Minor Project Presentation

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Minor project presentation
Post graduation diploma in management
(PGDM Batch 2019-21 )
Term 3

SHUBHAM AGARWAL Prof. Radhika Malhotra
Table of content


 Problem Statement
 Literature Review
 Research Methodology
 Data Analysis
 Interpretation
 Findings
• Acxiom Consulting started its operations in 2002 by developing its own
ERP software and then subsequently diversified its skill in the areas of
Business Process Consulting and Solutions by having strategic
partnerships with Microsoft, SAP.
• Acxiom's client base in the United States consists primarily of
companies in the financial, insurance and investment services,
automotive, retail, telecommunications, healthcare, travel,
entertainment, non-profit and government sectors.
• Acxiom provides anonym zed customer data to marketers, allowing the
delivery of more relevant ads to consumers, with more effective
• Acxiom is Microsoft Gold Certified Partner having a customer base of
over 175 companies across various industry verticals, growing at a
CAGR of 35% in last 5 years.
• If the Company’s leadership is unsuccessful in implementing our
business strategy or if our new investments and business initiatives
are not successful, the Company’s financial condition could be
adversely affected.
• Failure to keep up with rapidly changing technologies and marketing
practices could cause our products and services to become less
competitive or obsolete, which could result in loss of market share
and decreased revenues and net income.
• Significant system disruptions, loss of data centre capacity or
interruption of telecommunication links could adversely affect our
business and results of operations.
• Engagements with certain clients, particularly those with long-term,
fixed price agreements, may prove to be more costly than anticipated,
thereby adversely impacting future operating results.
• Sarbapriya Ray (2011), studied on the financial performance
of Indian paper and paper product companies using data from
CMIE over the period, 2000-01 to 2008-09.
• The dissection has been conducted from seven key financial
dimensions, namely, financial profitability, capital structure,
operational efficiency, fixed asset age, current asset efficiency
and liquidity position. The financial performance analysis
recognizes financial strength and weakness of the firms within
paper industry.
• Arvind R, Dr.V.Srividya (2013), in this research paper
provides the Financial Statement and also a summary of the
account of a business enterprise. To savvy the financial
performance and condition of a firm, its stake holders look at
the financial statements, viz., the balance sheet, the profit and
loss account.
Research Methodology
• The process of collecting the data is done through
questionnaire and secondary data is collected through (articles
, research journals and magazines).
• The objective of the research was to know how Acxiom have
financial analysis and turnover.
Data Analysis & Interpretation

Fixed-Asset turnover Ratio


This above mentioned data and table

This above mentioned data and table
shows the
shows the Inventory turnover ratio in
Fixed assest turnover ratio is 11.57 in
2018-19 is 8.32% increase from previous
2018-19 . company has been more
year ratio. In 2014-15 highest turnover
effective in using the investment in fixed
ratio 38.76%
Debt –Equity ratio Net Profit Ratio

In year 2016-17 ratio is 1.59% and the year In year 2018-19 net profit of fortune oil is
2018-19 ratio is 1.47%. We show that the in 2.82% is high compare to 2017-18 NET
the year ratio is low compare to other two profit . Highest net profit ratio in 2016
years. Ratio is decrease in the year 2013-14 7.79%
after this year ratio is increased.
Return on Equity Current Ratio

Return on equity is highest in 2018 whereas This ratio indicates as of current assets
available for each rupee of current liability.
least in the 2018which indicates the
Higher the ratio, greater the margin of safety
contraction in the both year again after
for short term creditors & vise-versa. Here
2016-17 is slightly increasing by year to year 2018- 2019 current ratio is very less
year. Which shows and represent how which shows less funds in the firm or the
efficiently they use the fund of share absence of investment opportunity with the
Findings of problem

• As we know that income (profit) is the main objective for any

company of business. Every company wants to increase its
income (profit). Here we can see that the profit after tax was
only 4.16% in 2013 but in 2018 it was at 7.79% of total sales
income which means that in 2019 company reported higher
amount of profit with relate to sales.
• Acxiom consultant share of net profit increased 75 per cent to
£1.4 million for the Reporting Period
• Total revenue increase by 10.68 to 14.43.
• Basic earnings per share for the Reporting Period was 9.08p and
basic earnings per share, before other gains and losses,
(including share of other gains in jointly controlled entities) as
described on page 27 of this report, was 0.73p Basic earnings per
share from continuing operations increased to 3.11
Most customer Field Services processes have challenges around Work
order, Service Dispatch and Customer Feedback.
• Knowledge is "information in action", i.e. information applied
for a purpose. Thereby it is pointed out that knowledge is
• Knowledge management is an organizational process for
converting information in to knowledge and making that
knowledge accessible for fruitful results.
• Knowledge management comprises a range of practices used
in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute and
enable adoption of insights and experiences
• 1. Identifying and mapping intellectual assets 2. Generating
new knowledge for competitive advantage 3. Making vast
amounts of corporate information accessible, 4. Sharing of
best practices and technology..
Research Methodology
Approach-Qualitative and Quantitative
 Qualitative- Review of secondary literature, news reports and articles of
different company about customer adoption of financial application.
 Quantitative- Data will be collected through survey method by distributing
questionnaire among 45 customers in different company employee.
 Population size - end users of the mobile application covering different
age groups in a city.
 Sample size- 44 customers through simple convenient random sampling

 Convenient sampling
 Factor Analysis
 Correlation test
 Graph
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Are you aware about Is Kmantra is useful Portal
Kmantra? for organization?
RESULT: 96% employees RESULT: 83% of employees
respond positively they said Kmntra is useful portal
are aware about Kmantra. for them 16% had answered
Remaining 4% employees somewhat and in the view
of 1% employees it is not
had answered somewhat.
From the gotten result we
that almost all employees
can say that majority of
are aware about features employees take Kmantra as
and working of Kmantra. useful portal.
Are you satisfied with Do you face difficulty in
knowledge Management assessing any link in
process in organization? Kmantra?
RESULT: 53% of employees RESULT: 72% of employees
are satisfied with
said no they don’t face
knowledge management
problem in accessing the
process in organization,
link, 15% said yes and
11are not satisfied with the
process and 36% said they others respond in
are not fully satisfied. somewhat.
above results we can are some parts of Kmantra
conclude that there is need which creates problem to
of collaborative support in access so administration
Knowledge Management should be active in that
process in organization. matter
Do you think that portal
Are you giving suggestion
should allow to access from
or feedback on forums? internet?
RESULT: Only 54% RESULT: 83% employees
employees answered answered negatively and only
positively, 10% said no and 8% of employees in favor of
other 36% employees don’t access of Kmantra from
want to answer the question. outside remaining 9%
INTERPRETATION: From employees don’t want to
the above results we can answer. INTERPRETATION:
conclude that employees are Most of the employees are not
in the favor of access of
not so much active in giving
Kmantra from outside so
their feedback and company should go in same
suggestions so management way. Otherwise there may be
should try to promote it chances of losing some
from new ways. confidential data.

• KMANTRA is facing problems because some parts and links are

not working.
• All employees don’t login frequently on portal.
• Articles related to the topics are not available on various links.
• Postings on many forums are very old and few. Employees are
not contributing in that up to level.
• Portal of kmantra looks unorganized due to contents which are
not related with Knowledge Management.
• On suggestions forum the suggestion by employees are very few.
• Knowledge sharing by employees is low.
• Sometimes employees face difficulty to access the links of
• There is need to give impetus to increase Knowledge sharing.

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