4 kN/m
Self-weight of the beam, g = (0.2 x 0.6 x 24) = 2.88 kN/m
(a) If P = prestressing force
P.e = (qL2/8)

P = = = 500kN
(b) Total load on beam = (2.88 + 4.00) = 6.88 kN/m
Bending moment at the centre of the span,
M=(0.125 x 6.88 x 102) = 86kNm
For the bottom fibre stress to be zero,
()= () () = () P= 430 KN
 In prestressed concrete applications, most important variable is the
prestress. Prestress does not remain constant (reduces) with time.
 Reduction of prestress is nothing but the loss in prestress.

Loss of prestress is classified into two types:

1. Short-Term or Immediate Losses

 immediate losses occur during prestressing of tendons, and transfer of
prestress to concrete member.

2. Long-Term or Time Dependent Losses

 Time dependent losses occur during service life of structure.
1. Immediate Losses include
i. Elastic Shortening of Concrete

ii. Slip at anchorages immediately after prestressing

iii. Friction between tendon and tendon duct and wobble


2. Time Dependent Losses include

i. Creep and Shrinkage of concrete

ii. Relaxation of prestressing steel

Type of Loss Pre-tensioning Post-tensioning
i. No, if all the cables are
simultaneously tensioned.
1. Elastic Shortening Yes
ii. If the wires are tensioned in
stages loss will exist.
2. Anchorage Slip No Yes
3. Friction Loss No Yes

4. Creep and Shrinkage

Yes Yes
of Concrete

5. Relaxation of Steel Yes Yes

Elastic Shortening of Concrete
 In pre-tensioned concrete, when the prestress is transferred

to concrete, the member shortens and the prestressing steel

also shortens in it. Hence there is a loss of prestress.
 In case of post-tensioning, if all the cables are tensioned
simultaneously there is no loss since the applied stress is
recorded after the elastic shortening has completely
 Ifthe cables are tensioned sequentially, there is loss in a
tendon during subsequent stretching of other tendons.
 Loss of prestress mainly depends on modular ratio and average
stress in concrete at the level of steel.

 Loss due to elastic shortening is quantified by drop in prestress (Δf p)

in a tendon due to change in strain in tendon (Δεp).

 The change in strain in tendon is equal to the strain in concrete (ε c)

at the level of tendon due to prestressing force.
 This assumption is due to strain compatibility between concrete and
 Strain in concrete at the level of tendon is calculated from the
stress in concrete (fc) at the same level due to prestressing force.
Strain compatibility
 Loss due to elastic shortening is quantified by the drop in
prestress (∆fp) in a tendon due to change in strain in tendon
 Change in strain in tendon is equal to strain in concrete (εc) at
the level of tendon due to prestressing force, which is called
strain compatibility between concrete and steel.
 Strain in concrete at the level of tendon is calculated from the
stress in concrete (fc) at the same level due to the prestressing
A linear elastic relationship is used to calculate the strain from
Elastic Shortening
Pre-tensioned Members:

1. When the tendons are cut and the prestressing force is transferred to the
member, concrete undergoes immediate shortening due to prestress.

2. Tendon also shortens by same amount, which leads to the loss of prestress.
 Post-tensioned Members:

1. If there is only one tendon, there is no loss because the applied prestress is
recorded after the elastic shortening of the member.

2. For more than one tendon, if the tendons are stretched sequentially, there
is loss in a tendon during subsequent stretching of the other tendons.
 Linear elastic relationship is used to calculate the strain from the
 Quantification of the losses is explained below.
Δfp= mfc

 For simplicity, the loss in all the tendons can be calculated based
on the stress in concrete at the level of CGS.
 This simplification cannot be used when tendons are stretched
sequentially in a post-tensioned member.
 In most Post-tensioning systems when the tendon force is transferred from
the jack to the anchoring ends, the friction wedges slip over a small
 Anchorage block also moves before it settles on concrete.
 Loss of prestress is due to the consequent reduction in the length of the
 Certain quantity of prestress is released due to this slip of wire through
the anchorages.
 Amount of slip depends on type of wedge and stress in the wire.
 The magnitude of slip can be known from the tests or
from the patents of the anchorage system.
 Loss of stress is caused by a definite total amount of
 Percentage loss is higher for shorter members.
 Due to setting of anchorage block, as the tendon shortens,
there develops a reverse friction.
 Effect of anchorage slip is present up to a certain length,
called the setting length lset.
 Anchorage loss can be accounted for at the site by over-extending the tendon
during prestressing operation by the amount of draw-in before anchoring.
 Loss of prestress due to slip can be calculated:

