Nursing Leadership and Management Staffing

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m Is

the process of determining and

providing the acceptable number and
mix of nursing personnel to produce a
desired level of care to meet the
patient¶s demand.
m uhe Hospital Nursing Service
Administration Manual of the
Department of Health has
recommended the following
 2 for
patients in the various nursing
units of the hospital.


 J.5 60:40


  J.4 60:40

  J.4 60:40

  J.0 60:40

   4.6 70:J0

$%  2.8 55:45

&'{( 6.0 70:J0

){{( 6.0 80:20

ë uantify the uality of nursing care
by matching patients¶ needs to
numbers and kinds of nursing
personnel using time as the unit of
A nurse manager must determine the ff:

m Number of categories in which the pt should

be divided
m Characteristics of pts per category
m uype & number of care procedures that will be
needed by a pt per category
m uime needed to perform these procedures
that will be re uired
u self care or .5 55:45
minimal care
u2 moderate or J.0 60:40
uJ total or 4.5 65:J5
intensive care
u4 highly 6.0 70:J0
specialized or 7 or higher 80:20
critical care


..period of NCH at each levels of care

depends on the setting in which the
care is being given.
î patient can take a bath on his own, feed himself
and perform his ADu.
î patient about to discharge, those nonî
emergency, newly admitted do not exhibit unusual
symptoms, and re uires little tx/observation or
î 1.5 2 55:45 

î patients under this level need some assistance.
î extreme symptoms of their illness must have
subside or have not yet appeared.
î slight emotional needs, w/ V/S ordered up to
Jx/shift, intravenous fluid or blood transfusion, are
semiconscious and exhibiting some psychological
or social problems; periodic tx, observation &
î 2 60:40 

î patients in this category are completely
dependent upon the nursing personnel.
î they are with marked emotional needs, w/ V/S
more than Jx/shift, may be on continuous O2
therapy, w/ chest or abdominal tubes.
î re uire close observation at least J0 mins for
impending hemorrhage, w/ or w/o hypo or
hypertension & cardiac arrhythmia.
î 6 2 65: 5 R

î Need maximum nursing care.
î patients need continuous tx & observation; w/
many medication, IV piggy banks; V/S 5îJ0
mins; hourly output.
î 6î 2 70: 0 




d   &- # # 

  $# - # 
   - ½# # -
- # ½# -
ÿhen computing for the nursing personnel, one should
ensure that there is sufficient staff to cover:
. All shifts

2. Offîduties

J. Holidays

4. ueaves

5. Absences

6. uime for Staff Development

According to R.A. 501 otherwise known as ³ %

. /

0u1  employees will work for

40h :
 %2 * 

 /0  /0 

% %10 %10

 ½)% ½-%
. Vacation leave 5 5
2. Sick leave 5 5
J. uegal holidays 0 0
4. Special holidays 2 2
5. Special privileges J J
6. Off duties/ R.A. 590 04 52
7. Continuing Education Prog. J J
uotal Nonîworking days/year 52 00
uotal ÿorking days/ year 2 J 265
/0 %
 3&-½ 3-
1. Av.  
 lv  h yîîîî îîî15
[ V
 Lv îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî î10
[ S Lvîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî 5
ly îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî 12
. Spl Pvl îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî
4. Continuing Educ Program for Professionalsîîîîî


 y  pl

 y y h h pl
y v



m á
 h  45 ± 51% 0.45 ± 0.51
m A

 h 4 ± 47% 0. 4 ± 0.47

m 2h h  15 ± 18% 0.15 ± 0.18

: I h Phlpp h  

45% 0.45 
 h  % 
7% 0. 7 
18% 0.18 
 h  %% 
. Categorize the patients according to levels of
care. Multiply the total # of patients by the % of
patients at each level of care.

Ex. Find the # of nursing personnel needed for 250

bed capacity in a tertiary hospital

250 (pts) x .J0 = 75 p  L1

250 (pts) x .45 = 112.5 p  L2
250 (pts) x . 5 = 7.5 p  L
250 (pts) x . 0 = 25 p  L4
2. Find the # of nursing care hrs (NCH) needed by
patients at each level of care/ day.

75 pts x .5 (NCH at u ) = 2.5 NCH/day

2.5 pts x J (NCH at u2) =JJ7.5 NCH/day
J7.5 pts x 4.5 (NCH at uJ)= 68.75 NCH/day
25 pts x 6 (NCH at u4) = 50 NCH/day
uotal =768.75 NCH/day
. F h 
l 2  y v  

  py y.

768.75NCH/day x J65 (days) = 2805 .75 2 y

4. F h  l  

y h   p
l y.

