DM Ci 2020 00162
DM Ci 2020 00162
DM Ci 2020 00162
General Overview of the Memo
• the map of learning;
• resources for each DLDM;
• and proposed actions to address potential challenges
in implementing these DLDM.
Appendix A: General Guidelines and
1. Modalities of Distance Learning
A. Modular Distance Learning (MDL)
1. Digital Modular Distance Learning (DMDL)
2. Printed Modular Distance Learning (PMDL)
General Guidelines and Considerations
1. Modalities of Distance Learning
B. Online Distance Learning (ODL)
C. TV-Video/Radio-based Instruction (TV-Video/RBI)
c.1. TV-Video (SLM-based)
c.2 TV-Video (MELCs Mapped)
c.3. Radio-Based Instruction (RBI)
D. Blended Distance Learning (BDL)
General Guidelines and Considerations
2. Schools and Community Learning Centers (CLCs) are
authorized to decide on the specific DLDM which may
be deemed appropriate in their context.
General Guidelines and Considerations
Health and physical distancing protocols and other guidelines set in their respective
Availability of public transport;
Changes in the health status of the learner;
The learner’s assessment results showing that the learner is not doing well in the
learning delivery modality chosen; and
Indications and reports of negligence and abuse validated through home visitations.
General Guidelines and Considerations
5.As much as possible, the primary learning resource
that shall be used are the self-learning modules (SLMs)
developed by the regions for the implementation of the
Alternative Delivery Modes.
General Guidelines and Considerations
6. Other learning resources
learners’ materials,
MELCs-aligned teacher-made videos,
activity sheets,
interactive e-materials
*may supplement the required learning resource for each learning delivery modality
General Guidelines and Considerations
7. To make learning manageable for learners, they may be given a set
time frame to undertake a lesson or accomplish an activity. The setting of
the time frame shall be guided by the suggested time allotment a MELC
can be mastered.
recognized Google classroom
• Teachers shall present lessons in more than one format within the
learners’ capacity; this is to address the diverse learning profile of
learners when it comes to understanding and perceiving information.
2. Given the new context for learning and the unique procedures in
every modality, the Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be developed
following these procedures:
2a. Refer to the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) in
different subject areas.
Appendix D: Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan
2b. Gather the self-learning modules and other learning materials needed
for the self-paced learning mode.
2c. Using the SLMs as reference, accomplish the Weekly Learning Plan by
taking into consideration the learning competencies, key concepts/essential
understandings, and the learning tasks/formative assessments needed to
track learner’s progress in relation to the attainment of content standards
Appendix D: Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan
3. The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall consist of the following parts:
3a. Learning Area
3b. Learning Tasks
3c. Learning Competencies
3d. Mode of Delivery
Appendix D: Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan
5. The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall aid teachers and parents in
keeping track of the day-to-day in-school and off-school general
learning processes.
Appendix D: Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan
8. For learners who are given intervention activities, their Weekly Home
Learning Plan shall be adjusted to suit their comprehension level
Appendix D: Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan
10. The Individual Learning Monitoring Plan shall consist of the following parts:
a. Learner’s Needs
b. Intervention Strategies
c. Monitoring Date
d. Learner’s Status
e. Significant Progress
f. Insignificant Progress
g. Mastery
• Insignificant Progress refers to a status where a
learner “did not meet expectations” of the learning
standards and received a grade of 75 and below for
the first quarter and did not improve performance in
the succeeding quarters.
Significant Progress refers to a status where a learner has
significantly improved performance after provision of
intervention strategies by meeting learning standards as
manifested by an increase in his assessment results, e.g., from
“did not make expectations” in the previous quarter to “fairly
satisfactory” with a grade scale of 75- 79 in the succeeding
Mastery refers to a status where a learner has reached a level
of mastery after provision of intervention strategies by
meeting learning standards as manifested by an increase in
the assessment results, e.g., from “did not meet expectations”
or “fairly satisfactory” in the previous quarter to “satisfactory”
with a grade scale of 80-84 or “very satisfactory” with a grade
scale of 85-89 in the succeeding quarter, respectively.
Appendix D: Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan