Pavement Design As Per Irc SP 72-2015

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Pavement Design As Per IRC SP 72-2015

Pavement Design, Construction and Maintenance
for Bituminous Roads

Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer

Presentation by
Dr P K Jain
The designs for flexible pavements presented in IRC: SP:
72 is performance-based, based on the extensive
experiences in the USA on Low Volume Road Design as
brought out in the AASHTO Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures.
For low volume rural roads in India, a 'Terminal
Serviceability Index' (i.e, the lowest index that will be
tolerated before rehabilitation/ strengthening or
reconstruction becomes necessary) of 2.0 is considered
The Serviceability rating system from 5 to 1 as per the
PMGSY Operations Manual 2005 (in terms of Present
Serviceability/ Condition Index) has been adopted.
The design traffic parameter has been expressed in
terms of the cumulative 80 kN (8.16 tonnes) ESAL
applications during the design life.
Seasonal variations by way of enhanced traffic during
the harvesting seasons have also been considered.
For the evaluation of subgrade strength for new roads,
the selection of moisture content has been dealt with
scientifically instead of always insisting on 4-day soaked
CBR values.
For the rehabilitation or upgradation of existing rural
roads, the use of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
(mm/blow) has also been recommended for in-situ
subgrade strength evaluation
The Design Process
New Roads
Estimation of Traffic
Assessment of Subgrade Strength
Determination of pavement thickness and
Upgradation/Rehabilitation of Existing Roads
Traffic Parameter
Subgrade Strength
Overlay Thickness Requirement
New Road: Estimation of Traffic
Where no road is existing at present, the estimation
of the amount of traffic over the design life cannot
be made directly on the basis of traffic counts.
In such cases, it would be most expedient to carry
out traffic counts on an existing road, preferably in
the vicinity with similar conditions (i.e. population,
amount of agricultural/industrial produce).
Based on such traffic counts on an existing road, the
amount of traffic expected to ply on the new
proposed road can be suitably worked out.
New Road: Subgrade Strength
It is necessary to scientifically carry out a soil survey and
test the representative samples for standard IS
classification tests, compaction tests and CBR.
During the soil survey, it must be ensured that even if
the same soil type continues, at least 3 samples must be
collected per kilometre length.
The entire length must be divided into uniform sections
based on soil classification and Ground Water
Normally, for each one kilometer length, at least one
CBR test value based on an average of 3 tests is required
for each soil type.
Determination of pavement thickness
Using the design traffic parameter and the subgrade
strength parameter, the pavement thickness and
composition can be determined from the Design
The total thickness requirement and also the
thickness of various layers can be arrived at, keeping
in view the main objective of maximising the use of
locally available materials.
Pavement Design Catalogue for Granular Bases and Subbases
Pavement Design Catalogue for Cement Treated Bases and Subbases
Granular Subabse
Stabilized Subabse
Marginal Aggregates/Industrial Wastes
Gravel Base
Macadam Base (WBM)
Stabilized Base
Surface Dressing
Open Graded Premix Carpet (OGPC)
Granular Subbase
Granular sub-base materials conforming to Clause
401 of the MORD Specifications are recommended
for use
The soaked CBR value should not be less than 20.
In case the subbase material of the requisite soaked
CBR value is not available within economical leads,
the subbase material meeting any of the prescribed
gradings and other requirements with a soaked CBR
value of not less than 15.
Granular Subbase
Desired index properties of the material for Subabse

Liquid Plasticity
Climate Remarks
Limit Index

Areas having annual

Design traffic up to 1 million
rainfall more than 1000 <35 <10
standard axles (msa)

Areas having annual

<40 <15 Design traffic up to 1 msa
rainfall less than 1000 mm

All areas irrespective of Design traffic more than 1

<25 <6
rainfall msa
Stabilized Soil Subbase
An appropriate and cost effective technique which
may be in the form of modification by way of
reducing the PI or in the form of a stabilization
technique for attaining the needed 7 days
unconfined compressive strength of 1.7 MPa.
For cement treated soil subbase courses, the
relevant specifications are contained in Clause 404
of the MORD Specifications
Marginal Aggregates/Industrial Wastes
Marginal Materials such as Moorum, Kankar,
Quarry waste and brick bats etc. can be used.
Slags from Iron and Steel industries meeting the
requirements as per Clause 410 of MORD
Specifications can also be used in subbase courses
Soils of medium plasticity (PI ranging between 5
and 20) and clayey soils not reactive to lime alone
can be stabilized with lime and flyash to be used in
Subabse course.
Base- Gravel
For traffic up to 100,000 ESAL applications, gravel/
soil-aggregate meeting the requirements laid down
in Clause 402 of the MORD Specifications for Rural
Roads is found to be both suitable and economical.
For traffic over 100,000 ESAL repetitions, better
quality of base materials involving the use of
crushed stone material or soil-cement is needed,
and the road surface black-topped.
Base- Macadam
Conventionally, the WBM base courses have been
used in India even for the low volume rural roads.
WBM must be laid as per the specifications taking
special care to see that the screenings and binding
material meet the required engineering properties
and are used in the specified quantities.
Improved crushed stone base courses by way of Wet
Mix Macadam and Crusher Run Macadam can be
used, following the specifications laid down in
Clauses 406 and 411 respectively of the MORD
Base- Soil Cement
The cost of WBM becomes uneconomical in areas
where hard stone has to be carted from long
distances, sometimes as much as 300 km.
In such cases, the possibility of using a soil-cement
base course must be explored.
The soil-cement mix should be designed to attain a
minimum laboratory 7-day unconfined compressive
strength of 2.76 MPa.
Bituminous Surfacing
Thin bituminous surfacing are used
Improves the riding quality
Seals the surface, thus preventing the entry of water which
would otherwise weaken the pavement structure.
Protects the granular base from the damaging effects of
 One/two-coat surface dressing
 20 mm thick open-graded premix carpet
 Seal coat.
Cold Mixed or hot mixed
Bituminous Surfacing-Warrants
Annual Rainfall  Type of Surfacing  

