E011-Waste Management: Health Safety and Environment Training Course

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Waste Management 1

Fire Alarm

Emergency Exit

Muster Point

First Aid

Waste Management 3

 Provide a guideline that will enable to improve waste management

strategies in Saipem Sites and Projects


 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 4
 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 5

What is a Waste?
 WASTE is any substance or object which the holder discards or
intends or is required to discard.

What Waste Management means?

 WASTE MANAGEMENT means the collection, transport,
recycling/recovery/disposal of waste, including the supervision of
such operations and the after-care of disposal sites.

Waste Management 6
 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 7
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Saipem will always promote and enforce waste minimization activities and
approaches based on the ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) principle.
It aims to reduce the volume and hazard characteristics of waste generated
to the extent that is economically practical.





Waste Management 8
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach

1. REDUCE waste at source

 Reduction at source is the most effective approach to achieve waste

minimization. It is the first step in the waste minimization hierarchy.

 The “Reduce” approach regards not only waste – it also can be applied to
the amount of natural resources and energy we use.

Waste Management 9
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
TIPS for REDUCING waste at offices, projects … and home
 Reduce excess paper, make double-sided copies since applicable;
 Print out documents only when strictly necessary;
 Reduce plastic bags;
 Reduce plastic waste, e.g. by using ceramic mugs/bottles instead of
disposable plastic glasses;
 Reduce water bottles – you can refill at water dispensers instead of
purchasing a new disposable bottle;
 Purchase products with minimal packaging

Waste Management 10
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
An example from Saipem world

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: Recycling is good, Reusing even better …

Waste Management 11
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach


REUSE is the recovery of materials and products for the same or a similar
 Reuse refers to recovering the original product as it is

 Repair is often another function of reuse operations, when durable

goods need only minimal repair to be fully functioning again

 Reusing materials saves money, energy, and natural resources

Waste Management 12
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
TIPS for REUSING waste in Saipem sites/projects

Piece of drum as Trash bin Wood Scrap as Table

Wood Scrap as Border Oil Drums as Trash bins

Waste Management 13
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
TIPS for REUSING waste in Saipem sites/projects

Oil drums reused as waste containers and

painted for “colour coding”
Waste Management 14
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
TIPS for REUSING waste in Saipem sites/projects

Reused for barges

Rubber tires ???

Reused as protection for landfills

Reused as protection for side-boom

Waste Management 15
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach


 RECYCLE means converting waste back into an usable product

 Saipem personnel shall assess whether specific wastes may be used

as feedstock for another operation and evaluate suitable recycling

 Recycling is possible in a site when proper market or capabilities

are available in the interested area

Waste Management 16
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach

Tires Aluminum & Copper

Used oil Steel Wood Plastic

Waste Management 17
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste “Monetization”

Waste Monetization refers to save money by adopting a

suitable waste management system and recycling program.

Waste monetization means maximizing recycling

Assessment of Reporting
Action plan to
waste streams system for
start a proper
suitable to be recording
segregation and
"capitalized", on the savings VS RESOURCE
basis of available “monetization”
local market and expenditures
of the identified
capabilities for waste

Waste Management 18
 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 19
Waste Management Process

Waste Management Process is based on the following main elements:

 Waste identification & classification

 Waste collection in the working areas

 Waste temporary storage areas in site

 Waste off-site transportation

 Waste final destination

Waste Management 20
Waste Management Process
Waste identification & classification

The first step of a proper and effective waste management is the identification &

 Waste shall be properly classified in order to select the best available

management technique.

In Saipem sites, waste classification may differ according to local legislation and
requirements. However, as per international standards and best practices waste
shall be classified according to sources of production and hazardous

Waste Management 21
Waste Management Process
Waste Segregation

SEGREGATION is the physical separation of waste according to the specific

treatment and disposal requirements.

A proper segregation is the key for
making effective all the waste
management process.
Mixing Hazardous and Not-Hazardous
waste make all the waste stream

What is the benefit of segregation?

A proper segregation system will help us to reduce waste going to landfill,
will maximize the opportunity for recycling/reusing… and SAVE MONEY!

Waste Management 22
Waste Management Process
Non-Hazardous Waste
 Organic waste: from canteen, offices, packaging (e.g. food
waste, used cooking oil);
 Plastic (e.g. plastic drums): from canteen, offices, packaging
activities and not contaminated with oil, chemicals or organic
 Metal (e.g. cuttings, scraps, used electrodes and others), not
contaminated with oil, chemicals or organic waste;
 Glass, not contaminated with oil, chemicals or organic waste;
 Wood and sawdust, not contaminated with oil, chemicals or
organic waste;
 Inert waste (all waste generated mainly in the operation of
roads, demolitions, construction, or improvements that do not
undergo any physical, chemical, or biological modification
after being disposed of and that are not contaminated by
hazardous substances).

Waste Management 23
Waste Management Process
Hazardous Waste

 Exhausted oil, oil filters and oil contaminated materials;

 Chemical and paints;
 Drums and containers originated by industrial activities and contaminated with
hazardous substances;
 Utilities - batteries wet & dry, fluorescent tubes, switches, mercury containing
devices, etc.;
 Radioactive waste from NDT( Not Distructive Test) tests;
 Hazardous medical waste - dressings, hand gloves, sharps and syringes.

