Genetic Engineering: Presented By: Kouki Safa KHALFA Youssef Hizawi Maram Nsiri Hamza Barbar Mede
Genetic Engineering: Presented By: Kouki Safa KHALFA Youssef Hizawi Maram Nsiri Hamza Barbar Mede
Genetic Engineering: Presented By: Kouki Safa KHALFA Youssef Hizawi Maram Nsiri Hamza Barbar Mede
Presented by:
Kouki Safa
KHALFA Youssef
Hizawi Maram
Nsiri Hamza
Barbar Mede
Genetic eng
introduced in ring is a term that was fi
to our langu rst
describe the age in the 1
emerging fie 970s to
DNA techno ld of recomb
logy and som inant
were going o e o f the things
n that
Genetic eng
ineering, als
modification o called gen
or genetic m etic
direct manip a nipulation, is
ulation of an th e
using biotec organism's g
hnology. en es
New DNA is obtained by either
isolating and copying the genetic
material of interest using recombinant