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Sharda Synopsis Presentation J.K

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A Qualitative study to assess the living experience of

the patient with chronic kidney disease undergoing

hemodialysis at sharda hospital, Greater Noida Uttar

Presented By:
Ms. Sonia Chongtham Co-Supervisor:
Jitendra kumar
Assistant Professor Dr Rahul Verma
M.Sc. Nursing 1st year
SNSR, Sharda Medicine Department
Sharda Hospital

To explore the Living Experience of The Patient With Chronic Kidney

Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis


To explore the Living Experience of The Patient With Chronic Kidney

Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis

 The study will be conducted in Sharda Hospital Greater Noida

 The study will be conducted on 20 patients with age group of 30-

60 years.


A phenomenological design will be used for the present study

 20 sample will be selected based on previous review of literature.
Inclusion criteria-:

 Patients who all are undergoing hemodialysis in Sharda hospital

in Greater Noida between the age of 30-60 years.
  patients who are willing to participate.
  Patients who can speak Hindi and English

Exclusion criteria-:

 Patients who are critically ill.

 Who all are not willing to participate in the study.
Visit the hemodialysis ward in Sharda Hospital

Selection of the study participants according to the inclusion and

exclusion criteria

Written consent will be obtained from the client .

Living experience of the undergoing hemodialysis will be collected by

structured interview schedule

Data analysis and interpretation


Descriptive statistics: Frequency and percentage distribution will

be used to describe demographic variables.

The audio- taped interviews will be listened and transcribed to

verbatim on the same day. The collected data will be analyzed
thematically using colaizzi’s analysis.
Informed consent English


Project title: Qualitative study to assess the living experience of the patient with chronic kidney
disease undergoing hemodialysis at selected hospital of Greater Noida. Uttar Pradesh
Name of the Research Subject: ---------------------------------
Age of the Research Subject: ---------------------------------
I have read the Subject Information Sheet and its contents were explained. I had the opportunity to
ask questions and received satisfactory answers.
I understand that my participation in the study is voluntary and that I have the right to withdraw at
any time without giving any reason, without my medical care or legal rights being affected.
I agree to take part in the above study. I confirm that I have received a copy of the subject
information sheet along with this signed and dated informed consent form.
__________________________ _________
Signature of the research subject Date
__________________________ _______
Name of the research subject Date

__________________________ _________
Signature & the name of the witness Date
_____________________________________ _________
Signature of the person explaining the consent Date
________________________________ _________
Name of the person explaining the consent Date
सूचित सहमति पत्र
परियोजना का शीर्षक:
ग्रेटर नोएडा उत्तर प्रदेश के चयनित अस्पताल में हेमोडायलिसिस से गुजरने वाले क्रोनिक किडनी रोग के साथ रोगी के रहने के अनुभव का
आकलन करने के लिए गुणात्मक अध्ययन
शोध विषय का नाम: -----------------------------

अनुसंधान विषय की आयु: ---------------------------------

मैंने विषय सूचना पत्रक पढ़ा है और इसकी सामग्री को समझाया गया था। मुझे प्रश्न पूछने का अवसर मिला और संतोषजनक उत्तर मिले।

मैं समझता हूं कि अध्ययन में मेरी भागीदारी स्वैच्छिक है और मुझे बिना किसी कारण के किसी भी समय वापस लेने का अधिकार है, बिना मेरी
चिकित्सा देखभाल या कानूनी अधिकार प्रभावित हुए बिना

मैं उपरोक्त अध्ययन में भाग लेने के लिए सहमत हूं। मैं पुष्टि करता हूं कि मुझे इस हस्ताक्षरित और दिनांकित सूचित सहमति प्रपत्र के साथ विषय
सूचना पत्र की एक प्रति मिली है।

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