Concave and Convex Part of Spoon

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Reflection on the

Concave and Convex

Part of Spoon
What are the Light Phenomena?
With light,we can see the exquisitenessof our surroundings
through the colors it gives. Some are usual but others need a
perfect state for us to see.Light Phenomena are governed by
behavior and properties of light .

Some of the examples are the formation of images, mirages,

haloes, sundogs, rainbows,color of the sky and how we
percieved the color of the objects.
For Mirrors,the image formed is upright virtual, same
size as the object and same distance of the object from
the mirror. For Concave Mirrors,the image formed is
real, inverted and beyond the center of curvature. For
Convex Mirrors, image formed in virtual and upright.
Real image is formed where the convergence of actual
ligth happens. It is formed outside the local length of
the converging mirror or lence. Virtual is formed where
the outgoind rays of light apparently diverge.
Concave Mirror
 For understanding the concept of the mirror, we should
know about the law of reflection which states that
when a beam of light is passed through a surface then
it is deflected at some angle. This angle is the angle of
reflection while the incoming angle is the angle of
incidence. Both are equal. A beam of light which passes
through the space is invisible. It can be seen only when
it hits something through which it is scattered. Light is
not scattered by mirrors.
The front side of the Spoon reppresents the Concave
Mirror while the back side of it reppresents the
Convex Mirror. When you look at your self in a Convex
Mirror,light is bent out as it is reflected back. If the
Convex Mirror is deeply curved,light will be more
bend out. This is the reason why you see yourself as
reversed image. A more interesting reflection in the
Concave Mirror. When you look at yourself in it,your
image appears as upside down because light is bent
inward and cross over itself.
 Curved mirrors can reflect the light due to their curved
surface while the plane mirrors cannot. The
flat mirror makes virtual image while the
curved mirror forms real images. The curved mirrors are
classified in two types that are concave and convex.
The convex reflects at an angle at edges and also forms a
smaller distorted image than actual size while
the concave are converging mirror which are similar to
spoon shape. These types of mirrors form image when
light is bounced by their curve up to a specific area. Here
we are discussing about the concave mirror, its equation
and properties, mirror images at various points, mirror ray
diagram, and its uses.
Concave Mirror Equation

The Gaussian Mirror Equation, for mirrors and

lenses applies to concave mirrors too. The equation is given by,
1do+1di1do+1di = 1f1f
Where, do is the distance of the object from the mirror, di is the distance
of the image form the mirror and ‘ f ’ is the focal length of the mirror. This
is the Concave Mirror Equation when the values pertaining to concave
mirrors are plugged in.
A Mirage is an optical phenomenon that produces the illusion
of water. The cause of having mirage is refraction of light
through a nonuniform medium. It is weather when the air has
steep thermal gradient. We can observe this along a straight
highway when the sun heats up the road to high
temperatures. The heated road makes the air above it to
become less dence,thus,nonuniform medium is created. Light
traveling in this medium will be retracted and at the certain
point will undergo total internal refraction. That is,when an
object is viewed from a very low angle. Light fron the object
will follow a curved path toward an observer’s eye.
Filtration of Laser on Cellophane
Materials such as plastics,cellophane, and glass are all transparent
materials that allow the pasage of light through them. However,
colord transparent materials seem to alter the color of the object
behind them. If we look through blue glass or plastics,everything
appears tobe in shades of blue. This is because blue transparent
materials will only allow the blue color to pass through and any
othercolor will be absorbed. These transparent materials also called
filters for the reason for allowing selected color to pass through
them. In general the colored filter will only permit light beams of its
own color to pass through. Red laser pass through more easily in
red cellophane . Red laser light will be absorbed in green

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