Waste Management 24
Waste Management Process
Hazardous Waste
Main Industrial Hazardous Waste

Rubber tires Car batteries Sewage water Empty chemicals and

paints containers

Spill waste Exhaust oil

Medical waste Empty cylinders
Waste Management 25
Waste Management Process
Waste Collection in the Working Areas

Without an effective segregation system,

the whole waste stream incurs the risk to become HAZARDOUS


Waste Management 26
Waste Management Process
Waste Temporary Storage Areas
Apart from collection points in the working areas, suitable areas for waste temporary
storage shall be foreseen on site. These areas shall be well identified by clear signboards
and properly fenced.
Waste removed from the various generation areas shall be collected, transferred and
temporally stored in this main collection points for a definite period, before being sent
off site.

Collection points
(working areas)

Daily transfer
to …

storage area

Waste Management 27
Waste Management Process
Waste Off-site Transportation
Wastes produced during Saipem activities are normally treated or disposed of in
authorized off-site facilities.

Authorized Third Parties are normally hired for waste transportation from the
generation site to the selected disposal/treatment facility.

Each Saipem site/project, as Waste Generator, shall ensure that any Third Party who
transports or disposes of waste on his behalf is authorized and executes his activities in
compliance with local regulations and international guidelines.

Each site/project shall record and track the generation, transport, treatment, and final
disposal of all waste generated in site.

Waste Management 28
Waste Management Process
Waste Off-site Transportation
A suitable document detailing the transfer of waste from one party to another
shall be issued before starting transportation and kept on site (generally it is
known as Waste Transfer Note, but it is well defined by the local

Waste data traceability shall be ensured by

Saipem personnel, that shall maintain
records of all the required documents!

Waste Management 29
 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 30
Environmental Reporting

Waste data shall be reported on quarterly basis

 STD-COR-HSE-003 “Environmental Reporting” describes the process

of collecting, reporting and analysis of environmental data, including
data concerning waste production
 The software Environmental Web Report (EWR) provides a common
tool to all Saipem Companies/sites/projects for the collection,
evaluation and dissemination of its environmental performance

The reporting system requires the following environmental data:

 Consumption of water
 Discharges of water
 Waste production
 Energy statements
 Oil & chemical accidental releases

Waste Management 31
 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 32
Training and Awareness
Waste Minimization Training in sites/projects
Before entering a site/project, each worker must be informed, about the hazards of the
workplace, the environmental issues arising from its activities, and actions to be
undertaken in case of emergencies.
This training is called “General HSE Induction“ and contains basic information on
environmental matters, as well as health & safety matters.

Waste Management 33
Training and Awareness
Waste Minimization Training in sites/projects
Subsequently a Specific Environmental Training shall be provided to the personnel
working at site/project.
These will give more in-depth information on environmental impacts arising from the
activity that the workers will be expected to perform, and on environmental
requirements, plans and procedures they shall comply with.

Waste Management 34
 Definitions
 Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
 Waste Management Process
 Environmental Reporting
 Training and Awareness
 Practical Examples

Waste Management 35
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction (Exercise)

To see how much waste can be reduced by using a reusable Aluminum

bottle instead of a PET bottle, we propose an exercise that show the
amount of CO2 saved.

Let’s compare the carbon footprint of a

PET bottle and an Aluminum bottle!

Waste Management 37
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction (Exercise)
PET bottle vs. ALUMINIUM bottle

 1 kg of PET = 6kg of CO2  1 kg of ALUMINIUM = 14,5 kg of CO2

 1 PET bottle of 20g = 120g of CO2  1 reusable ALUMINIUM bottle of

100g = 1450g of CO2
 By Saipem statistics about 1000
employees consumes about 100.000 of  1 bottle reused every day for 1000 times
PET bottles

 120 x 100.000 => 12 ton of CO2  1450 x 1 => 1450 g of CO2

How many PET bottles are necessary

to produce as CO2 as the ALLUMINIUM bottle?
Making second equivalence …
A car with a medium capacity driving a
distance of 1000 km produces about 120 kg CO2
(the same kg saved by the use of aluminum

(Source: UP, NomismaEnergia NE)

Waste Management 38
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction - eMEETING (Example & Exercise)

To reduce the amount of plastic waste, we propose to take part to a meeting

with a lower environmental impact.

Using environmentally friendly materials instead of plastic ones,

turn a Meeting into an eMEETING.

Let’s make a comparison between a normal meeting

and an eMEETING in terms of CO2 emissions!

Waste Management 39
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction - eMEETING (Example & Exercise)
You can organize your meetings as an eMEETING – the meeting with low
environmental impact.
eMEETING aims to reduce the amount of plastic waste with noteworthy environmental

Glass bottles, mugs/glasses and ceramic plates

can be used instead of plastic bottles, cups and plates.