 P  Es 
 
 A L
where, = Slip of anchorage
L= Length of cable
A= Cross-sectional area of the cable
Es= Modulus of Elasticity of steel
P = Prestressing Force in the cable.
 In Post-tensioned members, tendons are housed in ducts or sheaths.
 If the profile of cable is linear, the loss will be due to straightening or
stretching of the cables called Wobble Effect.
 If the profile is curved, there will be loss in stress due to friction
between tendon and the duct or between the tendons themselves.
Post-tensioned Members
• Friction is generated due to curvature of tendon, and vertical component

of the prestressing force.

Post-tensioned Members

P0 Px

Variation of prestressing force after stretching

 The magnitude of prestressing force, Px at any distance, x from the
tensioning end follows an exponential function of the type,
Px  Poe    kx 
where, Po= Prestressing force at the jacking end
 = Coeficient of friction between cable and the duct
  Cumulative angle in radian through which
the tangent to the cable profile has turned
between any two points under consideration
k = Friction coefficient
In the absence of test data, IS:1343 - 1980 provides guidelines for the values of μ and k.

The value of k varies from 0.0015 to 0.0050 per meter length of the tendon depending on the type of tendon.
Creep of Concrete
 Time-dependent increase of deformation under sustained load.
 Due to creep, the prestress in tendons decreases with time.
Factors affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete
 Age
 Applied Stress level
 Density of concrete
 Cement Content in concrete
 Water-Cement Ratio
 Relative Humidity and
 Temperature
 For stress in concrete less than one-third of the
characteristic strength, the ultimate creep strain (εcr,ult)
is found to be proportional to the elastic strain (εel).
 The ratio of the ultimate creep strain to the elastic
strain is defined as the ultimate creep coefficient or
simply creep coefficient, θ.
εcr,ult = θεel
 IS: 1343 considers only the age of loading of the
prestressed concrete structure in calculating the
ultimate creep strain.
 The loss in prestress (Δfp ) due to creep is given as follows.

Δfp = Ep εcr, ult =Ep θ εel

Since εcr,ult = θ εel

Ep is the modulus of the prestressing steel

 Curing the concrete adequately and delaying the application of
load provide long-term benefits with regards to durability, loss
of prestress and deflection.
 In special situations detailed calculations may be necessary to
monitor creep strain with time.
 Specialized literature or standard codes can provide guidelines
for such calculations.
Following are applicable for calculating the loss of prestress due
to creep.
 Creep is due to sustained (permanent) loads only. Temporary
loads are not considered in calculation of creep.
 Since the prestress may vary along the length of the member,
an average value of the prestress is considered.
 Prestress changes due to creep, which is related to the
instantaneous prestress.
 To consider this interaction, the calculation of creep can be
iterated over small time steps.
Shrinkage of Concrete
• Time-dependent strain measured in an unloaded and unrestrained specimen at
constant temperature.
• Loss of prestress (Δfp ) due to shrinkage is as follows.

Δfp = Ep εsh

where Ep is the modulus of prestressing steel.

The approximate value of shrinkage strain for design shall be assumed as follows
(IS 1383):
For pre-tensioning = 0.0003
Log 10(t  2)
For post-tensioning =
Where t = age of concrete at transfer in days.
 Relaxation is the reduction in stress with time at constant strain.
 decrease in the stress is due to the fact that some of the initial
elastic strain is transformed in to inelastic strain under constant
 stress decreases according to the remaining elastic strain.
Factors effecting Relaxation :
• Time
• Initial stress
• Temperature and
• Type of steel.

Relaxation loss can be calculated according to the IS 1343-1980 code.

Total loss allowed for in Design
 the total loss is expressed as a
percentage of initial stress and provided
for design
 Difficult to generalize the exact amount
of total loss, however a typical values are
 Hence reduction factor is introduced
 A pre -tensioned concrete beam. 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep. is prestressed by
straight wires carrying an Initial force of 150 kN at an eccentricity of 50 mm. The
modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete are 210 and 35 kN/mm2 respectively.
Estimate the percentage loss of stress in steel due to elastic deformation of concrete
if the area of steel wires is 188mm2.

