Communication & Consumer Behavior
Communication & Consumer Behavior
Communication & Consumer Behavior
Dishwashers were launched in 1924 but took 50
years to become a mainstream product even
in developed markets like US.
Diffusions of Innovation
The process by which
the acceptance of an
innovation is spread by
communication to
members of a social
system over a period of
Elements of the Diffusion Process
The Innovation
What is innovation?
The Innovation
• Firm-oriented definitions
– Product is “new” to the company
• Product-oriented definitions
– Continuous
– Dynamically continuous
– Discontinuous
The Innovation
Chapter Fourteen Slide
Channels of Communication
• Channels of communication
– Marketer to consumer
– Consumer to consumer
The Innovation
Chapter Fourteen Slide
The Social System
The Innovation
Chapter Fourteen Slide
• Purchase Time
• Adopter Categories
Awareness Consumer is first exposed to the Eric sees an ad for a 23-inch thin LCD
product innovation. HDTV in a magazine he is reading.
Interest Consumer is interested in the Eric reads about the HDTV set on the
product and searches for manufacturer’s Web site and then goes
additional information. to an electronics store near his
apartment and has a sales person show
him the unit.
Evaluation Consumer decides whether or After talking to a knowledgeable friend,
not to believe that this product Eric decides that his TV will fit nicely on
or service will satisfy the need – top of the chest in his bedroom. He also
a kind of “mental trial.” calls his cable company and finds out
that he can exchange his “standard”
cable box at no cost for an HDTV cable
Trial Consumer uses the product on a Since the HDTV set cannot be “tried”
limited basis like a small tube of toothpaste, Eric buys
the TV at this local electronics store on
his way home from work. The store
offers a 14-day full refund policy.
Adoption If trial is favorable, consumer Eric loves his new HDTV set and expects
(Rejection) decides to use the product on a many year of service from it.
full, rather than a limited basis –
if unfavorable, the consumer
decides to reject it.
Informative Affective