Host Defenses To Infection: Tarek Amin DR Amira Gamal
Host Defenses To Infection: Tarek Amin DR Amira Gamal
Host Defenses To Infection: Tarek Amin DR Amira Gamal
Dr Tarek Amin
Dr Amira Gamal
Natural Artificial
Types of immunity
Passive (seroprophylaxis)
Active immunization
Active artificial immunization
By vaccines or toxoids
[I] Vaccines:
1-Live vaccine (naturally attenuated): smallpox vaccine
2-Live attenuated (avirulent): BCG, Sabin, MMR
Routes of vaccination:
*Deep S.C or IM: DPT, Measles, MMR
*Oral: Sabin, oral BCG, oral typhoid vaccine
*Scarification or multiple puncture: Smallpox
*Intranasal: live attenuated influenza vaccine
System of active immunization
Primary, booster or revaccination
*Primary immunization:
-Single dose: BCG, MMR, YF
-Multiple doses (with adequate spacing): DPT,,
Sabin, HB vaccine
*Booster immunization: DT, YF
- Farmers
-Troops (TT, BCG, Rabies)
-Medical profession: BCG, HBV
prevention of some viral dis. (HAV, measles),
tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis
Sero-therapy: tetanus & diphtheria
Animal antisera
4-Neurological involvement
-Neurologic involvement: post vaccinial
encephalitis, & encephalopathy after, Pasteur
vaccine & smallpox vaccine
5-Provocative reactions
-DPT is provocative factor for onset of
paralytic polio
6-Other hazards
-Damage to fetus (rubella vaccine during
-Displace age distribution of disease e.g.
National Immunization Schedule
For infants
BCG + OPV-0 dose At birth
BCG (if not given at birth) At 6 weeks
DPT-1 +OPV-1+HBV-1
DPT-2+OPV-2+HBV2 At 10 weeks
DPT-3+OPV-3+HBV3 At 14 weeks
Measles At 9 months
DPT+OPV (HIB) At 16-24 months
DT + BCG (booster) At 4-5 years
Tetanus toxoid At 10 & 16 years
For pregnant
TT-1 or booster Early
One moth after
TT-2 TT-1
Active Immunization Recommended under Special
Immunization Disease
treatment of diseases
Status Dose preparation Target population Agent /
Prevention IM / 4 months 0.02-0.05 IG Family contacts Hepatitis A
Institutional outbreak
Prevention IM repeated 0.05-0.07 HGIG Percutaneous or mucosal Hepatitis B
accordingly exposure
Newborn of infected
mother, sexual contacts
Prevention ml 20 IG Women exposed during Rubella
early pregnancy
Prevention units /kg 15-25 VZIGd Immunocompromized Varicella-
contacts, newborn zoster
Prevention ml/kg to 0.5 for 0.25 IG Infants < 1 year, Measles
immunosuppressed immunosuppressed
Prevention IU/kg 20 RIG Subjects exposed to Rabies
rabid animals
Prevention and units for prevention to 250 TIG Significant exposure of Tetanus
treatment 3000-6000 units for unimmunized person or
therapy immediately following
Passive Immunization Procedures
with Anti-sera
Passive immunization (Anti-sera) Disease
.units of horse ATS given SC. Or IM soon after injury 1500 Tetanus
2. Pregnant mothers
1. Child Immunization TT
Tuberculosis (TB) (protect mother &
Diphtheria neonate)
Measles (MMR)
Hepatitis B
Objectives of EPI
A) Obtain vaccines
B) Maintain equipment
C) Maintain vaccines
A-Obtaining vaccines
-Estimate amount of vaccine:
Number of births or
Multiply total population by 0.03
-Add wastage rate (50% in BCG and 25% in
other vaccines) •
-Collect vaccines at regular intervals (once a
week or once every two weeks)
-Do not store vaccines longer than one month at
health center.
-Check expiry date on each vial of vaccine
-Use shortest route to transport vaccine.
-Keep vaccine containers in shade
-Transfer vaccines and diluents quickly to
B- Equipment maintenance
• Refrigerator
• Cold box
• Vaccine carriers
• icepacks
1. Store vaccine at temperature between 0 ºC
and 8 ºC.