P= 150kN
e = = = 50 mm
A = (100 x 300)= 3x 104 mm2
I = 225 X 106 mm4
ae = = 6
Initial stress in steel = = 800 N/mm2
Stress in concrete, fc = +
= 6.66 N/mm2
Loss of stress due to elastic deformation of concrete = ac . Fc
= (6 x 6.66) =40 N/mm2
Percentage loss of stress in steel= = 5%
 A rectangular concrete beam, 300 mm deep and 200 mm wide, is prestressed by means of
fifteen 5 mm diameter wires located 65 mm from the bottom of the beam and three 5
mm wires, located 25 mm from the top of the beam. If the wires are initially tensioned to
a stress of 840 N/mm2, calculate the percentage loss of stress in steel immediately after
transfer, allowing for the loss of stress due lo elastic deformation of concrete only.
Es =210 kN/mm2
Ec= 31.5 kN/mm2
Position of the centroid of the wires from the soffit of the beam,
y= = 100 mm
Eccentricity e =(150- 100)= 50 mm
Area of concrete A = (200 x 300)= 6x 104 mm2
 Second moment of area I = = 45 x 107 mm4
Prestressing force P= (840)(18 x 19.7)= 3 x 105N = 300kN
Stresses in concrete:
At the level of top wires = -
= 0.83 N/mm2
At the level of bottom wires = +
= 7.833 N/mm2

Modular ratio (ae) = = 6.68

Loss of stress in wires at top = (6.68 X 0.83) = 5.55 N/mm2
Loss of stress in wires at bottom = (6.68 X 7.85) = 52.5 N/mm2

Percentage loss of stress:

For wires at top = x 100 = 0.66%
For wires at bottom = x 100 s 6.25%
 A post-tensioned concrete beam, 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep. spanning over 10 m is
stressed by successive tensioning and anchoring of three cables I , 2 and 3 respectively.
The cross-sectional area of each cable is 200 mm2 initial stress in the cable is 1200 N/mm2.
ae =6. The first cable is parabolic with an eccentricity of 50 mm below the centroidal axis
at the centre of span and 50mm above the centroidal axis at the support sections. The
second cable is parabolic with zero eccentricity at the supports and an eccentricity of
50mm at the centre of the span. The third cable is straight with a uniform eccentricity of
50mm below the centroidal axis. Estimate the percentage loss of stress in each of the
cables. if they are successively tensioned and anchored.

Force in each cable P = 240 kN

A = 3 x 104 mm2 ae=6
I= 225 x 106 mm4
When cable 1 tensioned and anchored no loss of stress due to elastic deformation of
concrete. When cable 2 is tensioned arid anchored, stress at the level of cable I is given
 Stress at support section = = 8 N/mm.2
Stress al the centre of span =+
= 10.7 N/mm2
:. Average stress in concrete = 8+ (2/3) x 2.7 = 9.8 N/mm2
Loss of stress in cable 1 = (6 x 9.8) = 58.8 N/mm2

when cable 3 is tensioned and anchored, stress distribution al the levels of cable 1 and
cable 2 and the average stress and the loss of stress is obtained as follows.
 A concrete beam of rectangular section. 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep is prestressed
by five wires of 7 mm diameter located at an eccentricity of 50mm, the initial stress in
the wires being 1200 N/mm2. Estimate the loss of stress in steel due to creep of
concrete using the ultimate creep strain method and the creep coefficient method (IS:
1343-1980). Use the following data:
Es=210 kN/mm2 Ec=35 kN/mm2 I=223 x 106 mm4 A =3 X 104

Ultimate creep strain = cc = 41 x 10-6 mm/mm per N/mm2

P= (5x 38.5 x 1200) = 23 x 104 N
ae= =6
Creep coefficient () =1.6
Stress in concrete at the level of steel is given by
fc= + = 10.2 N/mm2
1. Ultimate Creep Strain Method 2. Creep Coefficient Method
Loss of stress in steel = cc . fc. Es Loss of stress in steel =  fc ae
=(41 x 10-6)(10.2)(210x 103) =( 1.6 x 10.2 x 6)
=88 N/mm2 = 97.92 N/mm2
 A post-tensioned concrete beam of rectangular section. 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep,
is stressed by a parabolic cable with zero eccentricity at the supports and an
eccentricity of 50 mm at the center of span. The area of the cable is 200 mm2 and
initial stress in the cable is 1200 N/mm2. If the ultimate creep strain is 30 x 10-6 mm/mm
per N/mm2 of stress and modulus of elasticity of steel is 210 N/mm2
compute the loss of stress in steel only due to creep of concrete.

