Multicultural Literature
Multicultural Literature
Multicultural Literature
Literature about the sociocultural experiences of
underrepresented groups. This literature includes
those who fall outside the “mainstream” of
categories such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, language. This
literature is written by those who are members of
these underrepresented groups and those who fall
within the category of “mainstream.”
*When was the last time you used a book by/about an
underrepresented group?
66 books had significant Latino content
Choices Observations/Conclusions
Culturally Specific
Generically American
Culturally Neutral
Consider author/illustrator perspective
Are the characters multidimensional? Recognizable? Not
Do the illustrations depict real features? Is the story
realistically resolved?
Is the language authentic?
If the characters have disabilities, are there reciprocal
relationships? Does the story promote positive attitude
towards/understanding of the disability? Does the character
make choices? Are there high expectations for the character?
Be sure to photocopy handout!
Why Do It?
Multicultural children’s literature offers
representations and validation to/for groups that
don’t typically have a voice.
Those are members of a mainstream group become
more aware of the true nature of our society and
their place in it