Session 4

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Session 4


 Prepare a list of fifteen things you want

from life
 Willingness to put forth efforts in pursuit
of organizational objectives
 Energies human behavior
 Affects performance of employees.
 For mangers…A person who is motivated
 Work hard
 Sustain a pace of hard work and

 Self directed behavior towards important goal


 The process that account for individual’s

intensity, direction and persistence of
efforts towards attaining a goal.
 Motivation is willingness to exert high
levels of efforts to achieve
organizational goals conditioned by the
ability to satisfy some individual need
Features of Motivation

 Motivation is an internal feeling.

 Motivation produce goal- directed behavior
 Motivation can either positive or negative
 Motivation is a complete process
 Motivation Vs. Job satisfaction
Importance of Motivation

1. Productive use of resources

2. Increase efficiency and output
3. Achievement of goal
4. Development of cordial relationship
5. Stability in workforce
Motivation process
Unsatisfied need
Creates a desire
to fulfill needs
e.g. food, shelter,
security, friends etc.

Need Satisfaction Goal oriented behavior

(Rewards to satisfy needs) (Actions to fulfill needs)
Basic Motivation Process

Unsatisfied needs Tension Drives

Reduced tension Satisfied needs Search behavior

Approaches to Motivation

 Content theory Vs. Process theory

 What motivates? How motivation occurs?
 Recognize needs Identifies major variables
of individual influence individual behavior

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory Equity theory

Herzberg’s “Motivation-hygiene Expectancy theories
Theory” Attribution theory
Alderder’s ERG theory Goal setting theory
Acquire-need theory Reinforcement
 Early theories Vs. Contemporary theories
 Widely used *Current Theories
 Foundation of contemporary * State of art explanation
theories * Substantial research support
 Validity?

Maslow’s Equity theory

“Need hierarchy theory” Attribution theory
Herzberg’s Expectancy theories
“Motivation-hygiene Theory” Goal setting theory
McGregor’s Reinforcement theories
“ Theory X and Theory Y” Porter-Lawler Model
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory
Alderder’s ERG theory

 Existence needs.
 Desire for physiological and material well-being.
 Relatedness needs.
 Desire for satisfying interpersonal relationships.
 Growth needs.
 Desire for continued personal growth and
McClelland’s Acquire-need theory

 Need for achievement (nAch).

 The desire to do something better or more
efficiently, to solve problems, or to master
complex tasks.
 Need for affiliation (nAff).
 The desire to establish and maintain friendly and
warm relations with others.
 Need for power (nPower).
 The desire to control others, to influence their
behavior, or to be responsible for others.
Herzberg’s Hygiene - Motivation theory
Two factor theory
Recent trends
 Quality circle
 Small group of employees who get together
on company time to develop ways to
improve the quality and quantity of work
 10 – 12 Voluntary members.
 Identify problems in their work area
 Collectively finds the solution, using control
tools and technology
 Recommended to improve quality.
 Theory “Z”
 Theory Z = Management practices of
American Companies + Japanese Companies
 Own traditions
 Ideas
 Culture
 Tend to forester of family environment.
How to motivate your subordinates?
 Recognize individual difference.
 Match people with job.
 Everyone cannot be motivated by same
 Use goals and objectives.
 Ensure that the goals are perceived by the
employees are attainable.
 Individualize rewards.
 Link towards performance.
 Do not mistake high moral for motivation.
 Develop predictability in the work place.
 Do not mistake high moral for motivation.
 Develop predictability in the work place.
 Reinforce desire behavior.
 Do not use idle threats.
 Make the work interesting.
 Listen to the workers.
 Check the system for equality.
 Do not ignore the motivational power of

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