A = 3 x 104 mm2 P=( 200 x 1200)= 240000 N

I=225 x 106 mm4 e=50 mm
Stress in concrete at the level of steel:
At support section = = 8N/mm2
At centre of span section =+ = 10.7 N/mm2
Average stress at the level of steel (fe)
=8+ (2/3) X 2.7= 9.8 N/mm2
.Loss of stress in the cable due to creep of concrete
= cc . fc. Es
=(30x 10-6) (9.8) (210 x 103)
=62 N/mm2
 A concrete beam of 10 m span, 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep, is prestressed by 3 cables.
The area of each cable is 200 mm2 and the initial stress in the cable is 1200 N/mm2. Cable
1 is parabolic with an eccentricity of 50 mm above the centroid at the supports and 50 mm
below al the centre of span. Cable 2 is also parabolic with zero eccentricity at supports and
50 mm below the centroid al the centre of span. Cable 3 is straight with uniform
eccentricity of 50 mm below the centroid. If the cables are tensioned from one end only,
estimate the percentage loss of stress in each cable due to friction.
Assume µ=0.35 and K =0.0015 per m.
Equation of a parabola is given by:
y = (4e/L2) x (L —x)
Slope at ends (at x =0)= dy/dx = (4e/L2) (L - 2x) = (4e/L)
For cable 1
Slope at end = =0.04

Cumulative angle between tangents,  = (2 x 0.04) = 0.08 radians

For cable 2
Slope al end = =0.02
Cumulative angle between tangents.  = (2 X 0.02) = 0.04 radians

Initial prestressing force in each cable. P0 = (200 X 1200) = 24,0000 N

If Px = prestressing force (stress) In the cable at the farther end,
Px =Poe-(µ  +K x)
For small values of (µ  +K x)
we can write
Px =Po [1-((µ  +K x)]

Loss of stress =Po (µ  +K x)

cable 1 = Po (0.35 x 0.08 +0.0015 X 10) = 0.043 Po
cable 2 = Po(0.35 x 0.04+0.0015 x 10) = 0.029 Po
cable 3 = Po (0 + 0.00 15 X 10) = 0.015 Po

if Po = Initial stress =1200 N/mm2

 A concrete beam ¡s post-tensioned by a cable carrying an initial stress of 1000 N/mm2.
The slip at the jacking end was observed to be 5 mm. The modulus of elasticity of steel
¡s 210 kN/mm2. Estimate the percentage loss of stress due to anchorage slip if the
length of the beam is

(a)30 m

(b)3 m.

Loss of stress due to anchorage slip =

(a) For a 30 m long beam , loss of stress = = 35 N/mm2

:. Percentage loss stress= x 100 =3.5%

(b) For a 3m long beam. Loss of stress = = 350 N/ mm2

Percentage loss of stress = x 100 = 35%

 A pretensioned beam. 200 mm wide and 300 mm deep is pre stressed by 10 wires of 7
mm diameter initially stressed to 1200 N/mm2 with their centroids located 100mm
from the soffit. Find the maximum stress in concrete immediately after transfer,
allowing only for elastic shortening of concrete. if the concrete undergoes a further
shortening due to creep and shrinkage while there is a relaxation of 5 per cent of steel
stress, estimate the final percentage loss of stress in the wires using the Indian
standard code (IS: 1343 — 1980) regulations, and
the following data:

Es=210 kN/mm2 Creep coefficient () =1.6 Ec =5700(fcu )1/2 fcu =42 N/mm2

Total residual shrinkage strain 3 X 104

A = 6 x 104 mm2 Ec = 5700(42) 1/2 = 36900 N/mm2
I=45x 107 mm4 ae= = 5.7
P= (1200 X 10 x 38.5) =462 kN

