Mechanical Ventilation - Initial Settings
Mechanical Ventilation - Initial Settings
Mechanical Ventilation - Initial Settings
Initial Settings
Abdallah Adel Farah
Learning Objectives
• By the end of this session all learners, must be
able to :
• Discuss the choice of mode initially.
• Outline the initial ventilator settings.
• Know the different values of each mode.
• The proper adjustments to initial settings
• Able to start immediate ventilatory support.
PROBLEM: A 52-year-old man, 5 ft (178 cm) tall and
weighing 200 lb (90 kg),
• is being returned from the operating room after
coronary artery bypass surgery.
• He is being manually(bag-tube) ventilated with
supplemental O2 by the anesthesiologist on the route to
the ICU. He is apneic at this time.
• The patient has no history of lung disease and has never
smoked cigarettes.
• Heart rate and blood pressure are stable, and SpO2
during manual ventilation is 99%.
• What initial mode, VT, rate, and FiO2 appropriate for
this patient ?.
Choice of Mode
• The question of which mode is the right
mode of ventilation for respiratory failure of a
particular cause has no simple answer.
• Initial ventilator settings are chosen based on
the patient’s clinical presentation, the need to
provide full or partial ventilator support and
the patient’s work of breathing .
• The first step in selecting the ventilator mode
is to decide whether the patient should
receive full ventilatory support or partial
ventilatory support.
• The majority of ventilating patients initially
require full support, with the control mode or
the assist/control mode.
• The synchronized intermittent mandatory
ventilation (SIMV) mode also provides full
ventilatory support if the patient is not
breathing spontaneously between mechanical
breaths, and the mandatory frequency is set at
12/min or higher.
• However, there is no evidence suggesting any
of the modes are more beneficial in terms of
patient outcomes except that weaning is
delayed with SIMV.
• Assist/control volume ventilation is the most
common ventilator mode used throughout the
world as the primary initial mode of
ventilatory support.
Choose What You
Know Best
Volume assist/ Controlled Ventilation
• SINUSOIDAL : -------------
• DECELERATING : --------------
• ACCELERATING : --------------
• In volume control ventilation a variety of
different wave patterns can be used
• In clinical practice, constant and decelerating
flow patterns are used; the latter is preferred.
• The descending ramp wave may distribute
ventilation more evenly than other patterns of
flow, particularly when airway obstruction is
present .
• This decreases the peak airway pressure,
physiologic dead space, and PaCO2, while
leaving oxygenation unaltered
• In constant, decelerating and sinusoidal flow
patterns, the inspiratory flow rate is equal to
the peak flow rate, but the mean flow rate is
higher in constant flow patterns rather than
the other two.
• This suggests that this pattern will cause more
shearing injury to the lung parenchyma.
• Therefore a decelerating flow pattern is
probably the most effective flow pattern – it
ensures peak flow early in inspiration, while
simultaneously minimizing flow during the
phase of the inspiratory cycle in which the
patient is least likely to need it.
Maximum inspiratory pressure
• Pressure triggering
• Flow triggering
Pressure triggering
• When pressure is the trigger the patients
spontaneous respiratory effort decreases the
pressure within the inspiratory circuit, this
activates the demand valve and inspiration
begins (pressure-triggered) .
• A trigger sensitivity of -1 to -3 cmH2O is
typically set.
Flow triggering
• In flow-triggered ventilation, the patients
activate the demand valve by influencing the
gas flow .
• Flow-triggering : 1-5L/min
• Pressure-triggering : -1 to -3 cmH2O
Whenever a change is made to a
ventilator (even initially):
• The effect on the patient is assessed through:
1- is the chest moving ?
2- is the movement symmetrical ?
3- is the patient cyanosed ?
4- is he/she haemodynamically stable ?
5- are the breath sounds audible and equal
bilaterally ?
Remember …
‘’We’re Treating Patients, NOT