CHPT 13 Example Problems
CHPT 13 Example Problems
CHPT 13 Example Problems
• What are the income tax consequences to Bob?
Example Problem 13-5
Mr. Porter owns all the outstanding shares of Run For Your Life Ltd, a
health and fitness club. He is the company president. On July 1,
2017 the company made a loan to Mr. Potter of $19,500 which he
used to acquire an automobile at FMV. All of the other 6 employees
are eligible to receive this type of loan on the same terms and four
have, in fact, taken advantage of the opportunity. He requires the
car to carry out his business duties. The loan is repayable in two
equal instalments starting July 2018 without interest.
• Does Mr. Potter receive a taxable benefit in 2017?
• How is the company impacted by the loan?