EXERCISE: CO2 calculation

Taking into account the CO2 generated for the production of a bottle and for its recovery
for a new use, which is the amount of CO2 SAVED?

PET bottle (0,5 l) => 0.4 kg CO2*

GLASS bottle (0,75 l) => 0,2 kg CO2*

*= source O-I Vinitech with method “Cradle to Cradle”

Waste Management 40
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction - eMEETING (Example & Exercise)

EXERCISE answer:

1 + ½ PET = 0,4 CO2 + 0,2 kg CO2 = 0,5l + 0,25l = 0,75 l

1 GLASS = 0,2 kg CO2 = 0,75 l

PET 0,6 kg CO2 GLASS 0,2 kg CO2

0,6 - 0,2 = 0,4 kg CO2
0,4 / 0,6 = 0,66666 *100 = 66,6 % => 70 % of CO 2 saved.

70 % of CO2
0,4 kg + 0,2 kg of CO2 0,2 kg of CO2

Waste Management 41
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction - Print Count in Saipem sa (Example)
To reinforce the commitment towards more sustainable printing, a “Copying
and Printing Charter” (available both in French and English) was delivered to
all employees reminding a few simple rules to help reduce costs and protect
the environment:
 Avoid any unnecessary printings (too much
printings are left near copiers)
 Do not routinely print e-mails
 Use the empty side of the paper as scrap paper
 Set up Black & White printing as the default
 Photocopy and print double-sided by default

Waste Management 42
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction - Print Count in Saipem sa (Example)

Saipem SA – Paris Offices use a dedicated software called “Watchdoc” in order

to track the paper consumption of each printer user, by type of paper and type of
printing (color/black&white).

Waste Management 43
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction (Example)
Different initiatives are being promoted in sites/projects with the aim to reduce waste
production at source.
Conscious and aware of its operations’ carbon footprint, Saipem has decided to make steps
forward to reduce waste generation resulted from the use of PET water bottles or paper

 Replacement of the PET bottles with water dispensers.

 Replacement of paper towels with hand dryers.

Paper towels
create waste!!
Waste Management 44
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction in Saipem Fleet (Example)
Lesson learned from one of our vessel: hand dryer can not replace
completely the paper

If we place them in the changing rooms we have to consider that paper is still useful to
dry face.

When using the hand dryers or paper?



Waste Management 45
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reduction - Onshore project (Example)

Energy / Water Efficiency – Case Jazan Project

Hand dryers - Costs per year*

Price € Maintenance € Energy € CO2 (kg)

Power 2250 W 600 ~0 112 225

36 seconds

Power 1200 W 700 20 40
12 seconds

Power 1400 W 1300 300 23 46

12 seconds
*100 people a day, 250 days a year
Waste Management 46
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Reduction of waste disposed of offsite (Example)

Reduction of waste disposed of offsite

Waste Management 47
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Reduction of waste disposed of offsite (Example)

REDUCE THE VOLUME using waste treatment equipment

 Volume reduction up to 92%

Drum crusher

 Volume reduction of 70%

Baler compactor for paper/cardboard/plastic

Waste Management 48
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Reduction of waste disposed of offsite (Example)
The spent aerosols are considered HAZARDOUS WASTE.
By means of a system of 'punching' and filtering they become NON HAZARDOUS.


Punching Non hazardous waste


Now it may be
Hazardous waste recycled

Waste Management 49
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Reduction of waste disposed of offsite (Example)
The management of fluorescent lamps after use has concerns, especially connected to
storage. Inside the lamps, in particular, mercury (in both gas and liquid phase) is present.

 Decrease the size of storage (80%)

Hazardous waste
 Reduce handling
 Cost reduction (SAVE UP TO 50%

Grinder of fluorescent lamps ON RECYCLING / DISPOSAL COSTS)

Waste Management 50
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reusing - A Pipeline Construction Project (Example)
Useful examples of wood reusing

Off-spec metallic pipes Tree trunks used for roads Wood reused for the
reused for the construction stabilization construction of bridges
of access roads

Waste Management 51
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Water Reusing (Example)

Treated wastewater Reused for dust suppression

Waste Management 52
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Reusing in Saipem (Example)

PALLETS and DRUMS in Saipem sites

Waste Management 53
Waste Management Strategy: 3R Approach
Waste Recycling in Saipem (Example)

Example of tires recycling:

Used Tires

Floor mats for the warehouse

Waste Management 54
Waste Management Process
Waste Off-site Transportation (Example)
Most of wastes produced during Saipem activities are normally treated or disposed of by
authorized Third Parties.
Critical Waste to be kept on board:
 Medical waste Biohazard and strict regulations for detention time
 Food waste Odours, nuisance, insects
All waste generated on vessels is normally delivered to port reception facilities or sent
to shore for proper disposal via supply vessels.
On board of vessels there is generally an incinerator for domestic waste.

Saipem 7000

Waste Management 55
Waste Management Process
Non-Hazardous Waste General Processes (Example)

Transportation from company Final Disposal Area for non

valuable waste


Reuse the pieces of wood Give away to society
Waste Management 56

Waste Management 57
Waste Management 58

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