The Mexican Revolution: The Construction of The Post Revolutinoary State (1920-1940)
The Mexican Revolution: The Construction of The Post Revolutinoary State (1920-1940)
The Mexican Revolution: The Construction of The Post Revolutinoary State (1920-1940)
Achievements? Failures?
Plutarco Calles in power
• The candidate of Obregón
• Create many schools. Provide cultural and
educational programs for the Indians
• Increase land reforms
• Provide legal protections to the industrial workers
• Provide better living conditions for the masses
• Create national system of health clinics Plutarco Calles
Create many institutions
• National Bank of Mexico
• National Agricultural Credit Bank and a political
Even those goals, Calles couldn’t
• The PRI party improve the relations with the USA.
• National Road Commision
Land reform: Redistribution of the land
Table from La Reforma
Agraria de Mexico, Su
crisis durante el
1928–1934 by Ing.
Marta R. Gomez,
Librería de Manuel
Porrua, S.A,
Mexico City, Mexico,
1964, quoted in Land
Reform and Politics:
A Comparative
Analysis by Hung-chao
Tai, University of
Press, Berkeley, 1974
Relations with the USA (Tensions)
• The relationship between Mexico and the USA
remained tense during Calles’ official term in office
• Nicaragua (opposing sides). Calles support the
liberal Juan Bautista Sacasa and the US supported
the conservative Adolfo Díaz (small-scale trade war).
• Bolshevism: 1924: The Soviet Union opened its
embassy in Mexico City
• US Secretary of State Frank (12 June 1925): “It is
declared to be a fact that radical doctrines have
been spread in Mexico”
• Threats against US petroleum CO. and properties by
the Mexican government
Corrupted and disorganized labor Progressive laws in favor the mass
movement weren’t accomplished.
Plan Sexenal
It contemplated a series of programs that could be
considered progressive, however, there were two positions
that did not agree:
Attachment to
Obbey Socialist small property
Railroads appearded in
In the labor field: The Social and Economic
different parts of
Federal Law (Ley reforms: agricultural
Mexico, Banco de
Federal) - 7th day and / or livestock
Crédito Ejidal open its
payment cooperatives.
1936: La
Confederación de
Trabajadores de
México (CTM): Labor
Railways and Petroleum industries (Nationalized)
• Nationalized 13 June 1937
• Not much international outrage, as the railways had become
money-losing operations
• Workers demanded raises
• Petroleum companies refused
• STPRM called for strike
• Federal commission investigated situation; found in favor of
the workers
• Mexican Supreme Court ruled in favor of the workers;
petroleum companies ignored this
• Cárdenas nationalized the companies
• International boycott of Mexican oil. US government stopped
purchasing Mexican silver
• Mexico sold oil to Germany, Italy, Soviet Union and Japan
Oil expropiation: International situation
Cárdenas is supported by
workers, peasants and some
4 sectors:
Working Popular
Agrarian Army
class sector
Cedillista rebellion
• Cárdenas named secretary of the
Agriculture to the general Saturnino
Cedillo a man, in the words of Cardena, full
• From his office Cedillo constantly attacked
Cardenas reforms saying they were
communists, and the government must be
• He grouped with some quasi-fascist
(sinarquistas) who hate Cardens reforms
(May, 1938)
• Didn’t last long he was haunted and
excuted on January, 1939.