  Traffic Category  

  Tl T2 T3 T4

(ADT<100 (ADT=100- (ADT=150- (ADT>200

) 150) 200) )

Over 1500 mm/year Gravel BT BT BT

1000-1500 mm/year Gravel Gravel BT BT

Less than 1000

Gravel Gravel Gravel BT
Drainage design is a vital part of the design of pavement
system as a whole.
The pavement design recommended in this manual is
based on the following assumption:
Proper cross-slopes are provided over the carriageway and
roadside shoulders to shed off the rainwater quickly
Top of the subgrade/improved subgrade is raised
sufficiently, preferably not less than 300 mm above the GL
and not less than 600 mm above the highest GWT.
Adequately designed roadside ditches/drains are
provided, and
All cross-drainage structures are provided as per
For the successful performance of a rural road
pavement, it is necessary that adequate lateral
support be provided by roadside shoulders.
The shoulder material should normally be of
subbase quality compacted to a thickness of 100
Where the anticipated traffic on the shoulders is
high e.g. high percentage of animal-drawn carts,
gravelled shoulders need to be provided over 1 m
width from the edge of the carriageway.
Salient Features of The Pavement Design
There are five subgrade strength classes S1, S2, S3, S4, &S5
covering a range of CBR values from 2 to 15, for each of
which, the pavement thickness and composition
requirements are given under different traffic categories in
terms of ESAL applications
The traffic parameter has been categorized into 9 categories
as T1 to T9 covering a traffic up to 2 million ESALs.
Based on long-term performance of gravel roads for low-
volume rural traffic in a large number of countries, developed
and developing, gravel roads perform satisfactorily up to
about 60,000 ESAL applications during the design life of 10
years for any subgrade CBR above 2.
Black-Topped Flexible pavements need to be designed for a
minimum ADT of 200 or design traffic of 1,00,000 ESAL
applications, during the design life of 10 years.
A minimum 150 mm thick base course should be provided in the
flexible pavement designs for ESAL applications from 1,00,000 to
Design catalogue for using stabilized soil sub-bases and soil
cement bases is given in Fig. 2, indicating minimum required
The recommended thicknesses in flexible pavement designs are
generally multiples of 75 mm or 100 mm as required by practical
considerations in the implementation of these designs.
All the recommended designs are amenable to further
strengthening at a future date.
For flexible pavement designs with a design traffic
over 20,00,000 ESAL applications (> 2 msa), IRC:37
may be referred to. However, thick bituminous
layers may not be warranted and could be
substituted by granular construction.
In areas susceptible to frost action, all black-topped
flexible pavements in the Design Catalogue, need to
be provided with a minimum pavement thickness of
450 mm (300 mm sub-base + 150 mm base), even
when the CBR value of the subgrade warrants a
smaller thickness.
Upgradation/Rehabilitation of Existing Roads
Traffic parameter
Traffic counts shall be carried out both during the
lean non-harvesting season as also during the peak
harvesting seasons.
The cumulative traffic repetitions over the design life
can be calculated considering the growth rate as per
the potential in the area for generating traffic.
Upgradation/Rehabilitation of Existing Roads
Subgrade Strength
Carry out CBR test on a representative sample of sub
grade soil re-moulded to the field density and at the
field moisture content, determined after the recession
of monsoon.
If, however, it is not found possible to determine the
field moisture content immediately after the
recession of monsoon, the subgrade strength shall be
determined by the 4 days soaked CBR test on a
representative soil sample, compacted to field density
in order to simulate the worst moisture condition
Alternatively, the subgrade strength can be
determined by carrying out DCP tests
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
DCP is an effective device for in-situ evaluation of
subgrade and granular layers due to its relatively
small and lightweight design.
In case the subgrade soil contains gravel or stone
particles of size exceeding 20 mm, or if repeated
DCP tests carried out in a stretch of one km give
results varying by more than one-third of the
average value, it is desirable to carry out soaked CBR
test on remoulded soil specimens compacted at field
dry density as per IRC Guidelines.
Overlay thickness requirement
If the total pavement thickness requirement,
determined from the existing subgrade strength and
for the future growth of traffic during the design life,
is more than the existing pavement thickness, then
an overlay is to be provided.
The existing pavement layers are maintained unless
the subgrade is made of black cotton soil or the
existing pavement material deteriorated extensively
due to excessive clay in the existing pavement layer.
The thickness of the overlay is worked out as
difference of total required thickness minus existing
available thickness.

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