Writing A Reaction Paper, Review, and
Writing A Reaction Paper, Review, and
Writing A Reaction Paper, Review, and
For other types or reviews, there is no prescribed structure, but the following sections are
almost always present.
Gist of the plot
Simple description of the artwork
Discussion and analysis of the work (you may employ the critical approach here)
It is best to ask the following questions during this part.
What aspects of the work make you think it is a success or failure?
Were there unanswered questions or plot lines? If yes, how did they affect the story?
Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced through analogies,
metaphors, or other figurative devices? How does this contribute to the meaning?
What stood out while you were watching the film or the performance?
Reinforcement of main assessment
Comparison to a similar work
Recommendation of the material (if you liked it)
Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique
1. For articles or journals
a) Read, view, listen to the work to be reviewed carefully to get the main topic or the concepts presented. Then revisit the
work to further identify its arguments or message.
b) Relate the content of the work to what you already know about the topic. This will make you more engaged in the article
or book.
c) Focus on discussing how the book treats the topic and not the topic itself. Use phrases such as this book/work presents
and the author argues.
d) Situate your review. This means that your analysis should be anchored on the theories presented by the writer or creator.
e) Report the type of analysis or more of presentation the writer/creator used and how this type of analysis supports the
arguments and claims.
f) Examine whether the findings are adequately supported and how the connections between ideas affect the conclusions
and findings.
g) Suggest points for improvement of the reasoning, explanation, presentation of ideas, as well as alternative methods and
processes of reasoning.
h) Compare the writer’s or creator’s explanation of the topic to that of another expert from the same field of study.
I ) Point out other conclusions or interpretations that the writer/ creator missed out. Present
other ideas that need to be examined.
J ) Show your agreement with the writer’s or creator’s ideas and present an explanation for
this agreement.
2. For artworks and other media
a) When critiquing artworks or posters, make sure to use speculative verbs such as evoke,
create, appear, and suggest to show that your interpretation of the artist’s work is just
that-an interpretation.
b) Presume that the reader has not yet seen the material you are reviewing, so make sure to
describe it to them. For reviews of films or plays, make sure not to spoil key events
unless they figure in your review, in which case always add a disclaimer.
c) For artworks, describe the material in simple terms to help your audience visualize it;
refrain from being vague or abstract.
3. On a general note, your reaction paper’s conclusion may focus on the following ideas.