Genetic Engineering: Presented By: Kouki Safa KHALFA Youssef Hizawi Maram Nsiri Hamza Barbar Mede

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Presented by:
Kouki Safa
KHALFA Youssef
Hizawi Maram
Nsiri Hamza
Barbar Mede
Genetic eng
introduced in ring is a term that was fi
to our langu rst
describe the age in the 1
emerging fie 970s to
DNA techno ld of recomb
logy and som inant
were going o e o f the things
n that
Genetic eng
ineering, als
modification o called gen
or genetic m etic
direct manip a nipulation, is
ulation of an th e
using biotec organism's g
hnology. en es

It is a set of technologies used to

change the genetic makeup of cells,
including the transfer of genes within

What it and across species boundaries to

produce improved or novel organisms.

New DNA is obtained by either
isolating and copying the genetic
material of interest using recombinant

Engineering? DNA methods or by artificially

synthesizing the DNA
The possible benefits of genetic
How can it
engineering include:
• More nutritious food
• Tastier food
• Disease- and drought-resistant plants
that require fewer environmental
resources (such as water and fertilizer)
• Less use of pesticides Increased supply
of food with reduced cost and longer
shelf life
• Faster growing plants and animals
• Food with more desirable traits, such as
potatoes that produce less of a cancer-
causing substance when fried
• Medicinal foods that could be used as
vaccines or other medicines
• Fast-Growing Salmon • Less Smelly Cows
Genes from two other fish cause this Modifying bacteria responsible for
salmon to continually produce growth methane production in cattle results in
hormones 25% less-flatulent cows
Can it destroys
Some people have expressed concerns
about GE foods, such as:
• Creating foods that can cause an allergic
reaction or that are toxic
• Unexpected or harmful genetic changes
Genes moving from one GM plant or
animal to another plant or animal that is
not genetically engineered
• Foods that are less nutritious *These
concerns have proven to be unfounded
• None of the GE foods used today have
caused any of these problems.
Thanks 

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