Stress in concrete at the level of steel is given by

fc=+ = 10.3 N/mm2
 Loss of stress due to elastic deformation of concrete
= (5.7 X 10.3) = 58.8 N/mm2

Force in wires immediately after transfer = (1200— 58.8) 38.5

= 440 000 N = 440 kN

Stress in concrete at the level of steel is given by

fc=+ =978 N/mm2

When prestressed concrete members are subjected to bending loads,
different types of flexural failures are possible at critical sections,
depending upon the principal control ling parameters, such as
 the percentage of reinforcement in the section.
 degree of bond between tendons and concrete
 compressive strength of concrete and
 the ultimate tensile strength of the tendons.
 in the post-cracking stage, the behaviour of a prestressed concrete
member is more akin to that of a reinforced concrete member and the
theories used for estimating the flexural strength of reinforced concrete
section may as well be used for prestressed concrete sections
1. Fracture of steel in tension
 The sudden failure of a prestressed member without any warning is generally due to the
fracture of steel in the tension zone.
 This type of failure is imminent when the percentage of steel provided in the section is so low
that when the concrete in the tension zone cracks, the steel is not in a position to bear up the
additional tensile stress transferred to it by the cracked concrete. This type of failure can be
prevented by providing a certain minimum percentage of steel in the cross section
 The indian standard code IS: 1343 - 1980 prescribes a minimum longitudinal reinforcement of
0.2 per cent of the cross-sectional area in all cases except in the case of pretensioned units of
small sections.
 When a high-yield strength deformed reinforcement is used, the minimum steel percentage is
reduced to 0.15 per cent.
 The percent age of steel provided, both tensioned and untensioned taken together, should be
sufficient so that when the concrete in the precompressed tensile zone cracks, the steel is in
a position to bear the additional tensile stress transferred to it by the cracking of the
adjacent fibres of the concrete, thereby preventing a sudden failure of the beam due to
fracture of steel in tension.
2. Failure of under-reinforced sections
 if the cross-section is provided with an amount of steel greater than the
minimum prescribed in case 1.
 The failure is characterized by an excessive elongation of steel followed
by the crushing of concrete. As bending loads are increased. excessive
elongation of the steel raises the neutral axis closer to the compression
face at the critical section.
 The member approaches failure due to the gradual reduction of the
compression zone, exhibiting large deflections and cracks, which
develop at the soffit and progress towards the compression face.
 When the area of concrete in the compression zone is insufficient to
resist the resultant internal compressive force, the ultimate flexural
failure of the member takes place through the crushing of concrete.
 Large deflections and wide cracks are the characteristic features of
under-reinforced sections at failure
 this type of behaviour is generally desirable since Flexural Failure
Modes there is considerable warning before the impending failure of
Prestressed Beams
3. Failure of over-reinforced sections
 When the effective reinforcement index, which is expressed in terms of
the percentage of reinforcement, the compressive strength of concrete
and the tensile strength of steel, exceeds a certain range of values, the