8 (hrs/day) x 2 J (working days/year)=1704 

 h y

5. F h 
l .
a.) immediate
b.) reliever
c.) total personnel
. T
l 2 y 280,59J.75 = 165

 h y ,704

. Rl x 
l  2SG p
65 x 0. 5 = 25

. T
l 2SG. P
65 + 25 = 10
 h   p




90 x .65 = 24 professional nurses

90 x .J5 = 66 nursing attendants
10   p

7. D  y h

24 x .45 = 56 nurses on AM shift

24 x .J7 = 46 nurses on PM shift
24 x . 8 = 22 nurses on Night shift
66 x .45 = J0 nsg attendants on AM shift
66 x .J7 = 24 nsg attendants on PM shift
66 x . 8 = 2 nsg attendants on Night shift
m It is a timetable showing planned work days and
shift for nursing personnel.
m Scheduling is to assign working days and days off
to the nursing personnel so that ade uate patient
care is assured.
. Ability to cover the needs of the unit.
2. Quality to enhance the nursing personnel¶s
knowledge, training and experience.
J. Fairness to the staff
4. Stability
5. Flexibility
ësets a basic time pattern that is
repeated in cycles.
ëinclude systems of scheduling
personnel such as 0îhour and 2î
hour shifts, weekend alternative,
team rotation, and flexible hours.
ëis a method of scheduling in which
the nurse manager determines the
needs per day and shift and the
nursing staff schedule themselves to
meet these needs.
ëis a system of measuring worker
output and is commonly defined as
outputs divided by inputs.
ëare contract workers hired from a
staffing agency for a period of time
that may be for one to several days or
weeks. uemporary workers are not
employees of the health care agency
where they work.
m Oversees staffing activities through
human resource management that
includes use of a patient classification
system and provision of ualified
nursing personnel in ade uate
numbers to meet patient care needs.
m 0ses input from employees to
develop and implement a staffing
philosophy and staffing policies that
inspire personnel to work to their
maximum level of productivity.
*asic to planning for staffing of a division of
nursing is the fact that ualified nursing
personnel must be provided in sufficient
numbers to ensure ade uate, safe nursing care
for all patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
52 weeks a year.

D h  pl    l


 h y  

m Classification categories
[ Factor
[ Prototype
m uidelines
m Average care time for a patient in each category
m Method for calculating re uired staffing,
personnel mix, and re uired nursing care hours
m 0îhour shift
m 2îhour shift
m ÿeekend alternative
m Flex time
m Others
m Is commonly defined as output / input

m d   
v  h
 x 100
ëinclude recruitment, hiring,
assignment, scheduling, calculating
turnover, preparing payroll,
developing and administering
policies, and related activities.
m involves tasks like interviewing, hiring, coaching,
retention of state and performance
m are persons employed in an agency or department
m the process of enlisting personnel for employment;
the process of hiring
m the process of choosing or selecting candidates
according to their ualifications to the job; the
process of elimination
m capacity to retain employees once they are hired
À ÿord of mouth
À Advertisement
À Flyers
À Newsletter
À *ulletin
À Posters
À Career Days
À Job Fairs
À Placement
À Employee recommendation
m Phl

ph  h  p

 uhe manager should screen out applicants

who do not fit the agency¶s image.
 uhe manager should try to fit the job to a
promising applicant.
 0sually the manager should try to fit the
applicant to the job.
m    .+ 

[ Determine whether the applicant meets minimal
hiring re uirements.
[ Furnish background data useful in planning the
selection interview.
[ Obtain names of references who may be
contacted for additional information about the
applicant¶s work experience and general
[ Collect information for personnel administration
(SSN, # of dependents etc..)
m u

m ' 
[ face to face contact between the job seeker
and a person with full authority to fill the
position under discussion.
[ uhe purpose of the interview is to obtain
information, to give information, and to
determine if the applicant meets the
re uirements for the position.

. For staffing
2. Program costing and formulating budget
J. urack changes in patient care methods
4. Determine values for productivity e uation
5. Determine uality
m Issuance of assignments, orders and instructions
that permits the worker what is expected of the to
achieve organizational goals and objectives
ëis getting the work done through employees.
m Is the process by which a manager assigns
specific task/duties to workers with
commensurate authority to perform the task.

m uhe worker in return assumes responsibility

& is held accountable for its result.
. Ability of the worker to carry out the

2. Fairness not only to the employee

but to the team as a whole.
m Select the right person
m Delegate both interesting & uninteresting
m Provide staff with enough time to learn
m Delegate gradually
m Delegate in advance
m Consult before delegating
m Avoid gaps & overlaps

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