IN OUT Fixed Address Variable Address
IN OUT Fixed Address Variable Address
IN OUT Fixed Address Variable Address
I/O Instructions: Instructions that transfer data b/w an I/O device(s) and the µP’s accumulator
(AL or AX) are called IN and OUT.
Isolated-Mapped I/O
Separation of Control Signals I/O Map of a Personal Computer
Basic Input and Output Interface:
Basic input device is a set of three-state buffers
Basic output device is a set of data latches
Data Bus
Logic 0 = 0.0-2.0mA
Logic 1 = 0.0-400µA
Input Address Decoding:
Design for “ IN AL, 9FH” Design for “ IN AL, 5FH”
Output Address Decoding:
8-bit port A programmed all as input or all as output
8-bit port B programmed all as input or all as output
• 8-bit port C programmed all as input or all as output
• It can also be split into two parts CU (Upper Bits PC4-PC7) and
CL (Lower Bits PC0-PC3). Each can be used for INPUT or OUTPUT
• Any of PC0 to PC7 can be programmed individually
RD and RW:
Two active low input signals to 82C55
• Isolated-Mapped I/O: 1- IORC and 2- IOWC
• Memory-Mapped I/O: 1- MEMR and 2- MEMW
Active high input signal clear the command (control) register