Case Presentation

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m Mental health according to the world health organization

defines health as a state of complete, physical, mental,

and social wellness, not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity. This definition emphasizes health as a positive
state of well-being. Fulfill life responsibilities, function
effectively in daily life, and are satisfied with their
interpersonal relationships and themselves. One of the
disorder is schizophrenia that describes a mental disorder characterize
by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality.
It must commonly manifest as auditory hallucinations paranoid or bizarre delusions with significant
social or occupational dysfunction schizophrenia
m jchizophrenia residual type is typical of
persons having mixed symptoms of
schizophrenia. They may not current
episode but had this episodes before.
jchizophrenia affects an estimated one
percent of the world's population.
jymptoms usually appear between the
ages of 15 and 35. jchizophrenia affects
males and females equally, although
symptoms often appear earlier in males. In
the U.j., about 2.5 million people have this
illness; about 80 percent of people with
schizophrenia can live either full, productive
lives or relatively independent lives with
treatment. The other 20 percent of sufferers
will require long-term, structured care.
m ¢eople with schizophrenia have a higher
rate of suicide than the general
population. Approximately 10 percent of
people with schizophrenia (especially
younger adult males) commit suicide.
jchizophrenia accounts for about 40
percent of all long-term hospitalization.
Heredity does not explain all cases,
however. About 60 percent of people
with schizophrenia have no close
relatives with the illness. Early treatment
of schizophrenia and newer treatment
options may control the illness in up to 85
percent of individuals.
m The present study investigated the
distribution of births of 3,508
schizophrenic patients born in the
¢hilippines. A 15% excess above
expectation was found for patients born
in the coldest 3-month period of the year
(December-February). An excess of
births in that period was found in both
sexes and in each decade of birth
m Mr. Dodong 46 years old who resides in
39 almond drive Ecoland phase 7 Davao
city was chosen to be the group·s
subject for the case presentation. He
was admitted at New Day Recovery
]eneral Objective:
At the end of our ¢sychiatric exposure in NDRC, the
]roup 4 of BjN 4 jec B will be able to learn and
understand in actuality ¢sychiatric Disorder as
marked by the client.

jpecific Objective:

m Find a subject for the study;

