Minor Project Presentation
Minor Project Presentation
Minor Project Presentation
SHUBHAM AGARWAL Prof. Radhika Malhotra
Table of content
In year 2016-17 ratio is 1.59% and the year In year 2018-19 net profit of fortune oil is
2018-19 ratio is 1.47%. We show that the in 2.82% is high compare to 2017-18 NET
the year ratio is low compare to other two profit . Highest net profit ratio in 2016
years. Ratio is decrease in the year 2013-14 7.79%
after this year ratio is increased.
Return on Equity Current Ratio
Return on equity is highest in 2018 whereas This ratio indicates as of current assets
available for each rupee of current liability.
least in the 2018which indicates the
Higher the ratio, greater the margin of safety
contraction in the both year again after
for short term creditors & vise-versa. Here
2016-17 is slightly increasing by year to year 2018- 2019 current ratio is very less
year. Which shows and represent how which shows less funds in the firm or the
efficiently they use the fund of share absence of investment opportunity with the
Findings of problem
Convenient sampling
Factor Analysis
Correlation test
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Are you aware about Is Kmantra is useful Portal
Kmantra? for organization?
RESULT: 96% employees RESULT: 83% of employees
respond positively they said Kmntra is useful portal
are aware about Kmantra. for them 16% had answered
Remaining 4% employees somewhat and in the view
of 1% employees it is not
had answered somewhat.
From the gotten result we
that almost all employees
can say that majority of
are aware about features employees take Kmantra as
and working of Kmantra. useful portal.
Are you satisfied with Do you face difficulty in
knowledge Management assessing any link in
process in organization? Kmantra?
RESULT: 53% of employees RESULT: 72% of employees
are satisfied with
said no they don’t face
knowledge management
problem in accessing the
process in organization,
link, 15% said yes and
11are not satisfied with the
process and 36% said they others respond in
are not fully satisfied. somewhat.
above results we can are some parts of Kmantra
conclude that there is need which creates problem to
of collaborative support in access so administration
Knowledge Management should be active in that
process in organization. matter
Do you think that portal
Are you giving suggestion
should allow to access from
or feedback on forums? internet?
RESULT: Only 54% RESULT: 83% employees
employees answered answered negatively and only
positively, 10% said no and 8% of employees in favor of
other 36% employees don’t access of Kmantra from
want to answer the question. outside remaining 9%
INTERPRETATION: From employees don’t want to
the above results we can answer. INTERPRETATION:
conclude that employees are Most of the employees are not
in the favor of access of
not so much active in giving
Kmantra from outside so
their feedback and company should go in same
suggestions so management way. Otherwise there may be
should try to promote it chances of losing some
from new ways. confidential data.