So far …
– Binary search trees store linearly ordered data
– Best case height: Q(ln(n))
– Worst case height: O(n)
– Define and maintain a balance to ensure
Q(ln(n)) height
Prototypical Examples
These two examples demonstrate how we can correct
for imbalances: starting with this tree, add 1:
Prototypical Examples
This is more like a linked list; however, we can fix this…
Prototypical Examples
Promote 2 to the root, demote 3 to be 2’s right child, and
1 remains the left child of 2
Prototypical Examples
The result is a perfect, though trivial tree
Prototypical Examples
Alternatively, given this tree, insert 2
Prototypical Examples
Again, the product is a linked list; however, we can fix
this, too
Prototypical Examples
Promote 2 to the root, and assign 1 and 3 to be its
Prototypical Examples
The result is, again, a perfect tree
– An empty tree has height –1
– A tree with a single node has height 0
AVL Trees
A binary search tree is said to be AVL
balanced if:
– The difference in the heights between the left
and right sub-trees is at most 1, and
– Both sub-trees are themselves AVL trees
AVL Trees
AVL trees with 1, 2, 3, and 4 nodes:
AVL Trees
Here is a larger AVL tree (42 nodes):
AVL Trees
The root node is AVL-balanced:
– Both sub-trees are of height 4:
AVL Trees
All other nodes are AVL balanced
– The sub-trees differ in height by at most one
Properties of M-way Search Trees
• m-way search tree is a m-way tree in which:
i. Each node has m children and m-1 key fields
ii. The keys in each node are in ascending order.
iii. The keys in the first i children are smaller than the ith
iv. The keys in the last m-i children are larger than the
ith key
• 4-way search tree
B -Trees
• An extension of a multiway search tree of order m is a B-
tree of order m. This type of tree will be used when the
data to be accessed/stored is located on secondary storage
devices because they allow for large amounts of data to
be stored in a node.
• A B-tree of order m is a multiway search tree in which:
i. The root has at least two subtrees unless it is the only node in
the tree.
ii. Each nonroot and each nonleaf node have at most m nonempty
children and at least m/2 nonempty children.
iii. The number of keys in each nonroot and each nonleaf node is
one less than the number of its nonempty children.
iv. All leaves are on the same level.
Searching a B -Tree
• Start at the root and determine which pointer to
follow based on a comparison between the search
value and key fields in the root node.
• Follow the appropriate pointer to a child node.
• Examine the key fields in the child node and
continue to follow the appropriate pointers until
the search value is found or a leaf node is reached
that doesn't contain the desired search value.
Insertion into a B -Tree
• The condition that all leaves must be on the same
level forces a characteristic behavior of B-trees,
namely that B-trees are not allowed to grow at the
their leaves; instead they are forced to grow at the
• When inserting into a B-tree, a value is inserted
directly into a leaf. This leads to three common
situations that can occur:
i. A key is placed into a leaf that still has room.
ii. The leaf in which a key is to be placed is full.
iii. The root of the B-tree is full.
Deleting from a B -Tree
• The deletion process will basically be a reversal
of the insertion process - rather than splitting
nodes, it's possible that nodes will be merged so
that B-tree properties, namely the requirement
that a node must be at least half full, can be
• There are two main cases to be considered:
i. Deletion from a leaf
ii. Deletion from a non-leaf
• Hashing is the technique used for performing almost
constant time search in case of insertion, deletion and find
• Taking a very simple example of it, an array with its index
as key is the example of hash table. So each index (key)
can be used for accessing the value in a constant search
time. This mapping key must be simple to compute and
must helping in identifying the associated value. Function
which helps us in generating such kind of key- value
mapping is known as Hash Function.
• In a hashing system the keys are stored in an array which
is called the Hash Table. A perfectly implemented hash
table would always promise average
an insert/delete/retrieval time of O(1). 204
Hashing Function
• A function which employs some algorithm to computes
the key K for all the data elements in the set U, such that
the key K which is of a fixed size. The same key K can be
used to map data to a hash table and all the operations
like insertion, deletion and searching should be possible.
The values returned by a hash function are also referred
to as hash values, hash codes, hash sums, or hashes.
Hash Collision
• A situation when the resultant hashes for two or more
data elements in the data set U, maps to the same location
in the has table, is called a hash collision. In such a
situation two or more data elements would qualify to be
stored / mapped to the same location in the hash table.
• Hash collision resolution techniques:
• Open Hashing (Separate chaining):Open Hashing, is a
technique in which the data is not directly stored at the
hash key index (k) of the Hash table. Rather the data at
the key index (k) in the hash table is a pointer to the head
of the data structure where the data is actually stored. In
the most simple and common implementations the data
structure adopted for storing the element is a linked-list.