m Ask for permission from NDRC head Nurse, to have
the client as the subject of the study;
m Establish a nurse-client therapeutic relationship;
m ¢rovide consent to conduct a home visit for the
patient family or relatives;
m ¢resent anamnesis as follows;
a. get reliable information from informants
b. illustrate family tree of the patient
c. trace the characteristic of the maternal;
and paternal lineage which have
influenced the personality of the parent
and the subject.
d. discuss the significant characteristics of
the subject with regards to its
developmental stages including the
predisposing and precipitating factors
m present the patient·s profile
m present the study of the prescribed medicines,
doctor·s order and laboratory result of the
m perform the Mental jtatus Exam
m present the initial and final Nurse-¢atient
m identify the predisposing and precipitating
m discuss the psychodynamics in the prevailing
mental disorder;
m make a Nursing Care ¢lan;
m to come up with a prognosis
m present a conclusion and recommendation for
the client·s family and relatives.
m ¢ersonal Data
m Name: Dodong
m Age: 45 y/o
m Date of Birth : November 06, 1965
m ¢lace of Birth: North Cotabato
m Ordinal ¢osition of the Family : 5th child
m ]ender: Male
m Address: 39 Almond Drive, Ecoland , ¢hase 7, Davao City
m Civil jtatus: jingle
m Religion: R.Catholic
m Occupation: None
m Weight: Not Obtained
m Educational Attainment: Vocational ]raduate
m Father·s Name: Can
m Age: 84
m Mother·s Name: Cel
m Age: 82
m Date of Admission: Dec 05, 2004 Time: 11:10am
m Diagnosis: jchizophrenia
m Informants
m Name: Del
m Age: 37 year old
m Address: 39 Almond Drive, Ecoland , ¢hase 7, Davao City
m Relationship to the patient:
m Length of time known to patient :
m According to the informant, the patient illness was started at the
agesof 20·s dodong hearing something then talking to himself
alone and he said he saw people behind him. His family
decided to bring godong to the quack doctor then nothing is
happened, checked to neurologist. Therefore, his family consult
a psychiatrist at Babista on Dodong condition and he was
confined in just few months then released with home
medication. There·s a times he refused to take medication. His
illness was triggered when he saw his brother has stabbed
wound. After that incidence dodong brought to the Insite under
Dr. Cunanan. He was admitted in just a few days then went
back home. Dodong want to get the key of their gate, he
wanted to open the gate because according to him, his friends
outside waiting then his mother refused to give the key so he
punched his mother. The reason why Dodong admitted to
Babista on December 5, 2004 at 11:10am.
m Family Health History
According to our informant (bro C) his
grandparents paternal side (lolo 1and lola 1) both
died because of hypertension and old age (lola1).
His grandparents in maternal side (lolo 2 and lola 2)
also died due to hypertension. In ¢aternal side his
grandparents has five (5) children. It consists of three
(3) boys and two (2) girls. Their father (¢A¢A) was the
second (2nd) among the five (5) siblings. In Maternal
side his grandparents has seven (7) children. It
consists of four (4) girls and the informant forgot
about the three (3) remaining child and according to
our informant those three (3) have passed away. The
informant said to us that his brothers and sisters have
its own illness but he can no longer recall it. The
informant has Hypertension. jome
information we needed was not answered by our
informant because he forgot it already.
m Biological Data
m Dodong is 46 years old, single, Filipino, was
born on November 6, 1964 in Mlang, North
Cotabato. He is the 5th child among the 6
siblings. His parents were a good provider
for them. Especially their mother as our
informant told us that their mother was a
very loving mother. Their father was a
disciplinarian. His father was a college
undergraduate and has attained up to his
2nd year in college due to financial
m Dodong has no marital relationship at all.
jince his illness was manifested during his
adulthood years. No girlfriend since his
adolescence years.
m Course in the hospital
a. Clinical History
m ¢ast illness
m ¢atient was confined at Davao mental
hospital for changes in behavior manifested
by talking to himself, laugh alone, difficulty
of feeling asleep, noted become violent,
punched his mother in of his face, throw a
way things at home and patient was
discharged. With home meds
levomipromazone 100mg, ½ tab. B16 and
biperiden hcl 2mg. 1 tab. For E¢j, and
schedule of check up is on Dec. 6 2004 at
DMH but patient was less not follow up
check up because family decided to
transfer in his facility.
m ¢resent illness
m Dec. 3 & 4 2005, 2 days after discharged
at Davao mental hospital patient was
admitted in this facility due to same
behavior, talking himself, laugh alone,
difficult of falling asleep, does not take a
bath, refuse to take his medication,
sometimes become vident punched on
his mother face and throw a way things,
thus days admission.
m j 
causes distorted and
bizarre thoughts, perception, emotions,
movements, and behavior. It cannot be
defined as a single illness; rather
schizophrenia is thought of as a syndrome
or disease process with many different
varieties and symptoms, much like varieties
of cancer. (¢sychiatric-Mental Health
Nursing/Fourth Edition jheila L. Videbeck)
m j  (pronounced / sk*ts frni†/
or / sk*ts fri ni†/) is a mental
disordercharacterized by a disintegration of
the process of thinking and of emotional
m ¢      is characterized
by delusions and auditory hallucinations but relatively
normal intellectual functioning and expression of affect.
The delusions can often be about being persecuted
unfairly or being some other person who is famous. ¢eople
with paranoid-type schizophrenia can exhibit anger,
aloofness, anxiety, and argumentativeness.

m (  

is characterized by
speech and behavior that are disorganized or difficult to
understand, and flattening or inappropriate emotions.
¢eople with disorganized-type schizophrenia may laugh at
the changing color of a traffic light or at something not
closely related to what they are saying or doing. Their
disorganized behavior may disrupt normal activities, such
as showering, dressing, and preparing meals.
m Ö  
is characterized by
disturbances of movement. ¢eople with catatonic-
type schizophrenia may keep themselves completely
immobile or move all over the place. They may not
say anything for hours, or they may repeat anything
you say or do senselessly. Either way, the behavior is
putting these people at high risk because it impairs
their ability to take care of themselves.

m =    
characterized by some symptoms seen in all of the
above types but not enough of any one of them to
define it as another particular type of schizophrenia.
m j  
 å characterized
by at least one previous, though not a current,
episode; social withdrawal; flat affect; and
looseness of associations. (¢sychiatric-Mental
Health Nursing/Fourth Edition jheila L.
m ß   
  is characterized
by a past history of at least one episode of
schizophrenia, but the person currently has no
positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations,
disorganized speech or behavior). It may
represent a transition between a full-blown
episode and complete remission, or it may
continue for years without any further
psychotic episodes.

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