section is said to be over-reinforced.
 Generally, over-reinforced members fail by the sudden crushing of
concrete, the failure being characterised by small deflections and
narrow cracks.
 The area of steel being comparatively large. the stresses developed in
steel at failure of the member may not reach the tensile strength and in
many cases it may well be within the proof stress of the tendons.
 In structural concrete members, it is undesirable to have sudden
failures without any warning in the form of excessive deflection and
widespread cracks,
The flexural strength of prestressed concrete section is based on the
compatibility of strains and equilibrium of forces acting on the section at
the stage of failure.
 The basic theory is applicable to all structural concrete sections.
whether reinforced or prestressed. and generally the following
assumptions are made:
1. The stress distribution in the compression zone of concrete can be
defined by means of coefficients applied to the characteristic
compressive strength and the average compressive stress and the
position of the centre of compression can be assessed.
2. The distribution of concrete strain is linear (plane sections normal to
axis remain plane after bending).
3. The resistance of concrete in tension is neglected.
4. The maximum compressive strain in concrete at failure reaches a
particular value.
 The flexural compressive stress in the compressive zone closely follows
the stress- strain curve of concrete.
 The properties of the concrete stress block can be expressed in terms of
the characteristic ratios k1 and k2.
 Much research has been carried out to study the characteristics of the
stress block . In particular the tests by Hognestad et. al had
considerable influence on the American and, indirectly on the British
and Indian standard codes.. The parameter
 k1 and k2 are not constant but depend upon the compressive strength of
 Investigations by Hognestad et. al have shown that k1 varies between
0.5 and 0.7 and
 k2 between 0.42 and 0.47 for the concrete compressive strength varying
from 60 to 20 N/mm2.
 Figure 7.2 shows the stress and strain distribution at the limit state of
collapse for a rectangular section with steel in the tension zone
A pretensioned concrete beam with a rectangular section, 100mm wide by 160 mm deep,
is prestressed by 10- high-tensile wires of 2.5 mm diameter located at an eccentricity of
40 mm. The initial force in each wire is 6.8 kN. The strain loss in wires due to elastic
shortening. creep and shrinkage of concrete is estimated to be 0.0012 units. The
characteristic cube strength of concrete is 40 N/mm2. Given the load-strain curve of 2.5
mm diameter steel wire, estimate the ultimate flexural strength of the section using the
strain compatibility method.
For fck =40 N/mm2. read out cu= 0.0033.
k1 = 0.57 and k2 = 0.45 .
Strain due to load of 6.8 kN in wire is 0.0073.
Effective strain in steel after all losses is given by
se = (0.0073 - 0.0012) = 0.0061
First trial
Assume x =60 mm
From the strain diagram (su - se ) = 0.0033.
su= (0.0033 + 0.0061)= 0.0094
Corresponding force in the wire = 8.4 kN
Total tensile force =(l0x 8.4) = 84 kN
Total compressive force = (k1 fck b. x)
(0.57 x 40 x 100 x 60)/1000
=136.8 kN
Since tension is less than compression. Decrease x for the second trail.
Second trial
Assume x =43 mm
(su - se ) = 0.0059
su = (0.059 + 0.0061) = 0.012
Corresponding force in the wire = 9.9 kN
Total tensile force = (10 x 9.9) =99 kN
Total compressive force =(057x40x100x43)/1000 =98 kN

