Chapter 12 A
Chapter 12 A
Chapter 12 A
1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2
0 4 0 4 1 0 1/ 4 0 1
M ,M
0 0 4 9 0 0 1 / 4 9 / 4
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Example (3)
• The inverse transformed ray is (8,4,-1) + (-8,-
• Use this to obtain (quadratic formula values) (A,
B, C) = (74,-77,80), so the discriminant is 9.
Hence there are two intersections.
• From the hit time equation for the sphere, we
obtain the hit times 1.1621 and 0.9189.
• The hit spot is found by using the smaller hit
time in the ray representation, (10, 20, 5) + (-8,
-12, 4)0.9189 = (2.649, 8.97, 8.67).
Organizing a Ray Tracer
• We can now construct an actual ray tracer.
• We shall use the Scene class and the SDL
language since they provide an already
constructed object list for the scene where each
object has an associated affine transformation.
• A ray tracer has to deal with several different
interacting objects: the camera, the screen, rays
that emanate from the camera and migrate
through the scene, and the scene itself, which
contains many geometric objects and light
Organizing a Ray Tracer (2)
• In our approach, the camera is given the task of
doing the ray tracing, for which we add a method
to the existing Camera class: void Camera ::
raytrace(Scene& scn, int blockSize);
– The camera is given a scene to ray trace and a
certain blocksize, to be described.
• It generates a ray from its eye through each
pixel corner into the scene and determines the
color of the light coming back along that ray.
• It then draws the pixel in that color.
Organizing a Ray Tracer (3)
• We will use OpenGL to do the actual pixel
drawing and will have raytrace() set up the
modelview and projection matrices to draw
directly on the display.
• This makes the display() function in the
main loop of the application very simple; it
need only clear the screen and tell the
camera object cam to ray trace.
Organizing a Ray Tracer (4)
void display(void)
clear the screen
cam.raytrace(scn, blockSize); // ray trace
the scene
• Helpful tip: Drawing a preview of the scene just
before ray tracing it assures that the camera is
aimed properly and the objects are in their proper
Organizing a Ray Tracer (5)
• To add a preview of the scene, simply extend
display() to:
void display(void)
{ //clear the screen and reset the depth buffer
cam.drawOpenGL(scn); // draw the preview
cam.raytrace(scn, blockSize); // ray trace over
the preview
Example of Ray Tracing in
• The preview has been drawn, and the
lower half of the screen has been ray
traced. The important point here is that the
ray tracing exactly overlays the preview
Organizing a Ray Tracer (6)
• The Camera class’s raytrace() method
implements ray-tracing.
• For each row r and column c a ray object
is created that emanates from the eye and
passes through the lower left corner of the
rc-th pixel into the scene.
• We need a Ray class for this.
Initial Ray Class
class Ray{
Point3 start;
Vector3 dir;
void setStart(point3& p{start.x = p.x; etc..}
void setDir(Vector3& v){dir.x = v.x; etc..}
// other fields and methods
Raytrace() Skeleton
void Camera :: raytrace(Scene& scn, int blockSize)
{ Ray theRay;
// set up OpenGL for simple 2D drawing
gluOrtho2D(0,nCols,0,nRows); // whole screen is the
glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); // so glColor3f() works
Raytrace() Skeleton (2)
// begin raytracing
for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row += blockSize)
for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col += blockSize)
{ compute the ray’s direction
theRay.setDir(<direction>); //set the ray’s direction
Color3 clr = scn.shade(theRay); // find the color
glRecti(col,row,col + blockSize, row + blockSize);
Organizing a Ray Tracer (7)
• The blockSize parameter determines the size of
the block of pixels being drawn at each step.
• Displaying pixel blocks is a time-saver for the
viewer during the development of a ray tracer.
• The images formed are rough but they appear
rapidly; instead of tracing a ray through every
pixel, wherein the picture emerges slowly pixel
by pixel, rays are traced only through the lower
left corner of each block of pixels.
Organizing a Ray Tracer (8)
• The figure (a) shows how this works for a
simple example of a display that has 16
rows and 32 columns of actual pixels, and
blockSize is set to 4. Each block consists
of 16 pixels.
Organizing a Ray Tracer (9)
• The color of the ray through the corner of the
block is determined, and the entire block (all 16
pixels) is set to this uniform color.
• The image would appear as a raster of four by
eight blocks, but it would draw very quickly.
• If this rough image suggests that everything is
working correctly, the viewer can re-trace the
scene at full resolution by setting blockSize to 1.
Block Size Example
• The figure (b) shows a simple scene ray
traced with a block size of 4, 2, and 1.
Organizing a Ray Tracer (10)
• raytrace() sets up OpenGL matrices for drawing the pixel
• The modelview matrix is set to the identity matrix, and
the projection matrix does scaling of the window to the
viewport with no projection.
• The OpenGL pipeline is effectively transparent, so that a
square can be drawn directly into the viewport using
glRecti(). We assume the viewport has already been set
to the full screen window with a
glViewport(0,0,nCols,nRows) when the program is first
• OpenGL’s lighting must also be disabled so that
glColor3f() will work properly.