Table Manners in England
Table Manners in England
Table Manners in England
Group 1
What should I do or not do when I
am eating in Britain?
The British generally
pay a lot of attention to
good table manners.
Even young children
are expected to eat
properly with knife and
We eat most of our
food with cutlery. The
foods we don't eat with
a knife, fork or spoon
include sandwiches,
crisps, corn on the
cob, and fruit.
Things you should do:
If you cannot eat a certain type
of food or have some special
needs, tell your host several
days before the dinner party.
If you are a guest, it is polite to
wait until your host starts eating
or indicates you should do so. It
shows consideration.
Always chew and swallow all
the food in your mouth before
taking more or taking a drink.
You may eat chicken and pizza
with your fingers if you are at a
barbecue, finger buffet or very
informal setting. Otherwise
always use a knife and fork.
Always say thank you when
served something. It shows
In a restaurant, it is normal
to pay for your food by
putting your money on the
plate the bill comes on.
Things you should
Never lick or put your knife
not do:
• Never blow your nose on a
in your mouth. napkin (serviette). Napkins
• It is impolite to start eating are for dabbing your lips and
before everyone has been only for that.
served unless your host says
that you don't need to wait. • Never take food from your
Never chew with your mouth
neighbours plate.
open. No one wants to see • Never pick food out of your
food being chewed or hearing teeth with your fingernailsIt
it being chomped on. is impolite to put too much
• It is impolite to have your food in your mouth.
elbows on the table while you • Never use your fingers to
are eating.
push food onto your spoon or
• Don't reach over someone's fork.
plate for something, ask for
the item to be passed. • It is impolite to slurp your
food or eat noisily
• Never talk with food in your
Things that are ok to do:
It is ok to pour your own
drink when eating with
other people, but it is more
polite to offer pouring
drinks to the people sitting
on either side of you.
It is ok to put milk and
sugar in your tea and
coffee or to drink them
both without either.
I am not used to eating with a knife and fork. What
do I need to know?