Since tension is nearly equal to compression. strain compatibility is

M =Aps fpb (d-k2x)
=99x 103 x (120 - 0.45 x 43)
=9.96x 10^6 N mm = 9.96 kNm
If the number of wires in previous problem is increased to 16. estimate the flexural strength of the
First trial
Assume x =60 mm.
(su - se ) = 0.0033
su = (0.0033 + 0.0061) 0.0094
Corresponding force in the wire = 8.4 kN
Total tensile force = (16 x 8.4) = 136.8 kN
Total compressive force
.=( 0.57 x 40 x 100 x 60 )/ 10000 = 136.8 kN
Since tension is nearly equal to compression, strain compatibility is established.
Mu =Aps fpb (d-k2x)
=134.4 (120—0.45 x60) / 1000
 According to Bennett,
1. Design of a structure is a creative rather than a routine
analytical activity Which consider of its function,
construction, aesthetic and economy.
2. A suc­cessful design should satisfy the requirements of
safety against collapse and serviceability of the structure.
 Rowe et al. have defined the purpose of design as "the provision
of a structure complying with the client's requirements".
 The limit state design (LSD) philosophy recognizes the need
to provide safe and service­able structures at an economic
 It presents a clearer idea of the margins of safety employed
to cover uncertainty and ignorance of the func­tion as well as
the performance of structure.
 The LSD proposals have been evolved from the provisions of
various earlier codes, and the resulting changes in design,
being minimal, provide the designer a greater freedom of
 The formulation of new design proposals are such that any
new research data on loads, variability of materials,
workmanship and the methods of analysis can be readily
incorporated in the comprehensive limit-state format.
 In the working stress method of design,
1. The permissible stresses in concrete and steel are assumed to be a
fraction of the speci­fied strength of the individual material.
2. A constant modular ratio is assumed for all loading conditions with the
elastic behaviour of concrete and steel.
 The inadequacy of working-load design,
1. In predicting ultimate loads of a struc­ture.
2. The factor of safety applied to the constituent materials does not
present a realistic picture of the degree of safety against the collapse
of the composite material.
 The ultimate-load method of design
1. ensures the safety of the structure against the collapse limit-
state only.
2. does not give any information about the behav­iour of the
structure at service loads and the range between service and
collapse loads.
3. having a desirable margin of safety against collapse.
4. may not be serviceable due to excessive deflections and/or
development of objectionable cracks at service loads.
 These discrepancies, inherent in elastic and ultimate-load
methods, have naturally paved the way for the development of
comprehensive design methods that involve the criteria of
safety and serviceability.
 The LSD
1. is a method of designing structures based on a statistical
concept of safety and the associated statistical probability of
2. ensure an acceptable probability that the structure, during its
life, will not become unfit for its intended use
3. give satisfactory balance between the initial and maintenance
costs during the life of the structure.
 Initially, this philosophy was adopted and elaborated by the
european concrete committee (CEB) in 1964.
 Later, in conjunction with the international federation for
prestressing (FIP) issued a complimentary report for
prestressing concrete in 1966.
 The influence of this work was evident in the Americn code,
the British code and the Indian standard (IS) codes and
published between 1970 & 1980.
 Further research during the last decade had resulted in the re­
vised versions of the CEB-FIP model code, FIP
recommendations, British code, American code and IS code.
 Some of the important criteria concerning prestressed concrete for
the ultimate limit state are given below.
1. Failure of one or more critical sections in flexure, shear, torsion, or
due to their combinations,
2. Bursting of prestressed concrete end blocks,
3. Bearing failure at supports, anchorages or under-concentrated
imposed loads,
4. Bond and anchorage failure of reinforcement,
5. Failure of connections between precast and cast in situ elements,
6. Failure due to elastic instability of members.
 The limit state of collapse may also be attained due to
fatigue, vibrations, corrosive environment, impact as a
consequence of explosions or earthquakes and disintegra­tion
due to fire or frost
 The structure may be rendered unfit for its intended purpose
due to various serv­iceability limit states being reached, such
1. Excessive deflection or displacement, adversely affecting the
finishes and caus­ing discomfort to the users of the structure,
2. Excessive local damage resulting in cracking or spalling of
concrete, which impairs the efficiency or appearance of the

  Thedesign loads for various limit states are obtained as products of the
characteristic loads and partial safety factors, and are expressed as
Where, = appropriate design load
= partial safety factor for loads
= characteristic load
 The characteristic load which is independent of the limit state considered
and is seldom exceeded in service is defined as
Characteristic load = mean load + k x standard deviation
Where k is a factor chosen a value of 1.64 which ensures the probability that
the charac­teristic load is exceeded by only 5% during the intended life of the

  Thevalues of partial safety factors () for loads recommended in the Indian
codes is compiled in table 1:
Table 1 Partial Safety factor for loads () (IS: 1343-2012)

  The design strength of materials are expressed as
= ()
Where, = partial safety factor for material.
 The design strengths of materials for each limit state are obtained by
using the values of the partial safety factors compiled in table 2 :
Table 2 Partial Safety Factors for strength () (ultimate limit state)
 Design for the limit state of collapse in flexure shall be based on the
assumptions given below:
1. Plane sections normal to the axis remain plane after bending.
2. The strain in the bonded reinforcement or bonded prestressing steel
whether in tension or in compression is the same as that in the
surrounding concrete.
3. The maximum strain in concrete at the outermost compression fibre is
taken as 0.0035 in bending.
4. The relationship between the compressive stress distribution and the
strain in concrete may be assumed to be rectangle, trapezoid, parabola or
any other shape which results in prediction of strength in substantial
agreement with the results of tests.
5. An acceptable stress-strain curve is given in fig. 1.

  For design purposes, the compressive strength of concrete in the
structure shall be assumed to be 0.67 times the characteristic strength.
The partial safety factor = 1.5 shall be applied in addition to this.

Fig. 1 Stress-Strain Curve for Concrete

  For

the stress-strain curve in fig. 1,
the design stress block parameters
for rectangular section are as
follows (fig. 2):
Area of stress block = 0.36 and
depth of centre of compressive force
= 0.42 from the extreme fibre in
where = characteristic compressive
strength of concrete, and
= depth of neutral axis.

