Cover Letters: Purdue University Writing Lab

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Cover Letters

Purdue University Writing Lab

What Is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter
expresses your
interest in and
qualifications for a
position to a
prospective employer.

Purdue University Writing Lab

What Should My Cover Letter
 Your cover letter should
introduce the main
points of your resume.
 It should also help you to
“sell” your qualifications
to the prospective

Purdue University Writing Lab

Inside Address

Emma Markley  Address your letter to a

Human Resources Director specific person, ideally
to the person who will
St. Luke's Medical Center interview you.
The Fort, Taguig City  Look for the person’s
name in company
publications, or phone
Dear Ms. Markley: the organization and
ask for the person’s
name or for the
personnel manager.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Preliminary Research
 Find out
* General job
* Desired qualifications
and skills
* Key values and words

Purdue University Writing Lab

Introductory Paragraph
Your first paragraph should:

 Get the reader’s attention, stimulate interest, and be

appropriate for the job you are seeking.
 Make your goal clear to readers.
 Preview the rest of your letter. Highlight the qualifications
you will discuss throughout the letter.
 The first paragraph is an introduction of yourself and how
you learned of the opening, as well as your interest in the
position/organization. This requires you to relate yourself
to the organization or to the position in order to
demonstrate your interest.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Solicited Application Letters
 Solicited application I believe that my knowledge
letters are letters written of public relations and my
in response to an proven communication and
advertised job opening. leadership skills make me a
 It is appropriate to strong candidate for the
mention where you position of Media Relations
learned of the opening in Coordinator that was posted
the first paragraph.
by the Delta Airlines Job
Opportunities Program.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Unsolicited Application Letters
 Unsolicited application As a member of one of the
letters are written to fastest growing publishing
companies that have not houses in the world, do you
posted a job opening. have an opening in your
 It is important to gain the acquisitions department for
reader’s attention and a recent college graduate
persuade them that you with a major in English and
can contribute to the
publishing and editing
company’s goals.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Body Paragraphs

 The middle/ body paragraph(s) is a profile of how your

skills and experience match the qualifications sought.
In order to do this, consider the following points:
 Read the job description carefully to get a clear idea of what the
company is looking for. This goes beyond just the “qualifications” section
of a job description- make sure to discuss your ability to do the job.
 Review the company website to learn what type of person the company
might value .
 Match your background, whether it is work experience, academics,
volunteer experience, etc. and describe why you believe those
experiences make you a qualified candidate for the position.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Goals of the Body Paragraphs
 Highlight your strongest
qualifications for the
position for which you
are applying.
 Demonstrate how these
qualifications will benefit
the employer.
 Refer employers to your
enclosed resume.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Detailing Your Experience
 Show (don’t tell) employers As a banking
your qualifications representative at Bank
 Include specific, credible One, I provided quality
examples of your customer service while
qualifications for the promoting the sale of
position. products to customers.
 Use numbers, names of I also handled upwards
equipment you've used, or of P1,000,000.00 a day
features of a project that and was responsible for
may apply to the job you balancing the bank’s
want. ATM machine.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Using Active Language—Don’ts
 Don’t be vague in your
Vague: I worked as a ramp
 Don’t use weak verbs agent at Comair.
such as endeavored,
tried, hoped, and
attempted. Weak: I attempted to
 Don’t use sexist attract customers.
language such as
chairman and

Purdue University Writing Lab

Using Active Language—Do’s
 Use concrete words to Vague: I worked as a ramp agent
describe your experience. for COMAIR.
 Specific: As a ramp agent, I
 Use present tense to assisted in loading baggage,
discuss current activities oversaw fueling the aircraft, and
and past tense for stocked commissary items on
previous job duties or the aircraft.
accomplishments. Weak: I attempted to attract
 Be as specific as possible Strong: I initiated a program to
in descriptions; list dollar attract customers to Pizza Hut,
amounts and figures when which resulted in a 5% increase
you can. in sales for the month of June.

Purdue University Writing Lab

Concluding Paragraph

 The last paragraph wraps up the cover letter.

 You should reiterate your interest in the position, and
desire to hear from them regarding the opportunity.
 You also want to thank the reader for their time in
considering your application, and provide information for
how you can be reached.
 If you would like, and are able to, you can state that you
will follow-up with them directly. Be positive and
confident (without being arrogant).

Purdue University Writing Lab

Concluding Paragraph

I hope that you find my qualifications suitable for the job

posting, I really look forward to be apart of your institution.
I firmly believe that your company will provide me with great
opportunities to flourish my career.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach
me through this number 09073116382.
Further, if and when you may be interested to interview me, I
would be glad to come to your office. Thank you very much

Purdue University Writing Lab

Organizing Your Letter
 In general, cover letters should be no longer than one
typed page.
 Organize your body paragraphs to emphasize your
strongest and most relevant qualifications. Only include
the two or three strongest qualifications from your resume.
 Make it easy for readers to scan your letter by beginning
each paragraph with a topic sentence.
cover letter.pdf
Video\Episode 1_ Writing The Perfect Cover Letter.mp4

Purdue University Writing Lab

Workplace Communication
Communicating in the Workplace

Skillsfor Career Success

Ethical Business Communication

Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery

©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication
 Skills for Career Success
Expertise or talent needed in order to do a job or task. P
Why Do You Need to Build Career Skills? P
 Strong skills are necessary for hiring.
 top skill set sought by employers.
 critical for promotion.
 essential for effective job performance.
 learned through instruction and practice. 1
“Success for you in the new global and diverse workplace
requires excellent communication skills!”
Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery
©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
•excellent communication skills!

Workplace Communication
Excellent communication skills
Understanding Is Barriers That Create
Shaped by: Misunderstandings:

Communication ×Bypassing
climate ×Poor listening skills
Context and setting ×Differing frames of
Background reference
experiences ×Lack of language skills
Knowledge, mood ×Emotional interference
Values, beliefs, culture ×Physical distractions
Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery
©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
•excellent communication skills!

Workplace Communication
Excellent communication skills
Overcoming Barriers That Cause Misunderstandings

 Realize that communication is imperfect.

 Adapt the message to the receiver.

 Improve your language and listening skills.

 Question your preconceptions.
 Encourage feedback.

Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery

©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication
Ethical Business Communication
Ethical Behavior
Doing the right thing given the circumstances

To conform to accepted and especially professional

standards of conduct.

Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery

©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication

Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery

©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication
Ethical Business Communication
Five Common Ethical Traps to Avoid on the Job
1. The false necessity trap
Convincing yourself that no other choice
2. The doctrine of relative filth
Comparing your unethical behavior with
someone else’s
even more unethical behavior
3. The rationalization trap
Justifying unethical actions with excuses
4. The self-deception trap
Persuading yourself, for example, that a lie is not
really a Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery
©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
lie Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication
Ethical Business Communication
Goals of Ethical Business Communicators

Abide by the law.

Tell the truth.
Be objective.

Communicate clearly.
Use inclusive language.
Give credit.
Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery
©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication

Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery

©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab
Workplace Communication

Organisational Behaviour, edited by Christine Cross and Ronan Carbery

©Palgrave, Macmillan 2016
Purdue University Writing Lab

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