1602 Process Context: Use This Title Slide Only With An Image
1602 Process Context: Use This Title Slide Only With An Image
1602 Process Context: Use This Title Slide Only With An Image
Generate Process Context is the report to generate check instances for a process automatically so that you don’t
have to manually define an instance for each check.
After you provide the related Process ID in the report and execute it, check instances will be generated and inserted
to table PYD_D_INST.
Before you use the report Generate Process Context, the following must have been done already:
• You have to completed the following Customizing activities under Payroll Payroll: International Payroll
Control Center Payroll Process Management:
Define Process Step Templates
Define Process Templates
Define Processes
Assign Process Templates to Processes
Define Process Instance Parameter Values
• You have completed the following Customizing activities under Payroll -> Payroll: International -> Payroll Data
Source Framework
Create Data Source Types
Classify Data Sources
• You have generated process steps using the Generate Process Steps (PYC_GENERATE_STEP) report
The system needs the Authorization Prefix of the process to generate the check instances and their technical
The Check Types for which you want to generate check instances must be assigned the following input
parameters only:
If there is any incorrect configuration in Customizing activities, the system does not generate the
check instances. It displays a log for the error information.
Previously if a productive process uses the same check types with the monitoring process, the result in the
productive process can be adjusted based on the monitoring process result. So that Set-to-Resolved results
won't be shown in productive process.
However, as of EA-HRRXX 608 SP25, with the automatic generation of check instances using the Generate
Process Context (PYC_GENERATE_PROCESS_CONTEXT) report, monitoring process and productive process
will have different check instances for the same check.
Therefore, you need to do some configuration activities to manually map the monitoring process with the
productive process so that errors that are Set to Resolved in the monitoring process will automatically inherit the
same status (Set to Resolved) in the corresponding productive process.
Before you do the Mapping configuration, you need to do the following configurations first.
1. The source process must have been assigned to a process template of the category MO Monitoring and the
target process must have been assigned to a process template of the category PP Productive Payroll.
2. The source monitoring process and the target productive process must have the same check types
assigned to them.
3. The source monitoring process and the target productive process must have been run for the
same period.
4. The check types must be assigned the correct semantic value for the semantic category
• If a check type has an input parameter PYP_PROC, then the semantic value of the semantic
category PYD_TYADJ must be PYP_ADJ;
• If a check type does not have an input parameter PYP_PROC, then the semantic value of
the semantic category PYD_TYADJ must be PERNR_ADJ.
On IMG, go to Payroll Payroll: International Payroll Control Center Payroll Process Management
Map Monitoring and Productive Processes
Monitoring Productive
Process Process
After all the configurations above, Adjustment for instances generated by Process Context can work now.
• Input Parameters:
Basically, you just need those 2 parameters. You need to define your own parameter like ZAMT or ZLGART anymore. Most of
the information will be got from “Process Context”. For other configuration concept like “Type Category” and “Persistent RDT”,
we don’t change anything.
• Run-time Class
You now get information like ABKRS or PERIOD from IO_RES_CONTEXT->MT_PAR, background
framework has supported this.
You can now implement the individual check logic based on those basic information even you don’t
configure those parameters, those are provided by the “Context”
You can still use additional parameters like AMT_HIGH or LAGRT as before if you also configured it as
fixed and mandatory parameter. But now you should manually create the check instance, our
generation tool cannot help for this.
And as we enhanced background framework to support both “Old Check Type” which has
ABKRS and PERIOD as input parameters and “New Check Type”, consequently as a side
effect, there are some incorrect “Check Type” and its “Check Instance” would be also selected
out during execution of initial policy step. Therefore, we need a tool to check the existed
configurations to discover those “Bad Check Type” if has. Then you should remove them from
the policy.