Dental Index

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Dental index

One of the major problem in studying

dental diseases is the development of a
suitable method for recording the
occurrence and severity of disease.
Quantitative measurement of disease
most commonly relies on “index “.
• So, Dental index is the main
tool of epidemiological studies
in dental diseases to measure
prevalence, incidence, and
• Index:
• A numerical value describing the relative
status of a population on a graduated scale
with definite upper and lower limits, which is
designed to permit and facilitate comparison
with other populations classified by the same
criteria and methods.
• Objectives:
• 1. To define the specific problem
under investigation.
• 2. To discover populations at high
and low risk.
• 3. To increase
understanding of the
disease process, leading to
methods of control and
• Ideal properties of an
• Ideally, an index should
possess the following
• 1- Clarity-The examiner should be able
to carry out the index rules in his mind.
• Simplicity -The index should be easily to apply,
so there is no undue time lost during
• Objectivity -The index criteria should be clear
and unambiguous.‫غير غامض‬
• 2- Validity: ‫الصالحيه‬
• The index should measure what it is intended
to measure. So it should be correspond with
clinical stages of the disease, ex. number of
missing teeth in adults is not a valid measure
of caries activity.
• 3- Reliability: ‫الثقه‬
• The index should measure
consistently at different times and
under a variety of conditions, by the
same person or different persons.
• 4- Quantifiability: The index
should be amenable (‫ ) مطيع‬to statistical
analysis. So that the status of a group can
be expressed by a numbers.
• 5- Acceptability:
• The use of the index should
not be painful to the subject.
• Uses of dental indices:
• 1. To provide data for
epidemiological studies.
• 2. To study and compare oral
health status of individuals and
• 3. To study prevalence, incidence,
and severity of disease.
• 4. To find out etiological and
predisposing factors for the
• 5. For planning of oral health
• 6. To evaluate the success and
effectiveness of preventive
• Classification of indices:
• Is based upon the direction in which their
scores can fluctuate:
• 1. Irreversible index …………….. DMF
• Index that measures conditions will not return
to the normal state. Once established cannot
decrease in value on subsequent
• 2. Reversible index ……………… GI
• Index that measures conditions that
can be return to the normal state.
Reversible index scores can decrease
or increase in value on subsequent
• 3. Composite index ……………… PDI
• Index that measures
conditions that can be return
to the normal state and
conditions will not return to
the normal state.

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