Fig. 2 Stress Block Parameter

5.   The tensile strength of the concrete is

6. The stresses in bonded prestressing
tendons, whether initially tensioned or
untensioned, and in additional
reinforcement are derived from the
representative stress-strain curve for
the type of steel used given by the
manufacturer or typical curves given in
fig. 3 for prestressing tendons and in IS
456 for reinforcement.
7. For design purposes, the partial safety
factor equal to 1.15 shall be applied.
In addition, the tendon will have an
initial prestrain due to prestress after Fig 3 Stress-Strain Curve for
all losses. Prestressing steel Wires

 The deflection of a structure or part thereof shall not adversely affect the
appearance or functional requirements of the structure or finishes or partitions.
 The deflection shall generally be limited to the following:
1. The final deflection, due to all loads including the effects of temperature,
creep and shrinkage and measured from the as-cast level of the supports of
floors, roofs and all other horizontal members, should not normally exceed
2. The deflection including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage
occurring after erection of partitions and the application of finishes should not
normally exceed span/ 350 or 20 mm whichever is less.
3. If finishes are to be applied to prestressed concrete members, the total upward
deflection should not exceed span/300, unless uniformity of camber between
adjacent units can be ensured.
Design of prestressed concrete
Minimum section modulus
 Prestressed sections under the action of flexure should satisfy the
limits specified for permissible stresses at the stage of transfer of
prestress and at service loads.
 Expressions for the minimum section moduli required to consider­ the
two critical combinations of prestress and moments. These com­
binations are
1. The maximum prestressing force at transfer together with the
minimum moments sustained by the section, and
2. The minimum prestressing force after all losses in combination with
the maxi­mum design moment for the serviceability limit state.
 The prestressing force and the corresponding eccentricity are
developed using the four stress relationships established for
the two extreme fibres of the section as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Stresses due to Prestress, Dead and Applied Loads

 Referring to fig. 4 , the four fundamental conditions for stresses at
transfer and service loads are as follows:
 At transfer
Top fibres (1)

Bottom fibres (2)

 At working load

Top fibres (3)

Bottom fibres
 From Eqs 1 and 3, we have,

 Similarly from Eqs 2 and 4, we have,

 where and are the ranges of stress at top and bottom fibres respectively
 The design formulae for the required section moduli are expressed as


 In cases where permanent dead loads in addition to the self-weight
acts on the mem­ber, these equations are modified and used in the
form given below



  Theworking moment includes the effect of self-weight, permanent dead
load and live loads.
 The minimum moment is due to the self-weight of the member or due to
the moments developed during the handling of the element.
 The loss ratio (η) generally lies in the range of 0.75 to 0.80 for
pretensioned mem­ber and between 0.80 to 0.85 for post-tensioned
 The size of the concrete section is influenced both by the applied or live
load moment and the minimum moment.
 In the case of beams with large ratios of applied to minimum moments,
the cross-section is highly influ­enced by the applied moments and the self-
weight may be considered to be counter­acted by the prestress.
 When the minimum moment is of comparatively large magni­tude, it can no
longer be completely counterbalanced by the prestressing force within the
Prestressing Force
 The section selected is somewhat greater than the minimum
indicated by Eqs 5 or 6 and consequently the prestress can
lie between an upper and lower limit.
 Any value of the prestress within these limits may be safely
used without exceeding the permissible stresses at the
extreme fibres.
 The minimum prestressing force required will be obtained by
selecting the maxi­mum tensile prestress, indicated by Eq. 1
at the top fibre.
 The minimum compressive prestress, indicated by Eq. 4
corresponding to the bottom fibre.
 Rear­ranging these equations,



 Inthese equations, and correspond to the actual values of section

 Eliminating e from the equations,

 We have the expression for the minimum prestressing force as

 Similarly, eliminating P from the equations, the corresponding maximum
eccentricity is given by


  Where and are to be computed from Eqs 7 and 8.

 A post-tensioned prestressed beam of rectangular section
250 mm wide is to be designed for an imposed load of 12
kN/m, uniformly distributed on a span of 12 m. The stress in
the concrete must not exceed 17 N/mm2 in compression or
1.4 N/mm2 in tension at any time and the loss of prestress
may be assumed to be 15%.
1. The minimum possible depth of the beam; and
2. For the section provided, the minimum prestressing force
and the corresponding eccentricity.

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