Network RHK

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Basic Concepts of Network

 Network- Group of connected communicating

devices such as computers and printers
 Internet- Collaboration of hundred of thousands of
interconnected network. Network of networks
 Intranet
 Extranet
 Types of connection-
– Point to point
– Multi point
Topology of Network

 Topology- Physical configuration of network that

determines how computers are connected in the
 Common configurations-
 Mesh
 Star
 Bus
 Ring
 Tree
Data Communication Networking

Network connecting devices

 Gateway
 Router
 Bridge
 Switch
 Hub
 Repeater
Data Communication

 Deals with the transmission of signals from

location to another

 Communication model-
Source system Transmission system Destination system
Transmission Media

Guided Media Unguided Media

Twisted Pair Coaxial Cable Fiber optic Air/Wireless


Micro Wave


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