Module 1-Introduction To FMO-new
Module 1-Introduction To FMO-new
Module 1-Introduction To FMO-new
1.Financial markets
2.Financial Institutions
3.Financial Instruments
4.Financial Services
1. Financial markets
Organised Unorganised
market Capital market
Call money
Commercial bills
Treasury bills Primary Secondary market
Acceptance market
2. Financial Institutions
• Organisations that mobilise savings and provide finance
to individuals and organisations.
• Also called Financial intermediaries.
• Financial institutions classified into
1. Monetary or Banking FIs
2. Non-monetary or Non-banking Fis
3. Specialised FIs
Financial Institutions
Monetary/ Non-
Banking Monetary Specialised
Organised Unorganised
Money Capital
Market Market
1. Equity shares
2. Preference shares
3. Debentures
4. Bonds
1.Equity shares
2. Shares with differential voting right (SWDVR)- The differential rights are in respect
of voting power and dividend. shares with higher voting rights are generally given to
promoters, key managerial persons, Managing directors etc.
3. Non-voting shares (NVS)- Do not carry voting right but eligible for higher dividend
4. Participating preference share – These shares are entitled to get regular dividend
and also right for surplus of the company beyond a certain limit
Types of Preference shares
6. Preference share with warrants- The holder of such warrants can apply for equity
shares at premium.
d) Step-up Bonds: pays a lower coupon rate for an initial period , then
increases to a higher coupon rate.
Other types of Bonds
e) Callable and Non-callable Bonds: If a bond can be called
(redeemed) prior to maturity is callable bonds. Otherwise Non-
f) Option Bonds: The investors have the option to choose
between cumulative or Non-cumulative bonds.
g) Bonds with warrants: Allows the holder to buy a number of
equity shares at a pre-specified price in future.
h) Floating rate Bonds: Bonds wherein the interest rate is not
fixed and is linked to a benchmark rate.
Money Market
• It is a market for borrowing and lending short term funds.
• To meet the short term requirements from few days to less
than 1 year.
• Money market instruments can be readily converted into cash
without loss.
Definition of money market
• RBI defines money market as” a market for short term financial
assets that are close substitute for money, and facilitates the
exchange of money in primary and secondary market”
Features of Money market
1. No geographical constraints as that of stock exchange
2. Wholesale market of short term debt instruments
5. Call money
6. Repurchase Agreements(REPOs)
1. Commercial papers(CPs)
• Unsecured promissory note issued by a
co. with a fixed maturity and approved
by RBI.
• Introduced in India in 1990
• Period of maturity range from 7 days to
1 year
• Negotiable by endorsement and delivery
• Issued at a discount on face value
• Manufacturing cos., leasing and finance
cos.,mutual funds and Fis.are major