Group 1 BSECE-SEP 1A Political Self

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U N PA C K I N G T H E S E L F :

The Political Self

Group 1 BSECE-SEP 1A
• From the Greek word politika meaning “affairs of the cities”.
• Set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of
power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status
• Concerned with the making as distinguished from the administration of governmental
• Having a political self means that we are able to govern and control over a group of
people in a community.
Political Self
• Refers to a representation of oneself about
• A public identity one makes and constructs
about him/herself to be
• Political position based on the interest and
perspective of a social organization
Role of the family
Parents opens to their children the topics about government,
its political leaders, and current events, but this rarely
happens. They can influence their children's insights
regarding the development of political values and ideas, such
as respect for political symbols or belief in a particular
cause. The family as a part of political socialization is most
successful in passing on basic political identities.
The home environment can either support or discourage young people’s
involvement in political affairs.

• Children whose parents discuss politics frequently and encourage the

expression of strong opinions, even if it means challenging others, are
likely to become politically active adults. Young people raised in this type
of family will often initiate political discussion and encourage parents to
become involved.

• Alternatively, young people from homes where political conversations are

rare, and airing controversial viewpoints is discouraged, tend to abstain
from politics as adults.
Social interaction
• A social interaction is a social exchange between two or
more individuals. These interactions form the basis for
social structure and therefore are a key object of basic
social inquiry and analysis.
• Social structures and cultures are founded upon social
interactions. By interacting with one another, people
design rules, institutions and systems within which they
seek to live.
Social interaction can affect political self of one
another by sharing their thought and insights
about the politics. By interacting with other
people, it may change the political view of
someone by giving their own views in the certain
issues. Socializing with people influences the
political self of one another by giving ideas,
thoughts and beliefs.
Developing a Filipino
Va l u e s , T r a i t s , C o m m u n i t y , a n d
Institutional Factors
The Philippines today has only emerged in the 1980s
after centuries of colonization. Foreign culture,
beliefs, language, and religion have made a huge
dent on our own by setting a foundation to the
contemporary Filipino identity and culture.

Have Filipinos truly developed an identity of their own or are they

still living in the shadow of their colonizers?
Values and traits
• VALUES - as the person’s standards of
behavior and judgment of life.

• TRAITS - the specific characteristics that

distinguishes it from others.
values and traits
are known for being hospitable to their
guests or tourists in their places; making
them feel at home, giving them the
privileges. This can be also negative in a
way that Filipinos go to lengths like having
a debt to satisfy their visitors.
RESPECT FOR ELDERS – Filipinos use gestures such as mano po to
elders and titles (lola, lolo, nanay, tatay, etc.) as a sign of respect and not
using them makes people rude and impolite.
CLOSE FAMILY TIES – Filipinos value their
family and maintain a tight relationship with
them even when they are old and have their
own families. They like to get together in
occasions and holidays and usually live in a
big house for them to stay together with their
relatives. Taking care for their elders is
preferable for them than nursing homes.
SELF-SACRIFICE – An iconic attitude of a
Filipinos is being selfless which can be a
connection to their hospitality in a sense that
they go to lengths to comfort their family,
loved ones, and friends.
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) is called a modern day Filipino
heroes for their sacrifices to make a living for their family and
also can be said to the eldest among the children who gave up
their study to provide for their younger siblings.
loves to smile even in hard times and it shows
especially in interviews for calamities and
disasters such as typhoons and fire accidents.
They used smiling to cope up with their
problems and maintained a positive outlook
in life.
BAYANIHAN – is defined as the spirit of
communal unity and cooperation of
Filipinos without wanting a return of
favor. It’s not always a financial help and
it can also be in form of time and effort.
This can be seen in the rallies to send
help and aid to those in needs (e.g.
calamity survivors and victims).
“BAHALA NA” ATTITUDE – The cheerful attitude of Filipinos also shown in this
one. The phrase bahala na was said to be originated in bathala na which bathala
means God that suggest that leaving everything to God’s hands. This can also be
compared to hakuna matata which means no worries.
COLONIAL MENTALITY – is regarded as the lack of patriotism and favor foreign
products than their own. It is also not limited to physical traits; Filipinos desire to
look more foreign and are very passionate to foreign trends. This can be the result of
years of being colonized by different countries in their history.
How to be
A good filipino
1. Be an active Filipino citizen.
A good Filipino citizen is aware
of current event and participates
in government programs that aim
for the country's progression and
2. Study the Philippine History.
The road of the Philippine history is long
and bloody, and by learning and fully
understand the Philippine history, you will
learn so much as to why is it important for
to love your country with your life, extend
to help your fellow Filipino in need, and
recognize abuse of political power.
3. Support local products.
When you buy local products you are not
only helping the local manufacturer and
business man, but you also strengthen the
local economy. Supporting local products
also displays our creativity, innovativeness,
and resourcefulness.
4. Speak the Filipino language.
The history of Filipino language was as long and hard as
the Philippine history. Jose Rizal highlighted the importance of speaking the
national language as a way of displaying the love for one's country. Speaking
Filipino also serves as a unique identifier of being a Filipino.
5. Do not spread fake news and
be democratic in engaging with
This period in the history of the
Philippines has seen
how the internet spawned tons of
possibilities for people, both
good and bad.
Group 1 BSECE-SEP 1A

Balano, Elmer
Bibas, Claire Janes
Duran, Eleanor
Lebosada, Andrea Nicole
Lim, Kyle Justin
Lizarda, Julienne
Morta, Rancey
Muleta, Paullyn
Peña, Hanz Nicolle
Sobrepeña, Mark Danielle
Suzara, Jennilyn
Ve n u s , D y r a n e l l e

References are given at the module

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