Object Oriented Analysis & Design

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Object Oriented

Analysis & Design

Applying UML and Patterns by Craig Larman
Grading Criteria
Assignment – 5 Marks
Quizzes- 10 Marks
Mid Term- 35 Marks
Final Exam-50 Marks
Course Overview
Software Life cycles
Agile software development process
Requirements and use cases
Software quality and quality assurance
Risk management
UML modelling
Software process improvement
Its about thinking in terms of objects
Analyzing the problem in terms of objects i.e. object oriented analysis
Designing the problem with objects as units i.e. object oriented design
Use of tools and technologies that support OOAD
Lecture Overview
Introduction to:

 Object oriented analysis

 Object oriented design
 Software development process
Introduction to OOAD
The proverb “owning a hammer doesn’t make one an architect” is especially true with respect
to object technology.
Knowing an object language is necessary but insufficient to create object systems Its about
analysing system requirements in terms of objects and allocating responsibilities to class objects.
How would these objects collaborate with each other.
It emphasizes on finding requirements and problems rather than solutions.
Object oriented analysis is a process of analyzing requirements in an object oriented paradigm.
It approves some of the requirements while discards others.
The requirements are represented in the form of Use cases and personas to make more sense
based on this OOA the OOD is built.
Use Case
Use case consists of a paragraph or so text that presents a scenario of a single system
It is written in simple English that would help realize the importance of the requirement and its
contribution to the over all system.
There can be many use cases for a system representing its various requirements.
It is not an OO activity but it helps in the development of OOD.
Use Case
◦ Use Case “Login to System”
◦ When the User tries to access the system, the systems asks for a user name and password. On
provision of the correct user name and password , the user is allowed to enter the
It emphasizes on the conceptual solution in software or hardware that fulfils the requirements.
It does not give any implementation details
Design ideas normally exclude low level details that are obvious to the intended customers .
Ultimately designs can be implemented in code to give its true and complete realization
In OOA there is an emphasis on finding and describing objects or concepts in the problem domain
For example in flight information system some of the objects are flights, planes and pilot
During OOD there is emphasis on defining software objects and how they collaborate with each
other to fulfill requirements
For example a flight object may have attributes like flight duration, departure time, arrival time,
source, destination etc.
UML is a standard diagramming notation
UML is not OOAD or a method it is just a diagramming notation
It is useless to learn UML but not really know how to create an excellent OO design or evaluate
and improve an existing one
To know how to design is a separate skill
UML Diagrams
Use case diagram
Activity diagram
Sequence diagram
Partial domain model
Domain model
Class diagram
Collaboration diagram
UML Perspective
Conceptual perspective
◦The diagrams are interpreted as describing things in a situation of the real world or domain of
Specification perspective
◦The diagrams (using same notations) describe software abstraction or components with
specifications and interfaces but no commitment to a particular implementation
Implementation perspective
◦Software implementation in a particular technology
Development Process
Given the requirements and possible activities that are to be implemented the question is how to
In this case, an agile (light, flexible) approach is used as sample of iterative development process
Agile development process is relatively new approach and is very successful
Assigning responsibilities to objects
It is the most critical activity
This activity has to be performed either while drawing UML diagrams or programming
It strongly influences the robustness, maintainability and reusability of the software components
Iterative Development Process
Iterative development process is an agile development process
During this process development is organized in to a series of short, fixed-length mini-projects
called iterations
The outcome of each iteration is tested, integrated as executable partial system
Each iteration includes its own requirements analysis, design, implementation and testing activities
It is also called iterative and incremental development
Also called iterative and evolutionary development (feedback and adaptation)

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